When it still looked like the project might happen, Marks elaborated on what it would have been like (via MTV). "It's a very, very awesome prison. I majored in architecture in college, and design is how I actually started in. For 'Super Max,' designing that prison, it had to be the kind of thing that was a character in and of itself. We're in a world where instead of just trying to contain a guy who's really big, you're trying to contain a guy who can — in the case of Icicle — who can freeze things. What kind of a cell would a guy like that need in order to have his powers neutralized? So to escape from Super Max they have got to go through the most elaborate heist we've ever seen, involving superpowers. Because the prison itself kind of has superpowers!"
The film is said to have included several A, B, and C-List villains and heroes from the DC universeincluding Icicle, Amanda Waller, Gemini, The Pied Piper, The Riddler, Lex Luthor, and The Joker. At the time this looked like Warner Bros.' answer to what Marvel Studios had just started doing, but the project slowly went away and will likely never be heard from again.
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