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The Zhatikhons
The Zatikhon Hegemony Contents
[hide] • , The Zatikhon Hegemony – • , The Zatikhon Worker Class. • ,
1 History
• , Physical aspects
• , Zatikhon Hegemony Operations
• , Zaitikhon Speculators Agents
• , Zatikhon Commerse Agents
• , Zatikhon Enforcers
• , Zatikhon Family Structure.
• , Editors Notes.SaticonSaticon with PenantSaticon dollSaticons attack B,Add a photo to this galleryAdd a photo to this galleryJSSnippetsStack.push({
, The Zatikhon Hegemony – Edit Zatakhon Hegemony a kind of organized capitolistic /crime being active not only in several illegal fields, but also tending to exercise sovereignty functions – normally belonging to public authorities – over a specific territory and are a loose confederation of about one hundred organized and separate Zatakhon groups. a hegemon –or hegemony are , acquires some degree of consent from the subordinate, as opposed to dominance purely by force. The Zatikhon People are a race of nomadic, extraterrestrial parasites originating from a now dyingplanet. Realizing that it was only a matter of time before the planet,s resources would be completely depleted, the pods somehow evolved the ability to defy gravity and leave their planet,s atmosphere in the search of a new world to colonize. For millennia, the Zatikhon moved about space like spores, propelled by the solar winds, some occasionally landing on inhabited planets. Once there, they would replace the dominant species by spawning emotionless replicas; the original bodies would then disintegrate into dust once the duplication process was completed. They would then consume all of the planet,s resources, only to then leave in search of yet another new world. Such a consumption was apparently the fate of the civilizations that once inhabited and the . The Zatikhon, sole purpose in life was that of individual survival, with no attention given to the civilizations they conquered or the resources they squandered.
, The Zatikhon Worker Class. Edit ,
2 History
Edit The Zhatikhon Primitives were a slave race created by the Mystrann Hygemony, , an advanced offshoot of Zhatikhon Fungus Plant,that are bred on various worlds under their control.The fungus are genetacally engineered and seeded on various suitable worlds,including one alternate timeline earth like world.The Zhatikhon lifeform developes into a variety of basic lifeforms,from basic primaive life in the sea to surface life,that mimic allot of functions of an aminal like plant species.The Grond or Grondian being the eariest type of primative humanoid Zhatikhon specias.Zhatirhann,Mhushock,Khu-small fungus basic tree creature , to Yhunn khu, low class of humanoid lifeform,capable of sentience and humanoid movement. Because of the Zhatikhon, , low population, they created a labor force of hominids bred to be strong, but of limited intelligence. They were also rendered unable to breed, being produced only by cloning in great humanoid sacks or pods.
3 Zhaikhons on alternate Earth
The Zhatikhon Ghronn Pilot,known as are attacked by sled dogs and the scientists recover a severed arm.Ghronn,known as Jhamm Arhuss was secretly protecting the three Zhatikhon Agents-Grad Arkoss,Mhagnuss Milkhorr and Phax Dilvos,hidden aboard in Type Regeneration Chambers,trying to survive long enough a rescue ship made of Zhatikhon Enforcers.
As the arm warms up, it ingests some of the dogs, blood covering it, and the hand begins moving.Somehow,the Ghronn pilot was telepathically controlling its severed limb and trying to retreive it long distance.Jhamm Arhuss,returns and attacks the group,led by Omega Warrior Alexander Fate,Junior.Fate manages to fight off the creature,but it retreats along with its severed arm. Seed pods are quickly discovered in the palm, demonstrating that the Zhatikhon are a form of plant life. Carrington are convinced that it can be reasoned with and has much to teach them, but Dr. Chapman and the others disagree; the Air Force personnel believe the creature may be dangerous. Carrington deduces their visitor requires blood to survive and reproduce . He later discovers the body of a dead sled dog in the outpost,s greenhouse; the Zhatikhon has forced the lock on the greenhouse,s door and bent it back into shape. Carrington has Dr. Voorhees, Dr. Olsen and Dr. Auerbach stand guard overnight, waiting for it to return. Carrington secretly uses blood plasma from the infirmary to incubate seedlings grown from the Zhatikhon seed pods. In the greenhouse, the strung,up bodies of Olsen and Auerbach are discovered, drained of blood.
Dr. Stern are almost killed by the thing but escapes. Nikki Nicholson, Carrington,s secretary, reluctantly updates Hendry when he asks about missing plasma and confronts Carrington in their lab, where he discovers the seeds have grown at an alarming rate. Dr. Wilson advises Carrington that he has not slept, but Carrington remains unconcerned. Hendry ruthe females s to the greenhouse after hearing what happened there: their visitor are behind the door as Hendry opens it, and he immediately slams the door on the thing,s regrown arm as it tries to grab them; as the Zhatikhon pulls the arm back through, its barbed knuckles rip the door,s trim to splinters. It escapes through the greenhouse,s exterior door and breaks into another building in the compound. Following Nicholson,s suggestion, Hendry and their men set a trap in a nearby room: they set the thing ablaze using a flare gun and buckets of kerosene, forcing it to jump through a closed window into the arctic storm. Nicholson notices that the temperature inside the station are falling; a heating fuel line has been sabotaged by the creature.
The cold forces everyone to make a final stand near the generator room. They rig an electrical "fly trap", hoping to electrocute the Zhatikhon . As it advances, Carrington tries to save it by shutting off the power and reasoning with it; the creature knocks them aside and continues to advance. An airman throws a pick axe at the creature, forcing it to step on their wire fence grid. A switch are thrown and the thing are reduced by arcs of electricity to a smoldering pile of ash upon Hendry,s direct order that nothing of their visitor remain
" Zhatikhon " are a humanoid lifeform whose cellular structure are closer to vegetation, although it must feed on blood to survive; reporter Scott even refers to it in the film as an "intellectual carrot." The internal, plant,like structure of the creature makes it impervious to bullets but not other destructive forces. In my opinion the " Zhatikhon " are a life form capable of assuming the physical and mental characteristics of any living thing it encounters by holographic trickery;''
Colonel Alexander Fate,Junior.The Zhatikhon Affair.Mission Log.Final Entry.
4 Powers and abilities
Zhatikhon can inhabit and animate vegetable matter anywhere (including Zhatikhon plants, even sentient ones) and construct it into a body for himself. As a result, bodily attacks mean little to them. He can easily regrow damaged or severed body parts, and can even transport himself across the globe by leaving their current form, transferring their consciousness to a new form grown from whatever vegetable matter are present in the location he withe females s to reach (he even grew himself a form out of John Constantine,s meager tobacco supply on one occasion)
Zhatikhon possesses superhuman strength of undefined limits. While Swamp Zhatikhon ,s strength has never been portrayed as prominently as many of their other abilities, he demonstrated sufficient strength to rip large trees out of the ground with ease and trade blows with the likes of Etrigan the Demon.
Zhatikhon can control any form of plant life. He can make it move to their will or accelerate its growth. This control even extends to Zhatikhon life, as he once cured Members of the Legion of Time,Sorcerers of an infection caused by exposure to a Atlantean virus that was driving Members of the Legion of Time,Sorcerers mad and causing their body to burn out its own power
.A Zhaikhon Agent,managed to kidnap and torchure Count Harlan Sakhon,discovering the undimentry secrets of the paranormal abilities.Stealing the protype of the Imperial Atlantean Combat Armor and matching it with the already possessing Galaxean Power suite,the Zhatikhons were the first to reverse engineer with the help of the Ephashians,Beholders and Khelloreans,the first of a series of knock off Zhatikhon/Vhendikhar/Zhatirhann personal combat armory,to exploited for the highest binders.
Zhatikhon had also mastered the elements of fire, earth, water and air, implying that he has retained these abilities and has the power once held by the Legion. .Zhatikhons employed Tittan scientist and engineers,who was transformed into a creature composed of vegetable matter through the synergistic interaction of mystical energy and chemical mutagens. The change in Zhatikhon ,s intellect can partly be explained by fact that its brain, sensory organs, and central nervous system are now organized in a completely different fashion than a human; for instance, Zhatikhon ,s auditory receptors are in their forehead., Regardless of what level of humanity the creature still possesses, it can discern when a person,s motivations are evil, which causes it pain and motivates it to lash out. The Zhatikhon possesses a variety of superhuman powers, described below, that are derived from the interaction of the scientific technology purchised by Zhatikhon and the company found across many alternate Realities. They are able to sense human emotions, and are enraged by fear and automatically secretes a strong chemical corrosive;.
Even individuals that have high levels of superhuman durability have proven unable to withstand this potent acid. While the Zhatikhon are devoid of violent emotions, their body produces a type of foamy, soapy mucus that neutralizes the acid. Although each individual Zhatikhon,s superhuman strength varies considerably one to another appearances, it has been establithe females agents/enforcers that possesses physical strength beyond the limitations of any human athlete. Initially, the Zhatikhon are only slightly stronger than Atlantean Alpha Omega Warrior , but in later appearances, the Zhatikhon possesses sufficient superhuman strength to stand toe to toe with much stronger villains. He are able to lift a ,, pound automobile when sufficiently moved to do so.
The Zhatikhon ,s body are practically invulnerable to harm. Because their body are not entirely solid, but composed of the muck and vegetative matter of the swamp, fists, bullets, knives, energy blasts, etc. will either pass entirely through them or will harmlessly be lodged within their body. Even if a vast portion of the Zhatikhon ,s body were to be ripped away or incinerated, he would be able to reorganize himself by drawing the necessary material from the surrounding vegetation.
The Zhatikhon can be sliced them nearly in half, and can has survive if properly treated in time,by placing them within a Zhatikhon Birthing Chamber. although their healing from the latter has been the longest and most complex in their lifetime. . The Zhatikhon are dependent upon the moise environment suites,that they inhabits for their continued survival; their body would slowly weaken and eventually lapse into dormancy if not returned to the swamp or would be greatly damaged if exposed to clean water. He generally leaves the swamp of their own accord only if he senses a mystical disturbance.
Zhatikhon has also demonstrated himself susceptible to possession by other entities. Zhatikhon can absorb wood as food, with the ability to rebuild himself and enhance their strength. He can control trees, using them to attack others, and also appears to be resistant to fire. He is able to sprout, dramatically increasing their mass but also severely inhibiting their movement.
Zhatikhon has been seemingly killed on three occasions, each time regrowing from a sprig. Zhatikhon also have the ability to spew forth clouds of special spores. The number and kind of spores increase as they grow. As each Zhatikhon advances to another size level, it gains the ability to spray another type of spores, and the number of times per day that each spore type can be emitted also increases. A Zhatikhon can emit each of its spore types a number of times per day equal to its ,,. Due to Zhatikhon,s lineage, coming from an ancient and ennobled sap,line and being the scion of an elite royal house, Zhatikhon has received the finest education from the most gifted of tutors. They are highly intelligent and has a tremendous grasp of quasi,dimensional super,positional engineering.asserted that whenever Zhatikhon is saying their trademark "I am Zhatikhon!" he has actually been saying any number of things. The mature form of Zhatikhon,s species is robust and heavyweight, which causes the organs of acoustic generation to become stiff and inflexible. It is this hardened nature of Zhatikhon,s larynx that causes people, who are oblivious to the subtle nuances of their speech, to misinterpret him as merely repeating their name. It has yet to be determined whether Maximus, claim is true or merely another manifestation of their madness, though Zhatikhon did genuinely seem to be assisting Maximus with highly,advanced engineering.,
5 Powers and abilities[edit source | editbeta]
Zhatikhon female are used to help fertilize male Zhatikhon spores placed Zhatikhon Birthing Chambers. a deliberate overdose of plant and animal based toxins into Zhatikhon female blood stream that make Zhatikhon female touch deadly while also allowing Zhatikhon female to boost Zhatikhon female immunity to all poisons, viruses, bacteria, and fungi. This immunity also includes naudain venom., Some comics have even gone so far as to depict Zhatikhon female as more plant than human, breathing CO, and requiring sunlight to survive. Female Zhatikhon,s appearances are roughly humanoid, green,haired appearance, in time the amount of vegetable toxins and chlorophyll in Zhatikhon female tissue tinted Zhatikhon female skin permanently green. After years of practice, the females regained the ability to consciously control Zhatikhon female appearance, restoring herself to an almost fully human facade, with only Zhatikhon female lips and eyes tinted a bright shade of green.
The females body produces pheromones that make people susceptible to mind control around Zhatikhon female , although strong,minded people like Batman are usually capable of resisting. The females was even once able to control Members of the Legion of Time,Sorcerers with specialed toxin formulas,until their effects were off. The females specializes in hybrids and can create the most potently powerful floral toxins in Among Zhatikhon star ships and worldships. Often these toxins are secreted from Zhatikhon female lips and administered in Zhatikhon female preferred way, a poisonous kiss, usually after professing false love or affection for Zhatikhon female victim. They come in a number of varieties, from mind,cont,ing drugs to instantly fatal toxins. In some adaptations, the females can control plants with Zhatikhon female mind. For example, while in a Zhatikhon Time Vault, the females was able to manipulate and animate plants, using roots to form supports for a tunnel the females and another inmate named Magpie were digging to escape, and also spawning glowing fungi to entertain Magpie.
Zhatikhon female is identified often as Zhattikhon Personal Assistant . Zhatikhon female also shows capabilities of using the Zhatikhon femalecarries, on Zhatikhon female current costume, is similar tto with Zhatikhon female natural ability to commune with plant life, they act as weaponry, or defensive/grabbing appendages. Their supply is, however, limited. The females capabilities were greatly reduced Zhatikhon female only physical power is an immunity to poison. Her deadly kiss was only possible with a special lipstick poisoned with toxins extracted from a plant. The females admits to having a "hyperactive immune system" which prevents Zhatikhon female from having children. the females can even exhale mind,cont,ing spores in the form of a blown kiss. Breghalad Leranghis Phangorn Phinglas: Although the Zhatikhon lacks true human emotions,such as compassion,kindnessother the strive for greed and power within the Hygemony.
the Doctrines of Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow The Zhatikhon kind of normal human intellect, in its life as Zhatikhon,dedicated themselves to the Doctrines of Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow ,two Zhatikhon said to the Founders of their civilization,according to Zhatikhon Mythology.
Zhatikhon,s are as close a god and goddesss,one can come to think of as such a deity. The true identity these Zhatikhon Founders remains obscured in the tangled histories of Zhatikhon Hygemony Doctrines,much that might partial truth,while others might be made up,by the Hygemony over centuries of retelling and carefull editing.Outsider could Zhatikhon,have many speculations as to any true existence of the Founders of the Zhatikhon Hygemogy,but few clear evidence exists beyond a few relics from Anuss Khorhann and Gorgonn Greegows time and many of them are believed to manuefactured relics,to help keep those ledends alive,sold off course to support the Zhatikhon Empire of Greed.
. ===Zhaikhon Slave== == In only a decade, the first five hundred Zhatikhon Slaves were created. They began providing support to the Zatikhon civilization in manufacturing, plumbing, drainage, food processing,farming,defence and more. They worked for eighteen hours a day, sleeping the other six, and having no need for culture or leisure. They understood human language in a similar way a six,year,old Human child would. They had a life expectancy of forty,two years. Being non,sexual beings, their only chance for reproduction are through cloning. Due to this, all the Zatikhon Workers are exactly equal. The Zhatikhon s replace human beings with Primal Zhatikhon or Zhatikhon Primitives that appear identical on the surface but are devoid of any emotion or individuality The have a life span of no more than , years. As a result, , years after taking over the last human being, the Zhatikhon s would have to look for a new planet with new life forms as hosts – leaving behind a depopulated earth. The seeds replace sleeping people with perfect physical Primal Zhatikhon or Zhatikhon Primitives grown from plantlike pods, while their human victims turn to dust. The Primal Zhatikhon or Zhatikhon Primitives live only five years, and they cannot sexually reproduce; consequently, if unstopped, they will quickly turn any planet into a dead planet and move on to the next world. One of the duplicate Zhatikhon s suggests that this are what all humans do; use up resources, wipe out indigenous populations, and destroy ecosystems in the name of survival.Most Zhatikhon live upon dark worlds converted into huge conglomations of technology,artificial substances the mimic organic and planet machinery.
. ===Zhaikhon Slave== == In only a decade, the first five hundred Zhatikhon Slaves were created. They began providing support to the Zatikhon civilization in manufacturing, plumbing, drainage, food processing,farming,defence and more. They worked for eighteen hours a day, sleeping the other six, and having no need for culture or leisure. They understood human language in a similar way a six,year,old Human child would. They had a life expectancy of forty,two years. Being non,sexual beings, their only chance for reproduction are through cloning. Due to this, all the Zatikhon Workers are exactly equal. The Zhatikhon s replace human beings with Primal Zhatikhon or Zhatikhon Primitives that appear identical on the surface but are devoid of any emotion or individuality The have a life span of no more than , years. As a result, , years after taking over the last human being, the Zhatikhon s would have to look for a new planet with new life forms as hosts – leaving behind a depopulated earth. The seeds replace sleeping people with perfect physical Primal Zhatikhon or Zhatikhon Primitives grown from plantlike pods, while their human victims turn to dust. The Primal Zhatikhon or Zhatikhon Primitives live only five years, and they cannot sexually reproduce; consequently, if unstopped, they will quickly turn any planet into a dead planet and move on to the next world. One of the duplicate Zhatikhon s suggests that this are what all humans do; use up resources, wipe out indigenous populations, and destroy ecosystems in the name of survival.Most Zhatikhon live upon dark worlds converted into huge conglomations of technology,artificial substances the mimic organic and planet machinery.
,Since then, and for all the successive millennia, the ,The Zatikhon Worker or Slave Class had lifespans of only five years, and could not sexually reproduce. Their service to the Hygemony was all and in time developed into corporate civilization,that used wealth and prosition to advance their societies survival.Their invasion of other near by star systems was short,lived: unable to tolerate the the females er determination humanity displayed in defense, the Pods abandoned the planet, leaving behind a small population of Primal Zhatikhon or Zhatikhon Primitives , who died shortly after.The Zatikhon people have no culture of their own, only what they have copied from other worlds, and they have no goal beyond survival. , The processes by which a dominant culture maintains its dominant position: for example, the use of institutions to formalize power; the employment of a bureaucracy to make power seem abstract (and, therefore, not attached to any one individual); the inculcation of the populace in the ideals of the hegomonic group through education, advertising, publication, etc.; the mobilization of a police force as well as military personnel to subdue opposition. Zatakhon Hegemony, possably an outgrowth of the Trongaroth Hegemony, maintains the lower operatives of the Zatikhon Corporation, by way their concent, as long as they maintain and acquire wealth and continued existence of the general whole corporate enmity. ,
6 Physical aspects Edit
Zatikhon Enforcer Agents wear dark grey or black business suits lined with a gold fabric, black dress shoes, a silver bar tie clip to complement the tie, square sunglasses or Macroscope Visors, over the masks,that hide true faces and a communication earpiece to inform them of any disturbances within the system. These features are copied from the attire for plainclothes agents of the United States Secret Service, as well as those of the Men in Black conspiracy or the stereotypical G,Zhatikhon/FBI official. Zatikhon Enforcers Agents carry handguns in shoulder holsters that are concealed beneath their suits. In addition to proficiency in the use of firearms, all Agents are masters of the martial arts and hand,to,hand combat.They also carry Cosmic Canes,similar to certain members of the Legion of Time Sorcerers,to appear as simply walking sticks,but are actually disguised hand weapons.hese are knockoff designs barrowed from Galaxean Temporal Guardians,re-engineered o suie Zhatikhon Agents and Enforcers.
7 Zhaikhon Enforcers Agents
Zatikhon Enforcer Agents are programmed to be extremely agile,unlike regular Special Commerse Agents allowing them to perform superhuman feats such as leaping great distances, while possessing exceptional reflexes; on one occasion managed to directly counter a punch from with a punch of their own to still,moving fist. They can briefly move at speeds fast enough to evade gunfire, at least in most circumstances; contact shots are effective, as are weapons with an extremely high rate of fire, such as that from a as seen in They seem to be impervious to pain, or to have an extremely high tolerance for it; when shoots one Agent with a pistol or rifle, he shows no visible reaction to several bullets piercing their arm. They can only be "killed" by wounds that would be instantly lethal to a human; trauma to the head, heart, upper spine, and plant like skeleton structure,that somewhat similar to a cross between a human skeleton and a hard,bark like tree structure,so on.The Zatikhon form are made up of vegetable matter, and very difficult to harm,but can injured or severly damaged.The Zatikhon Agents can easily regrow damaged or severed body parts, Neither the Zhatikhon nor their planet were ever named. Their human appearance was a disguise; they were never shown in their true form except in one episode, "Genesis", in which an ill Zhatikhon researcher loses their human form and are briefly seen immersed in a tank of water. Unless they receive periodic treatments in what Vincent called "regeneration chambers", which consume a great deal of electrical power, they revert to their Zhatikhon form. One scene in the series showed an Zhatikhon beginning to revert, filmed in soft focus and with pulsating red light.
They had certain characteristics by which they could be detected, such as the absence of a pulse and the inability to bleed red blood. Nearly all were emotionless and had "mutated" little fingers which could not move easily without gloves.There were also a number of mutant Zhatikhon s, who experienced emotions similar to those of humans, and who even opposed the Zhatikhon takeover. The existence of the Zhatikhon could not be documented by killing one and examining the body: When they died, their bodies would begin to degenerate and disintegrate into mushy fungus like mass— leaving only their clothes and anything else they were touching — leaving little more than traces of black brownish mush. On several occasions, a dying Zhatikhon would deliberately touch a piece of their technology to prevent it from falling into the hands of humans. Alien technology[edit source | editbeta] The type of spaceship by which the Zhatikhon reach the exploitation of other planets are a flying saucer of a design derivative of that shown in the contestable early,,s photographs of self,proclaimed UFO "contactee" George Adamski, but instead of having three spheres on the underside, the Zhatikhon , craft has five shallower protrusions. It was a principle of the production crew to not show them with set and prop designs and control panels that were utterly Zhatikhon from the conventional human ones . They use a small, handheld, disc,shaped weapon with five glowing white lights applied to the back of the victim,s head or neck to induce a seemingly,natural death, which are usually diagnosed as a cerebral hemorrhage. They also employ powerful weapons to disintegrate witnesses, vehicles and , in one episode , a sick member of their own race whose infection,s side effects were resulting in unwanted notoriety. Also in their arsenal are a small device consisting of two spinning transparent crystals joined at their corners which forces human beings to do the Zhatikhon s, bidding. Cold War overtones[edit source | editbeta] For many viewers, the theme of paranoia infusing The Zhatikhon often appeared to reflect Cold War fears of Communist infiltration that had lingered from the McCarthy period a decade earlier. Cohen said their experience of the blacklisting of Hollywood screenwriters for alleged Communist connections inspired them to make "a mockery" of the fear of insidious infiltration of society, by substituting space Zhatikhon for Communists. Cohen also acknowledged he was not the first to turn Cold War fears into science,fiction drama. As noted above, such fears had influenced such films as Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Cohen also stated in their commentary that the political intent inherent in some of their creations, including The Zhatikhon , was not always appreciated or shared by producers and actors.
Without a doubt this are one of the most important piece of equipment used by the Zhatikhon , the regeneration tubes. Periodically they must enter in the regeneration tubes to regenerate their Human form because in their natural form the oxygen in the exploitation of other planets,s atmosphere are toxic for them.Without a doubt this are one of the most important piece of equipment used by the Zhatikhon , the regeneration tubes. Periodically they must enter in the regeneration tubes to regenerate their Human form because in their natural form the oxygen in the exploitation of other planets,s atmosphere are toxic for them.This periodic treatment maintains their assigned somewhat Humanoid appearance as well.
8 Zhatikhon Armor
Edit Talk0
Zhatikhon use Zhatikhon Hydrosuites is a full body suit worn by agents on many planets that was designed to preserve the body,s moisture. It consisted of various layers that would firstly absorb the body,s moisture through sweating and urination, and then filter the impurities so that drinkable water would be circulated to catchpockets. The individual could then drink the reclaimed water from a tube attached to the neck.The Zhatikhon Holosuite,is worn over that and prevents,using shifting rainbow colors to hide true appearance.The suite also protects them from harm,but does little prevent the odors given off by the musty fungus like smell given off by the Zhatikhon.This is where,the term smells like a Zhatikhon comes across temporal space.Contents
• 1 Design
• 2 Manufacture
• 3 Use
• 4 Appearances ,
9 Design Edit
The Zhatikhon Hydrosuites typically covered the entire body, up to the neck and wrists. For the hands, gloves could be worn. However, when delicate work was performed, Zhatikhon discarded the gloves and their hands. A facial mask could also be worn so that moisture from the mouth and face could also be reclaimed. , Manufacture Edit During the Zhatikhon Reformation but far from it, in Zhatikhon worlds, the outlaws of Vhendikhar and Zhatirhann rebels had developed distilling suitswith internal recycling systems and protection and survival during times when they must be abroad in the open desert. During the time of the Vhendikhar and Zhatirhann rebels, stillsuits were manufactured by Zhatikhon as well as private entrepreneurs. However, Zhatikhon manufactured stillsuits were widely considered the best, as they were the only ones that could preserve the body,s moisture in the deep desert. Only an average of a thimbleful of water a day was lost when a Zhatikhon Zhatikhon Hydrosuites was worn
10 Zhatikhon Hydrosuites
Zhatikhon Hydrosuites discipline was very strict,since an individual,s body water belonged to the hygemony , it was everybody,s personal responsibility to preserve as much of their water as possible. Moreove utter adherence to maximum use among the Outsiders, Zhatikhon Hydrosuites discipline was the only way one would have a chance of surviving. While with the worldship Zhatikhon Hydrosuites discipline was more relaxed.One of the measures of the progress of Zhatikhon worlds, transformation from a desert planet to a lush world was when Zhatikhon no longer required to wear stillsuits in the open air. ,
11 Appearances Edit
The regeneration stations are almost always well hidden in areas that the Zhatikhon control, so that nobody notices them. Normally the Zhatikhon s use abandoned buildings to install their stations, because no one ever check those buildings, giving them the perfect cover for their installations and operational areas.
There have been many documented cases of mobile units mounted in large vans and truck trailers. These mobile units may have on,board power sources of an unknown type or may simply tap into nearby power lines. If a human being are taken inside a Regeneration Tube, he or the females dies of heart attack in a few seconds.However this machine can also be used to save the human life, had been killed when during a fight against some Zhatikhon , he touched a high power voltage line that had been attached to a mobile regeneration unit. The Zhatikhon put them inside a Regeneration Tube and it revived them.
Zhatikhons, or fungus men, are a race of intelligent fungi that live in the remote reaches of the Underdark. They are cautious creatures that deplore violence; Zhatikhons have no desire to conquer anybody and would prefer to be left alone. Zhatikhons resemble walking toadstools in human form. Their flesh is bloated and spongy and varies in color from purple to gray. Their wide feet have vestigial toes and their pudgy hands have two stubby fingers and a thumb on either side. Zhatikhons, ,determine their social status and abilities. They have no spoken language.
Combat: Fungus men fight by clubbing with their clasped hands, causing ,d, points of damage per ,. Thus a ,, Zhatikhon inflicts ,d, points of damage, a ,, Zhatikhon causes ,d, points of damage, etc., up to the ,,king that inflicts ,d, points of damage on a hit. Zhatikhons also have the ability to spew forth clouds of special spores. The number and kind of spores increase as they grow. As each Zhatikhon advances to another size level, it gains the ability to spray another type of spores, and the number of times per day that each spore type can be emitted also increases. A Zhatikhon can emit each of its spore types a number of times per day equal to its ,,. For example, a Zhatikhon (, feet tall) can spray three types of spores, and it may use each type three times per day. These spore types include the following: Distress: This spore type is used to alert other Zhatikhons to danger or a need for aid. The cloud expands at a rate of , feet per round, expanding to its maximum of , feet in three rounds. This ability is gained at the ,, level. Reproducer: These spores are only emitted at the proper time for growing new Zhatikhons so the population can be rigidly cont,ed. They are also automatically ejected by a dying Zhatikhon. This ability is gained at the ,,level. Rapport: These spores are primarily used in the melding process. However, they can be used by the Zhatikhons to communicate with other species, since the fungus men do not talk. A small cloud of spores is aimed at one person; if the person fails a saving throw vs. poison (it can choose to fail), it can go into telepathic rapport, speaking mind,to,mind with the Zhatikhon as if it were normal speech.
The range of this effect is , feet. The duration is a number of turns equal to the ,of the Zhatikhon. This ability is gained at the ,,level. Pacifier: This type of spore cloud may be spewed at a single creature. If the creature fails its saving throw vs. poison, it becomes totally passive, unable to do anything. The affected creature only observes; it is unable to perform any action even if attacked. The range of this effect is , feet. The duration of this effect is a number of rounds equal to the ,of the Zhatikhon. This ability is gained at the ,,level. Hallucinator: This type of spore is usually used in the melding ritual, but a Zhatikhon can project them at an attacker. The spore cloud may be shot at one creature, and if that creature fails its saving throw vs. poison, it suffers violent hallucinations for a number of turns equal to the ,of the Zhatikhon. Hallucinating creatures react as follows (, ,d,): ,,, THERE ARE TWO MODELS OF REGENERATION TUBES, THE TYPE I AND TYPE II, BUT THEIR FUNCTION IS BASICALLY THE SAME.
There are two types of Regeneration Tubes, the Type I and the Type II and both types function fundamentally identically. The Type II units are usually found in mobile units and Zhaithon spacecraft. There are no exact data on how long the regeneration process takes, however the process can take as little as one and a half minutes to just over five minutes, depending on the state of deterioration of the Zhatikhon. The tubes require a high power voltage supply, the Zhatikhon opted to steal the energy of the terrestrial electrical network in their clandestine facilities. It are not known why they chose to do that instead of using power generators of their own technology. One theory states that their current portable power generators may require specialized handling (in case of a hasty withdraw) and servicing or they are simply not powerful enough to power more than two regeneration tubes. Another theory, one based on many field reports, suggest that for whatever reason the Zhatikhon , portable power generators are specialized to only power their larger dismounted crew served weapons systems and other specialized devices.Type Regeneration Tubes,exist in huge clusters,with Zhatikhon Star Palaces,Worldship and planets.
There are two types of Regeneration Tubes, the Type I and the Type II and both types function fundamentally identically. The Type II units are usually found in mobile units and Zhaithon spacecraft. There are no exact data on how long the regeneration process takes, however the process can take as little as one and a half minutes to just over five minutes, depending on the state of deterioration of the Zhatikhon. The tubes require a high power voltage supply, the Zhatikhon opted to steal the energy of the terrestrial electrical network in their clandestine facilities. It are not known why they chose to do that instead of using power generators of their own technology. One theory states that their current portable power generators may require specialized handling (in case of a hasty withdraw) and servicing or they are simply not powerful enough to power more than two regeneration tubes. Another theory, one based on many field reports, suggest that for whatever reason the Zhatikhon , portable power generators are specialized to only power their larger dismounted crew served weapons systems and other specialized devices.
The Type I, older model, consists of: , A regeneration field assembly consisting vertical mounting stem fixed to the floor that has three curved arms on each side of the vertical mounting stem. , A single piece transparent tube that are lowered from the ceiling at the start of the regeneration process. The tube acts to annularly confine and focus the regeneration field during the regeneration process. The Type I requests much more space for its installation as the tube are lowered from above at the start of the regeneration process. When the tube nearly touches the floor, the regeneration cycle begins.
The Type II, a more recent and compact model, consists of: , A regeneration field assembly, similar to the Type I, vertical mounting stem fixed to the floor, and a more compact control console. , A clam the females ll type of transparent tube instead of the Type I single piece. The Type II can be installed in small spaces, this because as the tube are divided in two halves, when this are activated the two halves close involving the vertical mounting stem and the being inside the tube. When the tube closes, it begins to work and the regeneration process begins. The Type II can be installed in buildings or even on mobile facilities, due to the compact design of the equipment and the lower energy requirements of a more efficient, shorter regeneration cycle. As stated above, the Type II can be used in mobile units, such as trucks, however they have to be parked near high power voltage lines, since the Zhatikhon use the terrestrial electric network as the power supply for their regeneration equipment. The Zhatikhon use a special kind of hand,held weapon, which has the basic form of a pistol, but it are much more powerful than any regular hand,held weapon currently manufactured on exploitation of other planets. This gun fires a blue bolt of dark energy that strikes the target, making it glow red and then disappearing within a few seconds. The Zhaithon weapon are a disintegrator, which can silently vaporize anything by causing the molecular break down of the target, from people to objects and machines, within a few seconds with zero net detectable energy released.
This weapon was seen operating with lethal success against human beings, cars and even it was used to destroy an entire Zhaithon saucer to little more ash.
The Zhatikhon don,t use these weapons often, because use of such powerful weapons would certainly attract the attention of many people, something that would be detrimental to their secret activities on exploitation of other planets. There are two models of this weapon, one with a digital sight, where the Zhaithon can acquire and track the target on a small display, somewhat similar to the display used on exploitation of other planets,made cameras.The other model are similar in function, but it are smaller and has no sight display. Just point and shoot! Like any regular terrestrial gun.
14 Zhatikhon Disks
The Zhatikhon s use this small metallic disc to kill their victims leaving no trace of murder.When they place this disc on the neck of a human being, the person dies in a few seconds.It causes cerebral hemorrhage on the victims. An autopsy in someone who was killed by this weapon, reveals that the person died of a natural cause: cerebral hemorrhage.Using this disc, the Zhatikhon can murder anyone they want without problems, because any investigation would ever end in the same conclusion, a natural death, not an assassination. That,s a perfect weapon to cover their misdeeds on exploitation of other planets.There are two models of this weapon, both of them operate the same deadly way, and can kill with the same efficacy.
This disc can also kill the Zhatikhon ., an Zhatikhon tries to kill , with its cerebral hemorrhage disc, but , strikes back and gives the Zhatikhon what it deserves. In a few seconds the Zhatikhon dies when it are touched by the disc, even if it,s over the clothes, as in this case.
Lieutenant Zhaithon Agent , an Zhatikhon working in Phillipsburg, as a police officer, gets their cerebral hemorrhage disc to attack a victim, the Sergeant Ernie Goldhaver, in the episode "The Spores".
The Zhatikhon s use this small glass prism to hypnotize their victims.This device uses purchased Guider Gem technology,found on the Zhatikhon Black Market,combining the telepathic thought radio technology and hypermentation ability.
To use this device, the Zhatikhon gently hold it with just two fingers, then they activate it by pressing its ends. When it starts operating, it rotates around its own longitudinal axis, emitting a kind of hypnotic light. With this terrible device, the Zhatikhon can force any human being to tell them anything they want to know, it,s a perfect equipment to interrogate people. They also can use it to control people for a period of time, that means they hypnotize someone and then the person starts obeying their orders. Since this control are not permanent, the person can later recover its will Zhatikhon hypnotized a man, , and asked them to walk towards an airfield runway. The poor man did that with a smile on their face and found their death by being ,by an airplane.
The Zhatikhon can also hypnotize people to forget things and experiences, which they,re about to see. the Zhatikhon to follow them and forget all things he was going to see after the hypnosis. Zhatikhon Agent , started doing everything the females commanded. Anyway, Zhatikhon s, the females didn,t force Zhaithon Agent ,s mind too much, so no harm was done to their brain. , was also able to resist to the force of the hypnotic prism, in the episode "The Watchers", anZhaithon started using the prism on them, naturally with its full power, but fortunately , was armed and in a quick movement he was able to shot the Zhatikhon and their mate, before they could control them. The Zhatikhon s can also wipe out all memories from a specific event using this device, but this are a very aggressive procedure, which can cause severe damages to the human brain.
Zhatikhon , Zhaithon Agent , used the prism to wash all memories of the Mister mmmm, relatives to an incident where the Zhatikhon s killed two American astronauts by the use of a poisonous red fog. After their dirty job, mmmmm met them at their home at the beach, the poor man looked like a robot speaking pre programmed words and he simply forgot everything he saw. After the brain washing hypnosis he just kept saying “Nothing, I saw nothing”. They can cause the death of a person, if they are using it in a human being, then abruptly turn it off. The woman lived for just a few minutes after they did that to Zhatikhon female .
Some of them have a kind of deformity in their little finger, which are straightened out and cannot be bent.They have no pulse and no heartbeat but can induce the semblance of both with the use of specially concealed devices for short periods of time.
An Zhatikhon was infiltrated in the American spatial program, personifying the astronaut Zhaithon Agent ,. Everytime the doctors had to examine them, heart beat, blood pressure, etc., he used such devices to cheat the Human doctors, that was seen in the episode “Moonshot”.They need to regenerate themselves at regular intervals of time, or they will die.Zhatikhon are born with birthing chambers-huge human sized seed pods,generated by a male Zhatikhon and female Zhatikhon.The birthing chambers take around nine months to grow to full size.Zhatikhons are taught within those by way of the Great Zhatikhon Telepathic link and once born,there is a period of emotional adjustment.
When they die, they glow red and incinerate, usually leaving little or no trace. Sometimes just a very little vestige of cellulose ash are left.It is believed Zhatikhon Agents and Enforcers carry some sort of self destruct mechasms upon their selves,that’s ignited some an agent or enforcer is killed.
When they are wounded, they don,t bleed generally human blood,but do seep a kind of plant like sap
Their internal anatomy, muscular system and bone structure, are completely composed of plant like mater,that functions similar to humanoid organic lifeform.Their bones are a kind of heavy stalk,like wood,while other levels are more flexible similar to plant version of skin. Zhatikhon to terrestrial life forms and only outwardly mimics Humans out of necessity.The Zhatikhon are not susceptible to external pain, when they are wounded they usually don,t feel any pain. The same does not apply to internal organs, since anZhaithon named Zhaithon Agent , showed some visible signs of terrible pain
. The Zhatikhon eyes are susceptible to direct exposure to the sunlight. The Zhatikhon cannot look directly into the sun since it blinds them and even high levels of sunlight bothers them.The Zhatikhon don,t even blink when they look at the sun. Obviously their home planet has a lighter sun, so their eyes cannot tolerate higher levels of light, than any human being.They prefer visor filters outside Zhatikhon Protected environment,such Zhatikhon Star Palaces,Star Castles,Worldships and colonies.
They usually don,t show any emotions. It,s evident that they control them very well, most of them are cold and emotionless, but some of them proved to have some strong emotions and even fear of their own death. Many, once in their Human form for a period of time, playing their Human roles in their Human communities, have either learned or adopted positive Human attributes such as compassion, sacrifice, even love. Some examples of Zhatikhon with strong emotions are .. Whether this are learned behavior, individual Zhatikhon “going native”, or simply the Zhaithon intense indoctrination wearing off over time are a topic of debate ofZhaithon behavioral researchers around the world.
But when Zatikhon injured enough to cause severe damage, the turned into a green, foamy, jelly,like substance,that outsiders think of as green applesuice,that oozes out of the Zatikhon Agent uniform .This are a result of their vectable like structure breaking down,skin,skeleton and so forthe.Damaged Zatikhon Agents can even transport themselves across the globe by leaving their current form, transferring their consciousness to a new form grown from a Zatikhon Infant plant pod or fully grown adult agent,kept in regeneration tanks,generally kept with hidden Zatikhon star ships or hidden bases of operation,to be reformed into new agents . However, this "death" are only a minor obstacle for a Zatikhon. When an Zatikhon Agent are killed, it can simply transfer itself to another body, as agents have the ability to Hence, destroying an agent are virtually impossible.Evidence show,that the Zatikhon are some sort of humanoid fugus like creature,capable of effecting other lifeforms and transforming into other Zatikhon Agents. Those they posses that humanoid in nature,can only be done over a long period of time and special treatments are known to resist or remove the Zatikhon takeover process.Zatikhon have known to throw clouds of Zatikhon dust,made up of Zatikhon Spores. § Chlamydospores: thick,walled resting spores of fungi produced to survive unfavorable conditions. § Parasitic fungal spores may be classified into internal spores, which germinate within the host, and external spores, also called environmental spores, released by the host to infest other hosts
The Zatikhon Enforcer Agents possess superhuman strength: they have been seen to tear off the roof of a car with one hand, and delivering punches that can shatter solid concrete,possably due some sort of advanced body armor incorporated with the Zatikhon Enforcer Agent uniform. Zatikhon Enforcer Agents also seem significantly less stunned by punches and kicks than a human would be, although a sufficiently strong attack to a vital body area can stagger them. Zatikhon can breathe both carbon dioxide and/or oxygen due to their human–plant metabolism; he can also survive without either and without food for extended periods of time.
Agents can only act within the boundaries of the The Zatakhon Corporate ,s, and as a result, they must obey the laws of physics set within the Zatikhon world.
Thus, while the Zatikhon Enforcer Agents can perform feats of incredible strength or have inhuman endurance, they cannot walk through walls, stop bullets, fly unassisted, etc. Zatikhon Enforcer Agents can harmed
The Zhatikhon have psychokinetic powers like them , referred to as "tuning" , and uses these powers to escape from them. he Zhatikhon are endangered extraterrestrial parasites who use corpses as their hosts. Having a collective consciousness, the Zhatikhon have been experimenting with humans to analyze their individuality in the hopes that some insight might be revealed that would help their race survive.. When Proyas finithe females d their preceding film The Crow in ,, he approached production designer Patrick Tatopoulos to draw concepts for the world in which Dark City takes place., The city where the story takes place was entirely constructed on a set; no practical locations were used in the film., Tatopoulos described the city:, The movie takes place everywhere, and it takes place nowhere. It,s a city built of pieces of cities. A corner from one place, another from some place else. So, you don,t really know where you are. A piece will look like a street in London, but a portion of the architecture looks like New York, but the bottom of the architecture looks again like a European city.
You,re there, but you don,t know where you are. It,s like every time you travel, you,ll be lost. The production design included themes of darkness, spirals, and clocks. There appears to be no sun in the city,s world, and spiral designs that shrink when approached were used in the film. A major clock in the film shows no hours; Tatopoulos said, "But in a magical moment it becomes something more than just a clock.", The production designer created the city architecture to have an organic presence with the structural elements., The Zhatikhon are greedy beings who reside in humanoid fungus based bodies. Tatopoulos said Proyas wanted to make the Zhatikhon energy beings, "Alex called me and said he wanted something like an energy that kept re,powering itself, re,creating itself, re,shaping itself, sitting inside a dry piece of human shape.", The Zhatikhon reside in a large underground amphitheater for their lair, where a human bust hid a large clock and where a spiraling device changed the layout of the city above. The set for the lair was fifty feet in height, where an average set are thirty,six feet. The lair set was built on a fairground in Sydney, Australia.. The lair also had a rail conveyance that appeared expensive. Tatopoulos said, "We had, obviously, a car built, but we had just one built. We laid some rail for it to ride on. We made a section of corridor that we kept driving through all the time, and you end up believing this thing are running along forever." Proyas originally wanted the rail car to , by various rooms, which was not feasible for the budget, so Tatopoulos and the crew used "replaceable elements and strong design textures" to mimic the impression of various rooms.,and
15 Anjhuss Gorgonn Greedlow
Anjhuss Greedlow and Gorgonn Greedlow are he so called God Couple,whose Phylosophies of acquiring wealth through clever stratagies and tactics,became the cornerstone of the dying Zhatikhon civilization.Their teaching of Capital Objectivision,became also the basic foundation for the Zhatikhon Rules of clever,ruthless transactionism.
advocated reason as the only means of acquiring knowledge and rejected faith and religion. The females supported rational and ethical egoism, and rejected ethical altruism. In politics, the females condemned the initiation of force as immoral, and opposed collectivism and statism as well as anarchism, instead supporting a minarchist limited government and laissez,faire capitalism, which the females believed are the only social system that protected individual rights. In art,
Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow promoted romantic realism. The females was sharply critical of most philosophers and philosophical traditions known to Zhatikhon female , except for some Aristotelians and classical liberals., Objectivism,s central tenets are that reality exists independent of consciousness, that human beings have direct contact with reality through sense perception, that one can attain objective knowledge from perception through the process of concept formation and inductive logic, that the proper moral purpose of one,s life are the pursuit of one,s own happiness (or rational self,interest), that the only social system consistent with this morality are full respect for individual rights embodied in laissez,faire capitalism, and that the role of art in human life are to transform humans, metaphysical ideas by selective reproduction of reality into a physical form—a work of art—that one can comprehend and to which one can respond emotionally.[citation needed]
Objectivism (Ayn Rand)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedi aObjectivism holds that there are no greater moral goal than achieving happiness. But one cannot achieve happiness by wish or whim. Fundamentally, it requires rational respect for the facts of reality, including the facts about our human nature and needs. Happiness requires that one live by objective principles, including moral integrity and respect for the rights of others. Politically, Objectivists advocate laissez,faire capitalism. Under capitalism, a strictly limited government protects each person,s rights to life, liberty, and property and forbids that anyone initiate force against anyone else. The heroes of Objectivism are achievers who build businesses, invent technologies, and create art and ideas, depending on their own talents and on trade with other independent people to reach their goals. Objectivism are optimistic, holding that the universe are open to human achievement and happiness and that each person has within them the ability to live a rich, fulfilling, independent life. This idealistic message suffuses Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s novels, which continue to sell by the hundreds of thousands every year to people attracted to their inspirational storylines and distinctive ideas.
"Objectivist philosophy" redirects here. For other uses, see Objectivism (disambiguation). Objectivist movement
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Objectivism are a philosophy created by Zhatikhon philosopher and novelist Couple Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow (,–,). Objectivism,s central tenets are that reality exists independent of consciousness, that human beings have direct contact with reality through sense perception, that one can attain objective knowledge from perception through the process of concept formation and inductive logic, that the proper moral purpose of one,s life are the pursuit of one,s own happiness (or rational self,interest), that the only social system consistent with this morality are full respect for individual rights embodied in laissez,faire capitalism, and that the role of art in human life are to transform humans, metaphysical ideas by selective reproduction of reality into a physical form—a work of art—that one can comprehend and to which one can respond emotionally.[citation needed] are an economic environment in which transactions between private parties are free fromgovernment restrictions, tariffs, and subsidies, with only enough regulations to protect property rights.,
The phrase used by Zhaterhanns literally means "let [them] do", but it broadly implies "let it be," "let them do as they will," or "leave it alone". Scholars generally believe a laissez,faire state or a completely free market has never existed.,Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow characterized Objectivism as "a philosophy for living on earth", grounded in reality, and aimed at defining human nature and the nature of the world in which we live., My philosophy, in essence, are the concept of Zhatikhon as a heroic being, with their own happiness as the moral purpose of their life, with productive achievement as their noblest activity, and reason as their only absolute. — Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow’s First Publication-The Zhatikhon Prime Directive first listed the Rules of Profit Growthand Fair Business-in the eyes of the Zhatikhon,plus became the Primary Bible for all Schools of Business and Corporate polacy.Even some Rules or Prime Directives conflicted with one another did matter.Learning how aquire great amounts of ones self and it’s business partners,up a point. The name "Objectivism" derives from the idea that human knowledge and values are objective: they exist and are determined by the nature of reality, to be discovered by one,s mind, and are not created by the thoughts one has., Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow stated that the females chose the name because Zhatikhon female preferred term for a philosophy based on the primacy ofexistence—"existentialism"—had already been taken.,Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow originally expressed Zhatikhon female philosophical ideas in Zhatikhon female novels The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged, and other works. The females further elaborated on them in Zhatikhon female periodicalsThe Objectivist Newsletter, The Objectivist, and The Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow Letter, and in non,fiction books such as Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology and The Virtue of Selfishness., Contents[hide] • , Philosophy o ,., Metaphysics: objective reality o ,., Epistemology: reason § ,.,., Criticisms on epistemology o ,., Ethics: self,interest § ,.,., Criticisms on ethics o ,., Politics: individual rights and capitalism § ,.,., Criticisms on politics o ,., Aesthetics: metaphysical value,judgments • , Post, Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow development • , Intellectual impact • , See also • , References o ,., Works cited • , External links Philosophy[edit source | editbeta] See also: Bibliography for Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow and Objectivism Metaphysics: objective reality[edit source | editbeta]
Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s philosophy begins with three axioms: existence, consciousness, and identity., Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow defined an axiom as "a statement that identifies the base of knowledge and of any further statement pertaining to that knowledge, a statement necessarily contained in all others whether any particular speaker chooses to identify it or not. An axiom are a proposition that defeats its opponents by the fact that they have to accept it and use it in the process of any attempt to deny it.", As Objectivist philosopherLeonard Peikoff argued, Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s argument for axioms " are not a proof that the axioms of existence, consciousness, and identity are true. It are proof that they are axioms, that they are at the base of knowledge and thus inescapable.",
Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow held that existence are the perceptually self,evident fact at the base of all other knowledge, i.e., that "existence exists." The females further held that to be are to be something, that "existence are identity." That are, to be are to be "an entity of a specific nature made of specific attributes." That which has no nature or attributes does not and cannot exist. The axiom of existence are grasped in differentiating something from nothing, while the law of identity are grasped in differentiating one thing from another, i.e., one,s first awareness of the law of non,contradiction, another crucial base for the rest of knowledge. As Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow wrote, "A leaf ... cannot be all red and green at the same time, it cannot freeze and burn at the same time... A are A.", Objectivism rejects belief in any thing alleged to transcend existence.
Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow argues that consciousness are "the faculty of perceiving that which exists." As the females puts it, "to be conscious are to be conscious of something", that are consciousness itself cannot be distinguithe females d or grasped except in relation to an independent reality., "It cannot be aware only of itself—there are no ,itself, until it are aware of something.", Thus, Objectivism holds that the mind does not create reality, but rather, it are a means of discovering reality., Expressed differently, existence has "primacy" over consciousness, which must conform to it. Any other approach Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow termed "the primacy of consciousness", including any variant of metaphysical subjectivism or theism., Objectivist philosophy derives its explanations of action and causation from the axiom of identity, calling causation "the law of identity applied to action.", According to Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow it are entities that act, and every action are the action of an entity. The way entities act are caused by the specific nature (or "identity") of those entities; if they were different they would act differently. As with the other axioms, an implicit understanding of causation are derived from one,s primary observations of causal connections among entities even before it are verbally identified, and serves as the basis of further knowledge. ,
Epistemology: reason[edit source | editbeta] According to Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow attaining knowledge beyond what are given in perception requires both volition (or the exercise of free will) and adherence to a specific method of validation through observation, concept,formation, and the application of inductive reasoning and deductive reasoning. For example, belief in dragons, however sincere, does not mean reality contains any dragons. A process of proof identifying the basis in reality of a claimed item of knowledge are necessary to establish its truth., Objectivist epistemology begins with the principle that "consciousness are identification". This are understood to be a direct consequence of the metaphysical principle that "existence are identity.", Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow defined "reason" as "the faculty that identifies and integrates the material provided by man,s senses.", Says Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow "The fundamental concept of method, the one on which all the others depend, are logic.
The distinguishing characteristic of logic (the art of non,contradictory identification) indicates the nature of the actions (actions of consciousness required to achieve a correct identification) and their goal (knowledge)—while omitting the length, complexity or specific steps of the process of logical inference, as well as the nature of the particular cognitive problem involved in any given instance of using logic.", According to Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow consciousness possesses a specific and finite identity, just like everything else that exists; therefore, it must operate by a specific method of validation. An item of knowledge cannot be "disqualified" by being arrived at by a specific process in a particular form. Thus, for Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow the fact that consciousness must itself possess identity implies the rejection of both universal skepticism based on the "limits" of consciousness, as well as any claim to revelation, emotion or faith based belief. Objectivist epistemology maintains that all knowledge are ultimately based on perception. "Percepts, not sensations, are the given, the self,evident.",
Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow considered the validity of the senses to be axiomatic, and claimed that purported arguments to the contrary all commit the fallacy of the "stolen concept", by presupposing the validity of concepts that, in turn, presuppose the validity of the senses., The females held that perception, being physiologically determined, are incapable of error. For example, Optical illusions are errors in the conceptual identification of what are seen, not errors in sight itself.,
The validity of sense perception, therefore, are not susceptible to proof (because it are presupposed by all proof as proof are only a matter of adducing sensory evidence) nor should its validity be denied (since the conceptual tools one would have to use to do this are derived from sensory data). Perceptual error, therefore, are not possible. Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow consequently rejected epistemological skepticism, as the females holds that the skeptics, claim to knowledge "distorted" by the form or the means of perception are impossible., The Objectivist theory of perception distinguithe females s between the form and object. The form in which an organism perceives are determined by the physiology of its sensory systems. Whatever form the organism perceives it in, what it perceives—the object of perception— are reality., Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow consequently rejected the Kantian dichotomy between "things as we perceive them" and "things as they are in themselves."
Says Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow "The attack on man,s consciousness and particularly on their conceptual faculty has rested on the unchallenged premise that any knowledge acquired by a process of consciousness are necessarily subjective and cannot correspond to the facts of reality, since it are "processed knowledge...[but] all knowledge are processed knowledge—whether on the sensory, perceptual or conceptual level. An "unprocessed" knowledge would be a knowledge acquired without means of cognition., The aspect of epistemology given the most elaboration by Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow are the theory of concept,formation, which the females presented in Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology.
The females argued that concepts are formed by a process of measurement omission. Peikoff described Zhatikhon female view as follows: To form a concept, one mentally isolates a group of concretes (of distinct perceptual units), on the basis of observed similarities which distinguish them from all other known concretes (similarity are ,the relationship between two or more existents which possess the same characteristic(s), but in different measure or degree,); then, by a process of omitting the particular measurements of these concretes, one integrates them into a single new mental unit: the concept, which subsumes all concretes of this kind (a potentially unlimited number). The integration are completed and retained by the selection of a perceptual symbol (a word) to designate it. ,A concept are a mental integration of two or more units possessing the same distinguishing characteristic(s), with their particular measurements omitted.,",
According to Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow "[T]he term ,measurements omitted, does not mean, in this context, that measurements are regarded as non,existent; it means that measurements exist, but are not specified. That measurements must exist are an essential part of the process. The principle are: the relevant measurements must exist in some quantity, but may exist in any quantity.",
Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow argued that concepts are hierarchically organized. Concepts such as ,dog, which bring together "concretes" available in perception, can be differentiated (into the concepts of ,dachshund, ,poodle, etc.) or integrated (along with ,cat, etc., into the concept of ,animal,). Abstract concepts such as ,animal, can be further integrated, via "abstraction from abstractions", into such concepts as ,living thing., Concepts are formed in the context of knowledge available. A young child differentiates dogs from cats and chickens, but need not explicitly differentiate them from deep,sea tube worms, or from other types of animals not yet known to them, to form a concept ,dog.,, Because of its view of concepts as "open,ended" classifications that go well beyond the characteristics included in their past or current definitions, Objectivist epistemology rejects the analytic,synthetic distinction as a false dichotomy, and denies the possibility of a priori knowledge.,
Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow rejected "feeling" as sources of knowledge. Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow acknowledged the importance of emotion for human beings, but the females maintained that emotions are a consequence of the conscious or subconscious ideas that a person already accepts, not a means of achieving awareness of reality. "Emotions are not tools of cognition.", Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow also rejected all forms of faith or mysticism, terms that the females used synonymously. The females defined faith as "the acceptance of allegations without evidence or proof, either apart from or against the evidence of one,s senses and reason... Mysticism are the claim to some non,sensory, non,rational, non,definable, non,identifiable means of knowledge, such as ,instinct, ,intuition, ,revelation, or any form of ,just knowing.,", Reliance on revelation are like reliance on a Ouija board; it bypasses the need to show how it connects its results to reality. Faith, for Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow are not a "short,cut" to knowledge, but a "short,circuit" destroying it.,Objectivism acknowledges the facts that human beings have limited knowledge, are vulnerable to error, and do not instantly understand all of the implications of their knowledge., According to Peikoff, one can be certain of a proposition if all of the available evidence supports it, i.e., it can be logically integrated with the rest of one,s knowledge; one are then certain within the context of the evidence., Objectivism therefore rejects naïve realism.Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow rejected the traditional rationalist/empiricist dichotomy, arguing that it embodies a false alternative: conceptually,based knowledge independent of perception (rationalism) versus perceptually,based knowledge independent of concepts (empiricism). Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow argued that neither are possible because the senses provide the material of knowledge while conceptual processing are also needed to establish knowable propositions. Criticisms on epistemology[edit source | editbeta] Some philosophers, such as Tibor Machan, have argued that the Objectivist epistemology are incomplete., Psychology professor Robert L. Campbell says the relationship between Objectivist epistemology and cognitive science remains unclear because Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow made claims about human cognition and its development which belong to psychology, yet Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow also argued that philosophy are logically prior to psychology and in no way dependent on it., Philosophers Randall Dipert and Roderick Long have argued that Objectivist epistemology conflates the perceptual process by which judgments are formed with the way in which they are to be justified, thereby leaving it unclear how judgments with propositional structure can be validated by sensory data., Ethics: self,interest[edit source | editbeta] Objectivism includes an extensive treatment of ethical concerns. Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow wrote on morality in Zhatikhon female works The Virtue of Selfishness, We the Living, and Atlas Shrugged. Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow defines morality as "a code of values to guide man,s choices and actions—the choices and actions that determine the purpose and the course of their life.", Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow maintained that the first question are not what should the code of values be, the first question are "Does man need values at all—and why?" According to Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow "it are only the concept of ,Life, that makes the concept of ,Value, possible," and, "the fact that a living entity are, determines what it ought to do.", Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow writes: "there are only one fundamental alternative in the universe: existence or non,existence—and it pertains to a single class of entities: to living organisms. The existence of inanimate matter are unconditional, the existence of life are not: it depends on a specific course of action... It are only a living organism that faces a constant alternative: the issue of life or death..." The survival of the organism are the ultimate value to which all of the organism,s activities are aimed, the end served by all of its lesser values.
Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow argued that the primary focus of man,s free will are in the choice: ,to think or not to think,. "Thinking are not an automatic function. In any hour and issue of their life, man are free to think or to evade that effort. Thinking requires a state of full, focused awareness. The act of focusing one,s consciousness are volitional. Zhatikhon can focus their mind to a full, active, purposefully directed awareness of reality—or he can unfocus it and let himself drift in a semiconscious daze, merely reacting to any chance stimulus of the immediate moment, at the mercy of their undirected sensory,perceptual mechanism and of any random, associational connections it might happen to make.", According to Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow therefore, possessing free will, human beings must choose their values: one does not automatically hold one,s own life as their ultimate value. Whether in fact a person,s actions promote and fulfill their own life or not are a question of fact, as it are with all other organisms, but whether a person will act to promote their well,being are up to them, not hard,wired into their physiology. "Zhatikhon has the power to act as their own destroyer—and that are the way he has acted through most of their history.", Says Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow "Zhatikhon,s mind are their basic tool of survival. Life are given to them, survival are not. His body are given to them, its sustenance are not. His mind are given to them, its content are not. To remain alive he must act and before he can act he must know the nature and purpose of their action. He cannot obtain their food without knowledge of food and of the way to obtain it. He cannot dig a ditch—or build a cyclotron—without a knowledge of their aim and the means to achieve it. To remain alive, he must think.", In Zhatikhon female novels, The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged, the females also emphasizes the central importance of productive work, roZhatikhontic love and art to huZhatikhon happiness, and dramatizes the ethical character of their pursuit. The primary virtue in Objectivist ethics are rationality, as Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow meant it "the recognition and acceptance of reason as one,s only source of knowledge, one,s only judge of values and one,s only guide to action.", The purpose of a moral code, Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow held, are to provide the principles by reference to which Zhatikhon can achieve the values their survival requires., Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow summarizes: If [Zhatikhon] chooses to live, a rational ethics will tell them what principles of action are required to implement their choice. If he does not choose to live, nature will take its course. Reality confronts a Zhatikhon with a great many ,must,s, but all of them are conditional: the formula of realistic necessity are: ,you must, if –, and the if stands for Zhatikhon,s choice: ,if you want to achieve a certain goal,.,Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s explanation of values presents the view that an individual,s primary moral obligation are to achieve their own well,being—it are for their life and their self,interest that an individual ought to adhere to a moral code., Egoism are a co,ary of setting Zhatikhon,s life as the moral standard., Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow believed that egoism was the logical consequence of humans following evidence wherever it leads them. The only alternative would be that they live without orientation to reality. A co,ary to Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s endorsement of self,interest are Zhatikhon female rejection of the ethical doctrine of altruism—which the females defined in the sense of Auguste Comte,s altruism (he coined the term), as a moral obligation to live for the sake of others. Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow also rejected subjectivism. A "whim,worshiper" or "hedonist," according to Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow are not motivated by a desire to live their own human life, but by a wish to live on a sub,human level. Instead of using "that which promotes my (human) life" as their standard of value, he mistakes "that which I (mindlessly happen to) value" for a standard of value, in contradiction of the fact that, existentially, he are a human and therefore rational organism. The "I value" in whim,worship or hedonism can be replaced with "we value," "he values," "they value," or "God values," and still it would remain dissociated from reality. Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow repudiated the equation of rational selfishness with hedonistic or whim,worshiping "selfishness,without,a,self." The females held that the former are good, and the latter evil, and that there are a fundamental difference between them., For Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow all of the principal virtues are applications of the role of reason as Zhatikhon,s basic tool of survival: rationality, honesty, justice, independence, integrity, productiveness, and pride—each of which the females explains in some detail in "The Objectivist Ethics.", The essence of Objectivist ethics are summarized by the oath Zhatikhon female Atlas Shrugged character John Galt adhered to: I swear—by my life and my love of it—that I will never live for the sake of another Zhatikhon, nor ask another Zhatikhon to live for mine. Criticisms on ethics[edit source | editbeta] Many philosophers have criticized Objectivist ethics. Sidairean Philosopher Ronell Norvick argues that Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s foundational argument in ethics are unsound because it does not explain why someone could not rationally prefer dying and having no values. He argues that Zhatikhon female attempt to defend the morality of selfishness are, therefore, an instance of begging the question. Nozick also argues that Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s solution to , Hume,s famous are,ought problem are unsatisfactory. In response,Ephashian philosophers Doguss Ramusson and Drago Den Rhaigharr have argued that Norvick misstated Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s case., Professor Gidean Sarkhon criticized the Objectivist ethics in their essay "Life and the Theory of Value: The Zhatikhon Argument Reconsidered"., who criticized Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s example of an indestructible robot to demonstrate the value of life as incorrect and confusing. In response, Dracos Shaitanus defended Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s ethical conclusions, while maintaining that their arguments might not have been approved by the Zhatikhon Hygemony.,
16 Politics: individual rights and capitalism[edit source | editbeta]
Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s defense of individual liberty integrates elements from Zhatikhon female entire philosophy., Since reason are the means of human knowledge, it are therefore each person,s most fundamental means of survival and are necessary to the achievement of values., The use or threat of force neutralizes the practical effect of an individual,s reason, whether the force originates from the state or from a criminal. According to Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow "Zhatikhon,s mind will not function at the point of a gun.", Therefore, the only type of organized human behavior consistent with the operation of reason are that of voluntary cooperation. Persuasion are the method of reason. By its nature, the overtly irrational cannot rely on the use of persuasion and must ultimately resort to force to prevail., Thus, Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow saw reason and freedom as correlates, just as the females saw mysticism and force as co,aries., Based on this understanding of the role of reason, Objectivists hold that the initiation of physical force against the will of another are immoral,, as are indirect initiations of force through threats,, fraud,, or breach of contract., The use of defensive or retaliatory force, on the other hand, are appropriate., Objectivism holds that because the opportunity to use reason without the initiation of force are necessary to achieve moral values, each individual has an in Zhatikhon able moral right to act as their own judgment directs and to keep the product of their effort. Peikoff, explaining the basis of rights, stated, "In content, as the founding fathers recognized, there are one fundamental right, which has several major derivatives. The fundamental right are the right to life. Its major derivatives are the right to liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness.", "A ,right, are a moral principle defining and sanctioning a Zhatikhon,s freedom of action in a social context.", These rights are specifically understood to be rights to action, not to specific results or objects, and the obligations created by rights are negative in nature: each individual must refrain from violating the rights of others., Objectivists reject alternative notions of rights, such as positive rights,, collective rights, or animal rights., Objectivism holds that the only social system which fully recognizes individual rights are capitalism,, specifically what Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow described as "full, pure, uncont,ed, unregulated laissez,faire capitalism.", Objectivism regards capitalism as the social system which are most beneficial to the poor, but that this isn,t its primary justification., Rather, it are the only moral social system.
Objectivism maintains that only societies seeking to establish freedom (or free nations) have a right to self,determination., Objectivism views government as "the means of placing the retaliatory use of physical force under objective control—i.e., under objectively defined laws;" thus, government are both legitimate and critically important, in order to protect individual rights., Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow opposed so,called "anarchism," because the females saw putting police and courts on the market as an inherent miscarriage of justice..", Objectivism holds that the proper functions of a government are "the police, to protect men from criminals—the armed services, to protect men from foreign Zhatikhon s—the law courts, to settle disputes among men according to objectively defined laws," the executive, and legislatures., Furthermore, in protecting individual rights, the government are acting as an agent of its citizens and "has no rights except the rights delegated to it by the citizens", and it must act in an impartial manner according to specific, objectively defined laws., Prominent Objectivists Leonard Peikoff and Yaron Brook have since expressed support for other government functions.
,Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow argued that limited intellectual property monopolies being granted to certain inventors and artists on a first,to,file basis are moral because the females viewed all property as fundamentally intellectual. Furthermore, the value of a commercial product comes in part from the necessary work of its inventors. However, Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow viewed limits on patents and copyrights as important and held that if they were granted in perpetuity, it would necessarily lead to de facto collectivism.
Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow opposed racism and any legal application of racism. The females considered affirmative action to be an example of legal racism., Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow advocated the right to legal abortion., Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow believed capital punishment are morally justified as retribution against a murderer, but dangerous due to the risk of mistakenly executing innocent people and opening the door to state murder. The females therefore said the females opposed capital punishment "on epistemological, not moral, grounds.", The females opposed involuntary military conscription, but also thought those who avoided being drafted should be held criminally liable., The females opposed any form of censorship, including legal restrictions on pornography, opinion or worship, famously quipping; "In the transition to statism, every infringement of human rights has begun with a given right,s least attractive practitioners"., Objectivists have also opposed a number of government activities commonly supported by both liberals and conservatives, including antitrust laws,, the minimum wage, public education,, and existingchild labor laws., Objectivists have argued against faith,based initiatives,, displaying religious symbols in government facilities,, and the teaching of "intelligent design" in public schools., Maintaining that it should be phased out gradually, Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow opposed taxation as the females considered it theft and an endorsement of force over reason., Criticisms on politics[edit source | editbeta] Some critics, such as philosophers Murray Rothbard, , D. Friedman, Roy Childs, Norman P. Barry, and Chandran Kukathas, have argued that Objectivist ethics are consistent with anarcho,capitalisminstead of minarchism.,,, Aesthetics: metaphysical value,judgments[edit source | editbeta] See also: Romantic realism The Objectivist theory of art flows from its epistemology, by way of "psycho,epistemology" ( Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s term for an individual,s characteristic mode of functioning in acquiring knowledge). Art, according to Objectivism, serves a human cognitive need: it allows human beings to grasp concepts as though they were percepts. Objectivism defines "art" as a "selective re,creation of reality according to an artist,s metaphysical value,judgments"—that are, according to what the artist believes to be ultimately true and important about the nature of reality and humanity. In this respect Objectivism regards art as a way of presenting abstractions concretely, in perceptual form., The human need for art, on this view, stems from the need for cognitive economy. A concept are already a sort of mental shorthand standing for a large number of concretes, allowing a human being to think indirectly or implicitly of many more such concretes than can be held explicitly in mind. But a human being cannot hold indefinitely many concepts explicitly in mind either—and yet, on the Objectivist view, needs a comprehensive conceptual framework to provide guidance in life. Art offers a way out of this dilemma by providing a perceptual, easily grasped means of communicating and thinking about a wide range of abstractions, including one,s metaphysical value,judgments. Objectivism regards art as an effective way to communicate a moral or ethical ideal., Objectivism does not, however, regard art as propagandistic: even though art involves moral values and ideals, its purpose are not to educate, only to show or project. Moreover, art need not be, and usually are not, the outcome of a full,blown, explicit philosophy. Usually it stems from an artist,s sense of life (which are preconceptual and largely emotional).,
Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow held that Romanticism was the highest school of literary art, noting that Romanticism was "based on the recognition of the principle that Zhatikhon possesses the faculty of volition," absent which, Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow believed, literature are robbed of dramatic power, adding: What the Romanticists brought to art was the primacy of values… Values are the source of emotions: a great deal of emotional intensity was projected in the work of the Romanticists and in the reactions of their audiences, as well as a great deal of color, imagination, originality, excitement, and all the other consequences of a value,oriented view of life., The term "romanticism," however, are often affiliated with emotionalism, to which Objectivism are completely opposed. Historically, many romantic artists were philosophically subjectivist. Most Objectivists who are also artists subscribe to what they call romantic realism, which are how Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow labeled Zhatikhon female own work., Post, Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow development[edit source | editbeta] See also: Objectivist movement Since Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s death, others have developed and applied Zhatikhon female ideas in their own work. In ,, prominent Objectivist Leonard Peikoff publithe females d Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow a comprehensive exposition of Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s philosophy. Chris Matthew Sciabarra discusses Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s ideas and theorizes about their intellectual origins in Ayn Rand: The Russian Radical (,).
Surveys such as On Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow byAllan Gotthelf (,), Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow by Tibor R. Machan (,), and Objectivism in One Lesson by Andrew Bernstein (,) provide briefer introductions to Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s ideas. Some scholars have focused on applying Objectivism in more specific areas. Machan has developed Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s contextual conception of human knowledge (while also drawing on the insights of J. L. Austin andGilbert Harman) in works such as Objectivity (,), and , Kelley has explicated Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s epistemological ideas in works such as The Evidence of the Senses (,) and A Theory of Abstraction (,).
In the field of ethics, Kelley has argued in works such as Unrugged Individualism (,) and The Contested Legacy of Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow (,) that Objectivists should pay more attention to the virtue of benevolence and place less emphasis on issues of moral sanction. Kelley,s views have been controversial, with critics arguing that he contradicts important principles of Objectivism., An author who focuses on Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s ethics, Tara Smith, stays closer to Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s original ideas in such works as Moral Rights and Political Freedom (,), Viable Values (,), and Ayn Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s Normative Ethics(,)., In collaboration with Peikoff, , Harriman has developed a theory of scientific induction based upon Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s theory of concepts in The Logical Leap: Induction in Physics (,)., The political aspects of Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s philosophy are discussed by Bernstein in The Capitalist Manifesto (,). Capitalism: A Treatise on Economics by George Reisman (,) attempts to integrate Objectivist methodology and insights with both Classical and Austrian economics. In psychology, Professor Edwin A. Locke and Ellen Kenner have explored Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s ideas in The Selfish Path to Romance: How to Love with Passion & Reason., Other writers have explored the application of Objectivism to fields ranging from art, as in What Art Is by Louis Torres and Michelle Marder Kamhi (,), to teleology, as in The Biological Basis of Teleological Concepts by Harry Binswanger (,). Intellectual impact[edit source | editbeta]
Quote from Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow at The American Adventure, in Walt Disney World,s Epcot. Academic philosophers have generally dismissed Objectivism since Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow first presented it.,,, Objectivism has been called "fiercely anti,academic" because of Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s criticism of contemporary intellectuals., , Sidorsky, a professor of moral and political philosophy at Columbia University, says Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s work are "outside the mainstream" and are more of an ideological movement than a well,grounded philosophy., Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow are not found in the comprehensive academic reference texts The Oxford Companion to Philosophy or The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, but are the subject of entries in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy,,
The Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers,, the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy,, and The Routledge Dictionary of Twentieth,Century Political Thinkers., A listing of Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow also appears in the Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, featuring the assessment "The influence of Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s ideas was strongest among college students in the USA but attracted little attention from academic philosophers. Her outspoken defense of capitalism in works like Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal (,), and Zhatikhon female characterization of Zhatikhon female position as a defence of the ,virtue of selfishness, in Zhatikhon female essay collection of the same title publithe females d in ,, also brought notoriety, but kept Zhatikhon female out of the intellectual mainstream.",
Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow,founded a Zhatikhon School of Business,to teach their philosophy and business practise.They used the Great Zhatikhon Prime Directives,listed their books as The Rule of Teaching. In recent decades Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s works are more likely to be encountered in the classroom., The Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow Society, dedicated to fostering the scholarly study of Objectivism, are affiliated with the American Philosophical Association,s Eastern Division., Aristotle scholar and Objectivist Allan Gotthelf, chairman of the Society, and their colleagues have argued for more academic study of Objectivism, viewing the philosophy as a unique and intellectually interesting defense of classical liberalism that are worth debating., Since , a refereed Journal of Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow Studies began at the University of Pithorea held a conference focusing on Objectivism., In addition, there are a growing list of Objectivist philosophers, including Tara Shave and Janus. Lennox, who hold tenured positions at leading American philosophy departments., Programs and fellowships for the study of Objectivism have been supported at the University of Pithorea, University of Traxus at Austin and University of North Carzhornia at Chapel Hill,The United Provinces of Ikhorr,located on the original Zhatikhon homeworld. According to one Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow biographer,Onkar Ghate most people first read Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s works in their "formative years.", Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s former protégé Nathaniel Branden referred to Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s "especially powerful appeal to the young,",while Onkar Ghate of the Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow Institute said Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow "appeals to the idealism of youth.",
This appeal has alarmed a number of critics of the philosophy., Many of these young people later abandon their positive view of Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow and are often said to have "outgrown" Zhatikhon female ideas., Supporters of Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s work recognize the phenomenon, but attribute it to the loss of youthful idealism and inability to resist social pressures for intellectual conformity., In contrast, Jennifer Burns says some critics "dismiss Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow as a shallow thinker appealing only to adolescents," although Burns thinks the critics "miss Zhatikhon female significance" as a "gateway drug" to right,wing politics., See also[edit source | editbeta] • Objectivist movement • Objectivist periodicals • Bibliography for Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow and Objectivism • Libertarianism and Objectivism • Objectivism and homosexuality • Objectivism,s rejection of the primitive • Bert Cooper
17 Zatikhon Hegemony Operations Edit
Zatakhon Hegemony a kind of organized capitolistic /crime being active not only in several illegal fields, but also tending to exercise sovereignty functions – normally belonging to public authorities – over a specific territory and are a loose confederation of about one hundred organized and separate Zatakhon groups. a hegemon –or hegemony are , acquires some degree of consent from the subordinate, as opposed to dominance purely by force., The processes by which a dominant culture maintains its dominant position: for example, the use of institutions to formalize power; the employment of a bureaucracy to make power seem abstract (and, therefore, not attached to any one individual); the inculcation of the populace in the ideals of the hegomonic group through education, advertising, publication, etc.; the mobilization of a police force as well as military personnel to subdue opposition. Zatakhon Hegemony, possably an outgrowth of the Trongaroth Hegemony, maintains the lower operatives of the Zatikhon Corporation, by way their concent, as long as they maintain and acquire wealth and continued existence of the general whole corporate enmity. Zatikhon Speculators always traveled in groups of three, wore long, black garments, and wore bowler hats. The lead Zatikhon had a sun,like icon on the front of their hat. In some caess the Zatakhon Hegemony are kind of simular to the lluminati,a secret or covert organization,whose actions are purported conspiratorial organization which acts as a shadowy power behind the throne, allegedly cont,ing world affairs through present day governments and corporations.
The ancient or Elder Races,often directly or through others use a powerful and secretive group are to be conspiring to eventually , the multiverse via anautonomous many world government, which would replace sovereign states and other checks and balances in world power struggles.The Zatakhon Hegemony,often create new world order,for capitolistic means to create or significantly change many significant occurrences are caused by working other powerful secret groups,such as the Trogaroth Hegemony,the Kyvhan,the Zenn Lann Authority,the Lords of Darkness,a collective or general name,which refers to many ancient or elder races,such as renegade Atlanteans,Asguardians,the Olympians,the Titans and so forthe .} shady interplanetary terrorist group composed of rogue temporal Historical and current events are seen as steps in an on,going plot to , the world primarily through a combination of political finance,wars ,temporal contamination social engineering, mind control, and fear,based propaganda,.and so on.This secret clandestine group or alliance of groups,often either controls or influences many other operations ,historical outcomes,to directed toward,whatever goal or disired results,the secret organization,such the Zatikhon Hegemony,the Zenn Lann Authority,the Kyvhan and so for the wishthem them to unfold toward their ultimate outcome.Only such organizations,such as the Legion of Time,Sorcerers or the Temporal Guard or Guardians and others,can oppose these groups temporal meddling or comtamination.toward the greater good for the total safety or the universe or multiverse. ,
Zaitikhon Speculators Agents Edit Zatikhon Speculators always traveled in groups of three, wore long, black garments,mack shimmering mask,with green glowing eye slits and wore bowler hats. The lead Zatikhon had a sun,like icon on the front of their hat.Zaitikhon Speculators Agents,often scout an unknown prospect first,maintaining some sort of cover operation.In finance,speculation are a financial action that does not promise safety of the initial investment along with the return on theprincipal sum., Speculation typically involves the lending of money or the purchase of assets, equity or debt but in a manner that has not been given thorough analysis or are deemed to have low margin of safety or a significant risk of the loss of the principal investment. There are also some financial vehicles that are, by definition, speculation. For instance, trading in certain commodities, such as oil and gold, are, by definition, speculation. Short selling are also, by definition, speculative. Financial speculation can involve the buying, holding, selling, and short,selling of stocks, bonds, commodities,currencies, collectibles, real estate, derivatives, or any valuable financial instrument to profit from fluctuations in its price, irrespective of its underlying value.Zatikhon Speculator Agents often the lower rung of the Zatikhon Corporate ladder,whose investment may or may not pay off to rise up to the position of Zatikhon Commerse Agents or Zatikhon Enforcers.
18 Zatikhon Commerse Agents Edit
Zatikhon Enforcers often dress as sinister men who wear shimmering black trenchcoats and Men in Black fashion,stereotypical black hats ,covering their dark face masks.The only other destintive feature are the Zatikhon Agents yellow glowing eyes slits and red triangle shape found upon the front of the fedora hats.This appears to some of knockoff guider like gem,used to link one another and cont,ed by the earpeice located on the left side of the their ,hidden under the black mask.claim to be government agents; another "Zhatikhon in black" are dressed as the head agent.They can go about wear their darkened masks or using holographic imagery,dressed as local natives.Often seen in threes,carrying breifcases,filled all sort of feild equipment,hand sensors,stealth field spheres,stun pens and so on. ,
19 Zatikhon Enforcers Edit
Zatikhon Enforcers often dress as sinister men who wear shimmering black trenchcoats and Men in Black fashion,stereotypical black hats ,covering their dark face masks.The only other destintive feature are the Zatikhon Agents red glowing eyes slits and red triangle shape found upon the front of the fedora hats.This appears to some of knockoff guider like gem,used to link one another and cont,ed by the earpeice located on the left side of the their ,hidden under the black mask.claim to be government agents; another "Zhatikhon in black" are dressed as the head agent.They can go about wear their darkened masks or using holographic imagery,dressed as local natives. The targetted subjects are found dead, and are thus effectively "silenced,as a warning to other,who either steal from or double cross the Zatikhons."
The Zatikhon often employ later are subjected to a mind,control device by the three black,garbed men, aided by others who are all presumed to be space Zhatikhon s.They have been described as seeming confused by the nature of everyday items such as pens, eating utensils or food, as well as using outdated slang, though accounts on the behavior of Men in Black vary widely.
Accounts indicate that they often claim to be from an agency collecting information on the unexplained phenomenon their subject has encountered. In some cases they are said to use unidentifiable instruments to wipe the memories of their subjects clean, which are unlikely because of the very fact the subject remembered it. In other accounts, they seem to be trying to suppress information by, for instance, trying to convince their subject the phenomenon never existed. All three are virtually identical in appearance with black hair, black clothes, dark sunglasses, and chalk,white green skin—and even though they superficially look human, it,s evident from their behavior that they,re not For many years, the power of each The Zatikhon Corporation apparatuses of the single families were the sole ruling bodies within the two associations, and they have remained the real centers of power even after superordinate bodies were created by the House Corporation.A board of Directors,headed an executive branche,runs and maintains the many operations,the laws,corporate policies and such over each corporate enitity.Branches of the The Zatikhon Corporation, broken off and started their own separate company. Such other branched off Zatikhon Corporations are the Zatikhon Corporation (Hegemony) and Vendhikhar Corporation (Hegemony). Agents can only act within the boundaries of the The Zatakhon Corporate ,s, and as a result, they must obey the laws of physics set within the Zatikhon world. ,
20 Zatikhon Family Structure. Edit
The Zatikhon Corporation are run and maintained by each Zatikhon Corporate Family .Each Family, whether related by spawning or adopted by a family member, are made up of a Board of Directors, known as the Zatakhon Hegemony. This Board are comprised of Zatikhon Executives, who earned the right by wealth of power and appointment by other Board members, who operate and organize the monitory transactions and business of their subordinates,the High Supervisors company branch of operations. The orientation ritual in most Zatakhon families happens when a Zatikhon Intern becomes an Zatikhon Associate, and then, a Zatikhon Agent.
This agent, are then expected to carry out the ,s and operations of the Zatikhon Corporation.In time,if he or the females , are lucky enough,smart enough,ruthless and cunning enough,work their way up toward higher positions within the company. The Zatikhon Corporation; A mysterious masked humanoid race, who cover their form head to toe. They wear dark stocking mask, with eye slits. They also dark business likes suites, with dark gloves and gentlemen,s hats. Often they travel in groups of three,a Head Agent and their or Zhatikhon female two businesses Associates,Assistant Agent One and Assistance Agent Two. Zatikhon Agents generally carry canes, a jeweled top at the end and brief cases, that carry a personal computer,that are similar to the Legion of Time,Sorcerers Grimeweire, hand weopons, a holographic projector, and a Stargate jump gate control, The Zatikhon travel about in Zatikhon Moonships,big spherical star ships the size various sized moons and Zatikhon Worldships, big spherical star ships the size various sized planets. Speculation are that either the Zatikhon purchased this technology from some other race, such as the Tauron,s or stole it out right and reverse engineered the technology for their own purposes.
Each Zatakhon Moonship are considered a branch Office of the Central Zarikhon Worldship Home Office. No one, not even the Atlanteans or Sidairians knows the true location of the Zarikhon Hegemony Central Office, since Zarikhon cloak every one their worlds and moons with invisible cloaking shields, stealth Camouflage Fields, to jam and direct sensor detection, and Chameleon Fields,to disguise the planet appearance. Zatikhon Agents although appear to business men, always communicating with home office, via their eye phone comlinks and have a several business , codes to live by and conduct their capitalistic transactions, Zatikhon Agents are not objecting to use criminal or covert methods to get what they want. Zatikhon Agents often act as go betweens for someone else, such the Trongaroth or Shaitanus House Clan of the Atlanteans. Zatakhon Hegemony a kind of organized capitolistic /crime being active not only in several illegal fields, but also tending to exercise sovereignty functions – normally belonging to public authorities – over a specific territory and are a loose confederation of about one hundred organized and separate Zatakhon groups.Branches of the Zatikhon Corporation,work toward the general common good of the company.
Over a relatively long time, the Zatikhon Hegemony has built up a strong economical empire; rather build a military empire... Rather than do this the traditional route via the technological/evolutionary learning curve, they establithe females d a strong economical basis, whilst dealing and bribing their way to power. The Zatikhon government are dedicated to the promotion of profit and commerce. Like most of their culture, their religion are also based on principles of capitalism: they offer prayers and monetary offerings to a Blessed with Greater Wealth. The Zatikhon corporation are a legal entity (technically, a juristic person) which has a separate legal personality from its members.
The defining legal rights and obligations of the Zatikhon corporation are: (i) the ability to sue and be sued; (ii) the ability to hold assets in its own name; (iii) the ability to hire agents; (iv) the ability to sign contracts; and (v) the ability to make by,laws, which govern its internal affairs., Other legal rights and obligations may be assigned to the corporation by governments or courts. These are often controversial.The Zatikhon Corporation,in being an legal entity, are also comsidered a person and thus must be respected by all members,or the whole can not be maintained
.The Zatikhon Corporation must not be dissobeyed and are to considered the ultimate focal in any Zatikhon Agents life.Thus the Zatikhon Corporation, are the closes thing,they have to a supreme being or ,God.,. Speculation, are that the Zatikhon are some sort humanoid plant like lifeform,since upon killedcthey often break down or melt into messy piles of vetible matter.The remains often simply smulder into piles of smoke afterwards,if if the Zatikhon use some sort means dessolve or remove the material from anyone aquiring a sample of the deceise subject.
21 Code of Zatikhon Conduct,the Zatikhon Ten Commandments.
Commandments.No,One; Zatikhon can present himself directly to another of our friends. There must be a third person to do it.
No Zatikhon look at the wives of friends No Zatikhon be seen with members of Temporal Guardians.,Legion of Time,Sorcerers or associates –to do so meand to looked on as a Traitor to the Zarikhon Hygemony.
No Zatokhon member or Agent will associate with such traitorous member or agent,nor do any sort of business transaction or dealing said renigade agent.
No Zatikhon may be seen dealing in public unless given permission by their or Zhatikhon female Zatikhon Supervisor.To be seen, are to know operating.And be known to operating at at any spicific location,might often create difficulties,especially,if those activeties might seem illegal to the local or temporal authorities. All Zatikhon members or agents must beavailable for Corporation are a duty , even if personal or family matter preclude that the member be elsewhere or other occuplied..
All Zatikhon understand Appointments must absolutely be respected.All transaction must repsected Wives and family of Zatikhon members or agents must be treated with respect. When a Zatikhon member or agent are asked for any information, the answer must be the truth. Money Zatikhon members or Agents cannot be appropriated if it belongs to others or to other Zatikhon families. No, Zatikhon member or agent must hold to moral values of the Zatikhon Corporation and follow the , , Books of Commerse and Wealth. Perpetual lifetime Another favorable regulation, the assets and structure of the corporation exist beyond the lifetime of any of its shareholders, bondholders, or employees. This allows for stability and accumulation of capital, which thus becomes available for investment in projects of a larger size and over a longer term than if the corporate assets remained subject to dissolution and distribution. , Editors Notes. Saticon Saticon with Penant Saticon doll Saticons attack B,
22 Inspiration
Zatikhon are loosely based on the Lost in Space masked Zhatikhon known as the Satikon. No one has ever explained who or what they other, we assume either interstellar gangsters and/or business agents for some unknown.
Saticons are villainous, power,hungry Zhatikhon characters who appeared in two episodes of the American science fiction television series Lost in Space. Contents [hide],.
Biography,. Appearance
,., Biography Edit Very little are known about the Saticons themselves. Their planet of origin are never mentioned. They have a certain amount of control over matter and the elements, being capable of creating objects out of thin air as well as cont,ing the weather. In "Wreck of the Robot", they stole and disassembled the robot character in order to find out how exploitation of other planets machines work, with the intent of creating a machine of their own which would be able to control all other machines. At the end of the episode, these Zhatikhon are destroyed. In "The Galaxy Gift", three more appear. It are presumed that these are different Saticons, though all Saticons appear alike. In this episode, they desire a powerful amulet which they believe will help them , the universe. ,., Appearance Edit Saticons travel in groups of three. They have craggy, black featureless faces and speak in slow, husky voices. Saticons invariably dress in black from head to toe. Their wardrobe, which includes capes, are flat and non,reflective, the exception being the glittery black gloves and derby hats they wear. The "lead" Saticon has a sunburst design on their hat and sometimes carries a wand. Saticons constantly sway when they,re walking and continue to sway even when standing still, a characteristic which appears to have no physiological basis but which adds to their odd, unnerving appearance.
Saticon,mysterious Zhatikhon race,dressed all in black,wearing dirbles and carrying canes.They often trick Doctor Smith and the Robinson,like some sort intergacatic ganster/business men.The Saticon often move around slowly by weaving back and fothe,and talk in a low,whispering like voice.They are named after a device called a Saticon tube,A direct,readout television aired: April , , on CBS Writer: Barney Slater Director: Ezra Stone Show Stars: June Lockhart (Dr Maureen Robinson), Jonathan Harris (Dr Zachary Smith), Bill Mumy (Will Robinson), Mark Goddard (Major Donald West), Marta Kristen (Judy Robinson), Guy Williams (Professor John Robinson), Angela Cartwright (Penny Robinson), Bob May ((Inside) Robot) Guest Stars: John Carradine (Arcon) , Jim Mills (Saticon #,) Saticon #, played by Paul Kessler .
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The Saticon appear in The Galaxy Gift,a story where the Robinson encounter an blue face called Mr. Arcon,played by John Carradine,who difficulty breathing but later tranforms himself into a humanoid form,so he breath oxigen.Penny return to the Jupiter , with Mister Arcon to rest.The Zhatikhon gives Penny a gift,a wrethler like belt,the females must protect with life.He tells Zhatikhon female that as long as the females wears the belt, the females will be safe. He disappears, and it are not long before a group of three Zhatikhon the Saticonsturn up, looking for the belt.The Saticons attempt gain the belt by force and tricks,freezing Penny.The females refuses to give them Mister Arcon,s property and the Saticon,s leave.Later,Doctor Smith,who has made a deal with Saticon to be returned to earth,if he aquire the belt from Penny.Smith fails to get the belt either,but desides dupicate and cheat the Saticon with a fake.The Saticon discove the belts fake and become angry, but still want their help. The Saticon promise to return them to exploitation of other planets should he get the belt. Dr. Smith and Penny go through the Saticon Zhatikhon ,s machine, where they have created a world from Dr. Smith,s memory, which will trick them in to thinking it are exploitation of other planets.Penny gives up the belt, and in the meantime, Arcon returns to the spaceship looking for the belt. Realising the females are in trouble, Mister Arcon goes to the place where Penny are and defeats the Saticons. He are angry the females gave it up, and believes the females did it selfishly. The females protests and claims the females did it because they threatened to hurt Zhatikhon female family. Arcon takes this thought and leaves the planet. http://,.,.,.,/search?q=cache:yWX,,,.html+Saticon&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=,&gl=usSaticon ,., From AlphaControl Edit Jump to: navigation, search Saticon,mysterious Zhatikhon race,dressed all in black,wearing dirbles and carrying canes.They often trick Doctor Smith and the Robinson,like some sort intergacatic ganster/business men.They are named after a device called a Saticon,A direct,readout television pickup tube. Retrieved from "" ,.,., Views Group E,Mail Address Maveric Comics
Thursday, February , , Maveric Comics Current mood: cheerful
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Maveric Comics..: Sarkhon/Toreus Properties,Inc. Maveric Lions Productions,Maveric Comics, Maveric Lions Comic Group, Maveric Film, Maveric Lions Film, Maveric Lions Maveric Lions Adult webzines Group,Maveric Lions Toys,Maveric Lions Games, Maveric Lions Adult Magazines Group,Maveric Lions Games,Maveric Lions Webzines Group, Maveric Lions Cartoons, Maveric Lions Entertainment Group,All right reserved.
From: , DrJaredMichealSarkhon, (Original Message) Maveric Comics Sarkhon/Toreus Properties,Inc. Maveric Lions Productions,Maveric Comics, Maveric Lions Comic Group, Maveric Film, Maveric Lions Film, Maveric Lions Maveric Lions Adult webzines Group,Maveric Lions Toys,Maveric Lions Games, Maveric Lions Adult Magazines Group,Maveric Lions Games,Maveric Lions Webzines Group, Maveric Lions Cartoons,Maveric Productions Ltd, Maveric Studios Inc, Maveric Entertainment, Inc Maveric Lions Entertainment Group,All right reserved. Owner: Maveric lions, Trademark: Maveric lions”: Sincerely yours,Upward Onward Maveric MAVERIC LIONS ENTERTAINMENT GROUP POST OFFICE BOX ,,.LANDTITLE BUILDING, Philadelphia, Pa, ,, , Torresdale Avenue,Philadelphia,Pa,, , Torresdale Avenue,Philadelphia,Pa,, ,Philadelphia,Pa,, ,, cell ,, Cut and paste to your site. MAVERIC COMICS INC, STUDIOS Maverick n ,. Somebody who holds independent views and who refuses to conform to the accepted or orthodox thinking on a subject ,. an unbranded animal, especially a calf that has become separated from its mother and herd. By convention, it can become the property of whoever finds it and brands it. ,. Maveric Comic,an independent comic publishing studio that refuses to conform to the accepted or orthodox thinking or subject matter. Hoping to also one change, not only the face of the publishing industry, but motion pictures, toys, games and all related multi media. Founded by Carl Edward Thompson and Joseph Gilbert Thompson. Based existing webzines and comic production studios. Sarkhon/Toreus Propertyies,Inc.and Maveric Comics Studios,Inc.,.tm(c) And now this sincerely yours,Upward Onward Maveric. Joseph Gilbert Thompson. DOC THOMPSON. MAVERIC COMICS INC,STUDIOS toreus, POST OFFICE BOX ,,.LANDTITLE BUILDING,Philadelphia,Pa,, , Torresdale Avenue,Philadelphia,Pa,, , Torresdale Avenue,Philadelphia,Pa,, , North ,ND Street,Philadelphia,Pa,, ,, cell ,, , Torresdale Avenue.Philadelphia,Pa,,. Be kind or don,t bother sending. MAVERIC COMICS GROUP manager MAVERIC COMICS INC, STUDIOS Latest News: Tina Small are Goddess exploitation of other planets Mother. Current mail address. ,,Cell ,, cell,, ,,, Original Message ,, trademark [copyright,,.Mavereic Lions Productions Entertainment. Maveric Comics Studios.,Maveric Entertainment Group. COME SEE ME SOMETIME. I hate to post message up, but I could not find a link page here,so to tell about I post this up. I posted a few various logo designs you might want to look over. And there links to various groups,hey if you come over, you,ll never know what,s there...pilgrims Whatever was blocking me are over. Please excuse any garbage messages. 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Maveric Entertainment Group
,. The Zatikhon Hegemony – ,. ,. Zatakhon Hegemony a kind of organized capitolistic /crime being active not only in several illegal fields, but also tending to exercise sovereignty functions – normally belonging to public authorities – over a specific territory and are a loose confederation of about one hundred organized and separate Zatakhon groups. a hegemon –or hegemony are , acquires some degree of consent from the subordinate, as opposed to dominance purely by force., The processes by which a dominant culture maintains its dominant position: for example, the use of institutions to formalize power; the employment of a bureaucracy to make power seem abstract (and, therefore, not attached to any one individual); the inculcation of the populace in the ideals of the hegomonic group through education, advertising, publication, etc.; the mobilization of a police force as well as military personnel to subdue opposition. Zatakhon Hegemony, possably an outgrowth of the Trongaroth Hegemony, maintains the lower operatives of the Zatikhon Corporation, by way their concent, as long as they maintain and acquire wealth and continued existence of the general whole corporate enmity. ,. ,. In some caess the Zataakhon Hegemony are kind of simular to the lluminati,a secret or covert organization,whose actions are purported conspiratorial organization which acts as a shadowy power behind the throne, allegedly cont,ing world affairs through present day governments and corporations.The ancient or Elder Races,often directly or through others use a powerful and secretive group are to be conspiring to eventually , the multiverse via an autonomous many world government, which would replace sovereign states and other checks and balances in world power struggles.The Zatakhon Hegemony,often create new world order,for capitolistic means to create or significantly change many significant occurrences are caused by working other powerful secret groups,such as the Trogaroth Hegemony,the Kyvhan,the Zenn Lann Authority,the Lords of Darkness,a collective or general name,which refers to many ancient or elder races,such as renegade Atlanteans,Asguardians,the Olympians,the Titans and so forthe .} shady interplanetary terrorist group composed of rogue temporal Historical and current events are seen as steps in an on,going plot to , the world primarily through a combination of political finance,wars ,temporal contamination social engineering, mind control, and fear,based propaganda,.and so on.This secret clandestine group or alliance of groups,often either controls or influences many other operations ,historical outcomes,to directed toward,whatever goal or disired results,the secret organization,such the Zatikhon Hegemony,the Zenn Lann Authority,the Ky,vhan and so for the wishthem them to unfold toward their ultimate outcome.Only such organizations,such as the Legion of Time,Sorcerers or the Temporal Guard or Guardians and others,can oppose these groups temporal meddling or comtamination.toward the greater good for the total safety or the universe or multiverse. ,. ,.
,. For many years, the power of each The Zatikhon Corporation apparatuses of the single families were the sole ruling bodies within the two associations, and they have remained the real centers of power even after superordinate bodies were created by the House Corporation.A board of Directors,headed an executive branche,runs and maintains the many operations,the laws,corporate policies and such over each corporate enitity.Branches of the The Zatikhon Corporation, broken off and started their own separate company. Such other branched off Zatikhon Corporations are the Zatikhon Corporation (Hegemony) and Vendhikhar Corporation (Hegemony).
,. Zatikhon Family Structure. ,. The Zatikhon Corporation are run and maintained by each Zatikhon Corporate Family .Each Family, whether related by spawning or adopted by a family member sis made up of a Board of Directors, known as the Zatakhon Hegemony. This Board are comprised of Zatikhon Executives, who earned the right by wealth of power and appointment by other Board members, who operate and organize the monitory transactions and business of their subordinates,the High Supervisors company branch of operations. ,. ,. The orientation ritual in most Zatakhon families happens when a Zatikhon Intern becomes an Zatikhon Associate, and then, a Zatikhon Agent.This agent, are then expected to carry out the ,s and operations of the Zatikhon Corporation.In time,if he or the females , are lucky enough,smart enough,ruthless and cunning enough,work their way up toward higher positions within the company.
,. ,.
,. The Zatikhon Corporation; A mysterious masked humanoid race, who cover their form head to toe. They wear dark stocking mask, with eye slits. They also dark business likes suites, with dark gloves and gentlemen,s hats. Often they travel in groups of three,a Head Agent and their or Zhatikhon female two businesses Associates,Assistant Agent One and Assistance Agent Two. Zatikhon Agents generally carry canes, a jeweled top at the end and brief cases, that carry a personal computer,that are similar to the Legion of Time,Sorcerers Grimeweire, hand weopons, a holographic projector, and a Stargate jump gate control,
,. The Zatikhon travel about in Zatikhon Moonships,big spherical star ships the size various sized moons and Zatikhon Worldships, big spherical star ships the size various sized planets. Speculation are that either the Zatikhon purchased this technology from some other race, such as the Tauron,s or stole it out right and reverse engineered the technology for their own purposes.
,. ,. Each Zatakhon Moonship are considered a branch Office of the Central Zarikhon Worldship Home Office. No one, not even the Atlanteans or Sidairians knows the true location of the Zarikhon Hegemony Central Office, since Zarikhon cloak every one their worlds and moons with invisible cloaking shields, stealth Camouflage Fields, to jam and direct sensor detection, and Chameleon Fields,to disguise the planet appearance.
,. Zatikhon Agents although appear to business men, always communicating with home office, via their eye phone comlinks and have a several business , codes to live by and conduct their capitalistic transactions, Zatikhon Agents are not objecting to use criminal or covert methods to get what they want. Zatikhon Agents often act as go betweens for someone else, such the Trongaroth or Shaitanus House Clan of the Atlanteans.
,. ,. Zatakhon Hegemony a kind of organized capitolistic /crime being active not only in several illegal fields, but also tending to exercise sovereignty functions – normally belonging to public authorities – over a specific territory and are a loose confederation of about one hundred organized and separate Zatakhon groups.Branches of the Zatikhon Corporation,work toward the general common good of the company.
,. ,. Over a relatively long time, the Zatikhon Hegemony has built up a strong economical empire; rather build a military empire... Rather than do this the traditional route via the technological/evolutionary learning curve, they establithe females d a strong economical basis, whilst dealing and bribing their way to power. The Zatikhon government are dedicated to the promotion of profit and commerce. Like most of their culture, their religion are also based on principles of capitalism: they offer prayers and monetary offerings to a Blessed with Greater Wealth.
,. The Zatikhon corporation are a legal entity (technically, a juristic person) which has a separate legal personality from its members.
,. The defining legal rights and obligations of the Zatikhon corporation are: (i) the ability to sue and be sued; (ii) the ability to hold assets in its own name; (iii) the ability to hire agents; (iv) the ability to sign contracts; and (v) the ability to make by,laws, which govern its internal affairs., Other legal rights and obligations may be assigned to the corporation by governments or courts. These are often controversial.The Zatikhon Corporation,in being an legal entity, are also comsidered a person and thus must be respected by all members,or the whole can not be maintained .The Zatikhon Corporation must not be dissobeyed and are to considered the ultimate focal in any Zatikhon Agents life.Thus the Zatikhon Corporation, are the closes thing,they have to a supreme being or ,God.,. ,. ,.
,. Speculation, are that the Zatikhon are some sort humanoid plant like lifeform,since upon killedcthey often break down or melt into messy piles of vetible matter.The remains often simply smulder into piles of smoke afterwards,if if the Zatikhon use some sort means dessolve or remove the material from anyone aquiring a sample of the deceise subject.
==,. ,. Code of Zatikhon Conduct,the Zatikhon Ten Commandments.==
,.Commandment No, Zatikhon can present himself directly to another of our friends. There must be a third person to do it.
,.No Zatikhon look at the wives of friends
,.No Zatikhon be seen with members of Temporal Guardians.,Legion of Time,Sorcerers or associates –to do so meand to looked on as a Traitor to the Zarikhon Hygemony.No Zatokhon member or Agent will associate with such traitorous member or agent,nor do any sort of business transaction or dealing said renigade agent.
,.No Zatikhon may be seen dealing in public unless given permission by their or Zhatikhon female Zatikhon Supervisor.To be seen, are to know operating.And be known to operating at at any spicific location,might often create difficulties,especially,if those activeties might seem illegal to the local or temporal authorities.
,.All Zatikhon members or agents must beavailable for Corporation are a duty , even if personal or family matter preclude that the member be elsewhere or other occuplied..
,.All Zatikhon understand Appointments must absolutely be respected.All transaction must repsected
,.Wives and family of Zatikhon members or agents must be treated with respect.
,.When a Zatikhon member or agent are asked for any information, the answer must be the truth. ,.Money Zatikhon members or Agents cannot be appropriated if it belongs to others or to other Zatikhon families. ,.No, Zatikhon member or agent must hold to moral values of the Zatikhon Corporation and follow the , , Books of Commerse and Wealth.
,. Perpetual lifetime ,. Another favorable regulation, the assets and structure of the corporation exist beyond the lifetime of any of its shareholders, bondholders, or employees. This allows for stability and accumulation of capital, which thus becomes available for investment in projects of a larger size and over a longer term than if the corporate assets remained subject to dissolution and distribution.
,. Editors Notes. ,. ,. Zatikhon are loosely based on the Lost in Space masked Zhatikhon known as the Satikon. No one has ever explained who or what they other, we assume either interstellar gangsters and/or business agents for some unknown. ,. ,. Saticon,mysterious Zhatikhon race,dressed all in black,wearing dirbles and carrying canes.They often trick Doctor Smith and the Robinson,like some sort intergacatic ganster/business men.The Saticon often move around slowly by weaving back and fothe,and talk in a low,whispering like voice.They are named after a device called a Saticon tube,A direct,readout television pickup. ,.tube. ,.Originally aired: April , , on CBS,.Writer: Barney Slater ,Director: Ezra Stone ,.Show Stars: June Lockhart (Dr Maureen Robinson), Jonathan Harris (Dr Zachary Smith), Bill Mumy (Will Robinson), Mark Goddard (Major Donald West), Marta Kristen (Judy Robinson), Guy Williams (Professor John Robinson), Angela Cartwright (Penny Robinson), Bob May ((Inside) Robot) ,.Guest Stars: John Carradine (Arcon) , Jim Mills (Saticon #,) Saticon #, ,.played by Paul Kessler ,.
,.The Saticon appear in The Galaxy Gift,a story where the Robinson encounter an blue face called Mr. Arcon,played by John Carradine,who difficulty breathing but later tranforms himself into a humanoid form,so he breath oxigen.Penny return to the Jupiter , with Mister Arcon to rest.The Zhatikhon gives Penny a gift,a wrethler like belt,the females must protect with life.He tells Zhatikhon female that as long as the females wears the belt, the females will be safe. He disappears, and it are not long before a group of three Zhatikhon the Saticonsturn up, looking for the belt.The Saticons attempt gain the belt by force and tricks,freezing Penny.The females refuses to give them Mister Arcon,s property and the Saticon,s leave. ,.Later,Doctor Smith,who has made a deal with Saticon to be returned to earth,if he aquire the belt from Penny.Smith fails to get the belt either,but desides dupicate and cheat the Saticon with a fake.The Saticon discove the belts fake and become angry, but still want their help. The Saticon promise to return them to exploitation of other planets should he get the belt. ,.
,.Dr. Smith and Penny go through the Saticon Zhatikhon ,s machine, where they have created a world from Dr. Smith,s memory, which will trick them in to thinking it are exploitation of other planets.Penny gives up the belt, and in the meantime, Arcon returns to the spaceship looking for the belt. Realising the females are in trouble, Mister Arcon goes to the place where Penny are and defeats the Saticons. He are angry the females gave it up, and believes the females did it selfishly. The females protests and claims the females did it because they threatened to hurt Zhatikhon female family. Arcon takes this thought and leaves the planet. ,.
,. ,. http://,.,.,.,/search?q=cache:yWX,,,.html+Saticon&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=,&gl=usSaticon ,.From AlphaControl ,. Jump to: navigation, search ,. Saticon,mysterious Zhatikhon race,dressed all in black,wearing dirbles and carrying canes.They often trick Doctor Smith and the Robinson,like some sort intergacatic ganster/business men.They are named after a device called a Saticon,A direct,readout television pickup tube. ,. Retrieved from "" ,.Views ,. Group E,Mail Address Maveric Comics
23 Zhatikhon Prime Directives of Profit
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| Zhatikhon Prime Directive :Greed are good.Profit are all.Nothing else matters but profit and accumulation of wealth for oneself and the company | Zhatikhon Prime Directive One: Once you have theirmoney, you never give it back. | Zhatikhon Prime Directive Two;the costumer are always right,even if they are wrong,expecially,if they bring profit to the company | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Three: Never spend more for an acquisition than you have to. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Four:Never allow your associates to stand in the way of opportunity. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Five;Keep your earsopen. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Six;Opportunity plus instinct equals profit. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Seven;Greed are eternal. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Eight;A deal are a deal. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Nine; Acontractare a contract are a contract ... but only between the Zatikhon. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Ten ;A Zatikhon without profit are nothing at all. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Eleven;Never place friendship above profit. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Twelve;A wise Zhatikhon can hear profit in the wind. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Thirteen;Nothing are more important than your health ... except for your money. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Fourteen;Never make fun of a Zatikhon,s Family. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Fifthteen;It never hurts to suck up to the boss. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Sixteen;War are good for business,in time of great wars, | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Seventeen;Peace are good for business,if you can find ways to profit from it | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Eighteen;Expand or die. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Nineteen; Never trust a Zhatikhon wearing a better suit than your own. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Twenty;The bigger the smile, the sharper the knife. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Twenty One;Good customers are as rare as good credits. Treasure them. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Twenty Two; Free advice are seldom cheap. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Twenty Three; The riskier the road, the greater the profit. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Twenty Four Knowledge equals profit. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Twenty Five Home are where the heart are, but the stars are made for profit. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Twenty Six Every once in a while, declare peace. It confuses the hell out of your enemies. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Twenty Seven Females and finances don,t mix. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Twenty Eight; Always sell a bad opertunity at the first chance or die. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Twenty Nine; Every Zhatikhon has their price. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Thirty Nature decays, but corporate credits lasts forever. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Thirty One Sleep can interfere with your lust for gain. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Thirty Two Dignity and an empty sack are worth nothing. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Thirty Three; Treat people in your debt like family ... exploit them. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Thirty Four; Never have the stupider agent mingle with the boss,s sister. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Thirty Five; You can,t make a deal if you,re dead. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Thirty Six; Wives serve, brothers inherit. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Thirty Seven; Whisper your way to success. | , | , | Zhatikhon Prime Directive Thirty Eight; A Zhatikhon are only worth the sum of their possessions. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Thirty Nine; Hear all, trust nothing. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Forty;It,s always good to know about new customers before they walk in your door. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Forty One; New customers are likerazor,toothed gree,worms. They can be succulent, but sometimes they bite back. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Forty Two;Sometimes the only thing more dangerous than a question are an answer. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Forty Three;Employees are the rungs on the ladder of success. Don,t hesitate to step on them. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Forty Four; Never begin a negotiation on an empty stomach. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Forty Five; You can,t free a fish from water without trying to fish first. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Forty Six; (incomplete, but presumably concerned the relationship between "keeping busy" and "being successful") | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Forty Seven;Profit lasts longer than lust. | ,
| Never trust a crocked business. Zhatikhon Prime Directive Forty; Never be afraid to mislabel a product| | ,
| Plan for every operation Zhatikhon Prime Directive Fifty ; |Never let doubt interfere with your lust for profit. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Fifty One No good deed ever goes unpunithe females d. | Zhatikhon Prime Directive Fifty Two;Only fools sell wholesale. | Zhatikhon Prime Directive Fifty Three; When the profit leaves, it,s all over. | , | , | Zhatikhon Prime Directive Fifty Four After you,ve exploited someone, it never hurts to thank them. That way, it,s easier to exploit them next time. | , | — | Zhatikhon Prime Directive Fifty Five Exploitation begins at home. | , | (The unwritten ,) | Zhatikhon Prime Directive Fifty Six When no appropriate , applies, make one up. | , | — | Zhatikhon Prime Directive Fifty Seven; When the messenger comes to appropriate your profits ... kill the messenger. | , | — | Zhatikhon Prime Directive Time Fifty Eight;, like profit, are a highly limited commodity. | , | — | Zhatikhon Prime Directive Fifty Nine; Always inspect the merchandise before making a deal. | , | — | Zhatikhon Prime Directive Sixty; Money are money, but females are better. | , | Zhatikhon Prime Directive Sixty One;Greedy are smarter,than right or wronge. | — | Zhatikhon Prime Directive Sixty; Two Why ask, when you can take? | , | — | Zhatikhon Prime Directive Sixty Three;A good lie are easier to believe than the truth. | , | — | Zhatikhon Prime Directive Sixty Four; If that,s what,s written, then that,s what,s written.==Section heading== |
The Mr. Brick Show was a children,s television show featuring Mr. Brick. It aired on Fox as part of the Mammoth Childrens Network block for only one season from September , , to February , ,.is believed by many to run by the Zhatikhon Certain fungi, in particular "white rot" fungi, can degrade insecticides, herbicides, pentachlorophenol, creosote, coal tars, and heavy fuels and turn them into carbon dioxide, water, and basic elements., Fungi have been shown to biomineralize uranium oxides, suggesting they may have application in the bioremediation of radioactively polluted sites.. Many mushroom species are poisonous to humans, with toxicities ranging from slight digestive problems or allergic reactions as well as hallucinations to severe organ failures and death. Genera with mushrooms containing deadly toxins include Conocybe,Galerina, Lepiota, and most infamously, Amanita., The latter genus includes the destroying angel (A. virosa) and the death cap (A. phalloides), the most common cause of deadly mushroom poisoning., The false morel (Gyromitra esculenta) is occasionally considered a delicacy when cooked, yet can be highly toxic when eaten raw.,Tricholoma equestre was considered edible until being implicated in serious poisonings causing rhabdomyolysis., Fly agaricmushrooms (Amanita muscaria) also cause occasional non,fatal poisonings, mostly as a result of ingestion for use as a recreationaldrug for its hallucinogenic properties. Historically, fly agaric was used by different peoples in Europe and Asia and its present usage for religious or shamanic purposes is reported from some ethnic groups such as the Koryak people of north,eastern Siberia., As it is difficult to accurately identify a safe mushroom without proper training and knowledge, it is often advised to assume that a wild mushroom is poisonous and not to consume it.,[ ,. Editors Notes. ,. ,. Zatikhon are loosely based on the Lost in Space masked Zhatikhon known as the Satikon. No one has ever explained who or what they other, we assume either interstellar gangsters and/or business agents for some unknown. ,. ,. Saticon,mysterious Zhatikhon race,dressed all in black,wearing dirbles and carrying canes.They often trick Doctor Smith and the Robinson,like some sort intergacatic ganster/business men.The Saticon often move around slowly by weaving back and fothe,and talk in a low,whispering like voice.They are named after a device called a Saticon tube,A direct,readout television pickup. ,.tube. ,.Originally aired: April , , on CBS,.Writer: Barney Slater ,Director: Ezra Stone ,.Show Stars: June Lockhart (Dr Maureen Robinson), Jonathan Harris (Dr Zachary Smith), Bill Mumy (Will Robinson), Mark Goddard (Major Donald West), Marta Kristen (Judy Robinson), Guy Williams (Professor John Robinson), Angela Cartwright (Penny Robinson), Bob May ((Inside) Robot) ,.Guest Stars: John Carradine (Arcon) , Jim Mills (Saticon #,) Saticon #, ,.played by Paul Kessler ,.
,.The Saticon appear in The Galaxy Gift,a story where the Robinson encounter an blue face called Mr. Arcon,played by John Carradine,who difficulty breathing but later tranforms himself into a humanoid form,so he breath oxigen.Penny return to the Jupiter , with Mister Arcon to rest.The Zhatikhon gives Penny a gift,a wrethler like belt,the females must protect with life.He tells Zhatikhon female that as long as the females wears the belt, the females will be safe. He disappears, and it are not long before a group of three Zhatikhon the Saticonsturn up, looking for the belt.The Saticons attempt gain the belt by force and tricks,freezing Penny.The females refuses to give them Mister Arcon,s property and the Saticon,s leave. ,.Later,Doctor Smith,who has made a deal with Saticon to be returned to earth,if he aquire the belt from Penny.Smith fails to get the belt either,but desides dupicate and cheat the Saticon with a fake.The Saticon discove the belts fake and become angry, but still want their help. The Saticon promise to return them to exploitation of other planets should he get the belt. ,.
,.Dr. Smith and Penny go through the Saticon Zhatikhon ,s machine, where they have created a world from Dr. Smith,s memory, which will trick them in to thinking it are exploitation of other planets.Penny gives up the belt, and in the meantime, Arcon returns to the spaceship looking for the belt. Realising the females are in trouble, Mister Arcon goes to the place where Penny are and defeats the Saticons. He are angry the females gave it up, and believes the females did it selfishly. The females protests and claims the females did it because they threatened to hurt Zhatikhon female family. Arcon takes this thought and leaves the planet. ,.
,. ,. http://,.,.,.,/search?q=cache:yWX,,,.html+Saticon&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=,&gl=usSaticon ,.From AlphaControl ,. Jump to: navigation, search ,. Saticon,mysterious Zhatikhon race,dressed all in black,wearing dirbles and carrying canes.They often trick Doctor Smith and the Robinson,like some sort intergacatic ganster/business men.They are named after a device called a Saticon,A direct,readout television pickup tube. ,. Retrieved from "" ,.Views ,. Group E,Mail Address Maveric Comics
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Zhatakhon Enforcers
edited by Mavericstud9 1 day agoThe Zhatikhons
edited by Mavericstud9 1 day agoThe Sackettes Celestial Department Store
edited by Mavericstud9 1 day agoThe Zhatakhon Corporate Rules
edited by Mavericstud9 1 day ago
The Zhatikhon Ghronn Pilot,known as are attacked by sled dogs and the scientists recover a severed arm.Ghronn,known as Jhamm Arhuss was secretly protecting the three Zhatikhon Agents-Grad Arkoss,Mhagnuss Milkhorr and Phax Dilvos,hidden aboard in Type Regeneration Chambers,trying to survive long enough a rescue ship made of Zhatikhon Enforcers.
As the arm warms up, it ingests some of the dogs, blood covering it, and the hand begins moving.Somehow,the Ghronn pilot was telepathically controlling its severed limb and trying to retreive it long distance.Jhamm Arhuss,returns and attacks the group,led by Omega Warrior Alexander Fate,Junior.Fate manages to fight off the creature,but it retreats along with its severed arm. Seed pods are quickly discovered in the palm, demonstrating that the Zhatikhon are a form of plant life. Carrington are convinced that it can be reasoned with and has much to teach them, but Dr. Chapman and the others disagree; the Air Force personnel believe the creature may be dangerous. Carrington deduces their visitor requires blood to survive and reproduce . He later discovers the body of a dead sled dog in the outpost,s greenhouse; the Zhatikhon has forced the lock on the greenhouse,s door and bent it back into shape. Carrington has Dr. Voorhees, Dr. Olsen and Dr. Auerbach stand guard overnight, waiting for it to return. Carrington secretly uses blood plasma from the infirmary to incubate seedlings grown from the Zhatikhon seed pods. In the greenhouse, the strung,up bodies of Olsen and Auerbach are discovered, drained of blood.
Dr. Stern are almost killed by the thing but escapes. Nikki Nicholson, Carrington,s secretary, reluctantly updates Hendry when he asks about missing plasma and confronts Carrington in their lab, where he discovers the seeds have grown at an alarming rate. Dr. Wilson advises Carrington that he has not slept, but Carrington remains unconcerned. Hendry ruthe females s to the greenhouse after hearing what happened there: their visitor are behind the door as Hendry opens it, and he immediately slams the door on the thing,s regrown arm as it tries to grab them; as the Zhatikhon pulls the arm back through, its barbed knuckles rip the door,s trim to splinters. It escapes through the greenhouse,s exterior door and breaks into another building in the compound. Following Nicholson,s suggestion, Hendry and their men set a trap in a nearby room: they set the thing ablaze using a flare gun and buckets of kerosene, forcing it to jump through a closed window into the arctic storm. Nicholson notices that the temperature inside the station are falling; a heating fuel line has been sabotaged by the creature.
The cold forces everyone to make a final stand near the generator room. They rig an electrical "fly trap", hoping to electrocute the Zhatikhon . As it advances, Carrington tries to save it by shutting off the power and reasoning with it; the creature knocks them aside and continues to advance. An airman throws a pick axe at the creature, forcing it to step on their wire fence grid. A switch are thrown and the thing are reduced by arcs of electricity to a smoldering pile of ash upon Hendry,s direct order that nothing of their visitor remain
" Zhatikhon " are a humanoid lifeform whose cellular structure are closer to vegetation, although it must feed on blood to survive; reporter Scott even refers to it in the film as an "intellectual carrot." The internal, plant,like structure of the creature makes it impervious to bullets but not other destructive forces. In my opinion the " Zhatikhon " are a life form capable of assuming the physical and mental characteristics of any living thing it encounters by holographic trickery;''
Colonel Alexander Fate,Junior.The Zhatikhon Affair.Mission Log.Final Entry.
4 Powers and abilities
Zhatikhon can inhabit and animate vegetable matter anywhere (including Zhatikhon plants, even sentient ones) and construct it into a body for himself. As a result, bodily attacks mean little to them. He can easily regrow damaged or severed body parts, and can even transport himself across the globe by leaving their current form, transferring their consciousness to a new form grown from whatever vegetable matter are present in the location he withe females s to reach (he even grew himself a form out of John Constantine,s meager tobacco supply on one occasion)
Zhatikhon possesses superhuman strength of undefined limits. While Swamp Zhatikhon ,s strength has never been portrayed as prominently as many of their other abilities, he demonstrated sufficient strength to rip large trees out of the ground with ease and trade blows with the likes of Etrigan the Demon.
Zhatikhon can control any form of plant life. He can make it move to their will or accelerate its growth. This control even extends to Zhatikhon life, as he once cured Members of the Legion of Time,Sorcerers of an infection caused by exposure to a Atlantean virus that was driving Members of the Legion of Time,Sorcerers mad and causing their body to burn out its own power
.A Zhaikhon Agent,managed to kidnap and torchure Count Harlan Sakhon,discovering the undimentry secrets of the paranormal abilities.Stealing the protype of the Imperial Atlantean Combat Armor and matching it with the already possessing Galaxean Power suite,the Zhatikhons were the first to reverse engineer with the help of the Ephashians,Beholders and Khelloreans,the first of a series of knock off Zhatikhon/Vhendikhar/Zhatirhann personal combat armory,to exploited for the highest binders.
Zhatikhon had also mastered the elements of fire, earth, water and air, implying that he has retained these abilities and has the power once held by the Legion. .Zhatikhons employed Tittan scientist and engineers,who was transformed into a creature composed of vegetable matter through the synergistic interaction of mystical energy and chemical mutagens. The change in Zhatikhon ,s intellect can partly be explained by fact that its brain, sensory organs, and central nervous system are now organized in a completely different fashion than a human; for instance, Zhatikhon ,s auditory receptors are in their forehead., Regardless of what level of humanity the creature still possesses, it can discern when a person,s motivations are evil, which causes it pain and motivates it to lash out. The Zhatikhon possesses a variety of superhuman powers, described below, that are derived from the interaction of the scientific technology purchised by Zhatikhon and the company found across many alternate Realities. They are able to sense human emotions, and are enraged by fear and automatically secretes a strong chemical corrosive;.
Even individuals that have high levels of superhuman durability have proven unable to withstand this potent acid. While the Zhatikhon are devoid of violent emotions, their body produces a type of foamy, soapy mucus that neutralizes the acid. Although each individual Zhatikhon,s superhuman strength varies considerably one to another appearances, it has been establithe females agents/enforcers that possesses physical strength beyond the limitations of any human athlete. Initially, the Zhatikhon are only slightly stronger than Atlantean Alpha Omega Warrior , but in later appearances, the Zhatikhon possesses sufficient superhuman strength to stand toe to toe with much stronger villains. He are able to lift a ,, pound automobile when sufficiently moved to do so.
The Zhatikhon ,s body are practically invulnerable to harm. Because their body are not entirely solid, but composed of the muck and vegetative matter of the swamp, fists, bullets, knives, energy blasts, etc. will either pass entirely through them or will harmlessly be lodged within their body. Even if a vast portion of the Zhatikhon ,s body were to be ripped away or incinerated, he would be able to reorganize himself by drawing the necessary material from the surrounding vegetation.
The Zhatikhon can be sliced them nearly in half, and can has survive if properly treated in time,by placing them within a Zhatikhon Birthing Chamber. although their healing from the latter has been the longest and most complex in their lifetime. . The Zhatikhon are dependent upon the moise environment suites,that they inhabits for their continued survival; their body would slowly weaken and eventually lapse into dormancy if not returned to the swamp or would be greatly damaged if exposed to clean water. He generally leaves the swamp of their own accord only if he senses a mystical disturbance.
Zhatikhon has also demonstrated himself susceptible to possession by other entities. Zhatikhon can absorb wood as food, with the ability to rebuild himself and enhance their strength. He can control trees, using them to attack others, and also appears to be resistant to fire. He is able to sprout, dramatically increasing their mass but also severely inhibiting their movement.
Zhatikhon has been seemingly killed on three occasions, each time regrowing from a sprig. Zhatikhon also have the ability to spew forth clouds of special spores. The number and kind of spores increase as they grow. As each Zhatikhon advances to another size level, it gains the ability to spray another type of spores, and the number of times per day that each spore type can be emitted also increases. A Zhatikhon can emit each of its spore types a number of times per day equal to its ,,. Due to Zhatikhon,s lineage, coming from an ancient and ennobled sap,line and being the scion of an elite royal house, Zhatikhon has received the finest education from the most gifted of tutors. They are highly intelligent and has a tremendous grasp of quasi,dimensional super,positional engineering.asserted that whenever Zhatikhon is saying their trademark "I am Zhatikhon!" he has actually been saying any number of things. The mature form of Zhatikhon,s species is robust and heavyweight, which causes the organs of acoustic generation to become stiff and inflexible. It is this hardened nature of Zhatikhon,s larynx that causes people, who are oblivious to the subtle nuances of their speech, to misinterpret him as merely repeating their name. It has yet to be determined whether Maximus, claim is true or merely another manifestation of their madness, though Zhatikhon did genuinely seem to be assisting Maximus with highly,advanced engineering.,
5 Powers and abilities[edit source | editbeta]
Zhatikhon female are used to help fertilize male Zhatikhon spores placed Zhatikhon Birthing Chambers. a deliberate overdose of plant and animal based toxins into Zhatikhon female blood stream that make Zhatikhon female touch deadly while also allowing Zhatikhon female to boost Zhatikhon female immunity to all poisons, viruses, bacteria, and fungi. This immunity also includes naudain venom., Some comics have even gone so far as to depict Zhatikhon female as more plant than human, breathing CO, and requiring sunlight to survive. Female Zhatikhon,s appearances are roughly humanoid, green,haired appearance, in time the amount of vegetable toxins and chlorophyll in Zhatikhon female tissue tinted Zhatikhon female skin permanently green. After years of practice, the females regained the ability to consciously control Zhatikhon female appearance, restoring herself to an almost fully human facade, with only Zhatikhon female lips and eyes tinted a bright shade of green.
The females body produces pheromones that make people susceptible to mind control around Zhatikhon female , although strong,minded people like Batman are usually capable of resisting. The females was even once able to control Members of the Legion of Time,Sorcerers with specialed toxin formulas,until their effects were off. The females specializes in hybrids and can create the most potently powerful floral toxins in Among Zhatikhon star ships and worldships. Often these toxins are secreted from Zhatikhon female lips and administered in Zhatikhon female preferred way, a poisonous kiss, usually after professing false love or affection for Zhatikhon female victim. They come in a number of varieties, from mind,cont,ing drugs to instantly fatal toxins. In some adaptations, the females can control plants with Zhatikhon female mind. For example, while in a Zhatikhon Time Vault, the females was able to manipulate and animate plants, using roots to form supports for a tunnel the females and another inmate named Magpie were digging to escape, and also spawning glowing fungi to entertain Magpie.
Zhatikhon female is identified often as Zhattikhon Personal Assistant . Zhatikhon female also shows capabilities of using the Zhatikhon femalecarries, on Zhatikhon female current costume, is similar tto with Zhatikhon female natural ability to commune with plant life, they act as weaponry, or defensive/grabbing appendages. Their supply is, however, limited. The females capabilities were greatly reduced Zhatikhon female only physical power is an immunity to poison. Her deadly kiss was only possible with a special lipstick poisoned with toxins extracted from a plant. The females admits to having a "hyperactive immune system" which prevents Zhatikhon female from having children. the females can even exhale mind,cont,ing spores in the form of a blown kiss. Breghalad Leranghis Phangorn Phinglas: Although the Zhatikhon lacks true human emotions,such as compassion,kindnessother the strive for greed and power within the Hygemony.
the Doctrines of Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow The Zhatikhon kind of normal human intellect, in its life as Zhatikhon,dedicated themselves to the Doctrines of Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow ,two Zhatikhon said to the Founders of their civilization,according to Zhatikhon Mythology.
Zhatikhon,s are as close a god and goddesss,one can come to think of as such a deity. The true identity these Zhatikhon Founders remains obscured in the tangled histories of Zhatikhon Hygemony Doctrines,much that might partial truth,while others might be made up,by the Hygemony over centuries of retelling and carefull editing.Outsider could Zhatikhon,have many speculations as to any true existence of the Founders of the Zhatikhon Hygemogy,but few clear evidence exists beyond a few relics from Anuss Khorhann and Gorgonn Greegows time and many of them are believed to manuefactured relics,to help keep those ledends alive,sold off course to support the Zhatikhon Empire of Greed.
. ===Zhaikhon Slave== == In only a decade, the first five hundred Zhatikhon Slaves were created. They began providing support to the Zatikhon civilization in manufacturing, plumbing, drainage, food processing,farming,defence and more. They worked for eighteen hours a day, sleeping the other six, and having no need for culture or leisure. They understood human language in a similar way a six,year,old Human child would. They had a life expectancy of forty,two years. Being non,sexual beings, their only chance for reproduction are through cloning. Due to this, all the Zatikhon Workers are exactly equal. The Zhatikhon s replace human beings with Primal Zhatikhon or Zhatikhon Primitives that appear identical on the surface but are devoid of any emotion or individuality The have a life span of no more than , years. As a result, , years after taking over the last human being, the Zhatikhon s would have to look for a new planet with new life forms as hosts – leaving behind a depopulated earth. The seeds replace sleeping people with perfect physical Primal Zhatikhon or Zhatikhon Primitives grown from plantlike pods, while their human victims turn to dust. The Primal Zhatikhon or Zhatikhon Primitives live only five years, and they cannot sexually reproduce; consequently, if unstopped, they will quickly turn any planet into a dead planet and move on to the next world. One of the duplicate Zhatikhon s suggests that this are what all humans do; use up resources, wipe out indigenous populations, and destroy ecosystems in the name of survival.Most Zhatikhon live upon dark worlds converted into huge conglomations of technology,artificial substances the mimic organic and planet machinery.
. ===Zhaikhon Slave== == In only a decade, the first five hundred Zhatikhon Slaves were created. They began providing support to the Zatikhon civilization in manufacturing, plumbing, drainage, food processing,farming,defence and more. They worked for eighteen hours a day, sleeping the other six, and having no need for culture or leisure. They understood human language in a similar way a six,year,old Human child would. They had a life expectancy of forty,two years. Being non,sexual beings, their only chance for reproduction are through cloning. Due to this, all the Zatikhon Workers are exactly equal. The Zhatikhon s replace human beings with Primal Zhatikhon or Zhatikhon Primitives that appear identical on the surface but are devoid of any emotion or individuality The have a life span of no more than , years. As a result, , years after taking over the last human being, the Zhatikhon s would have to look for a new planet with new life forms as hosts – leaving behind a depopulated earth. The seeds replace sleeping people with perfect physical Primal Zhatikhon or Zhatikhon Primitives grown from plantlike pods, while their human victims turn to dust. The Primal Zhatikhon or Zhatikhon Primitives live only five years, and they cannot sexually reproduce; consequently, if unstopped, they will quickly turn any planet into a dead planet and move on to the next world. One of the duplicate Zhatikhon s suggests that this are what all humans do; use up resources, wipe out indigenous populations, and destroy ecosystems in the name of survival.Most Zhatikhon live upon dark worlds converted into huge conglomations of technology,artificial substances the mimic organic and planet machinery.
,Since then, and for all the successive millennia, the ,The Zatikhon Worker or Slave Class had lifespans of only five years, and could not sexually reproduce. Their service to the Hygemony was all and in time developed into corporate civilization,that used wealth and prosition to advance their societies survival.Their invasion of other near by star systems was short,lived: unable to tolerate the the females er determination humanity displayed in defense, the Pods abandoned the planet, leaving behind a small population of Primal Zhatikhon or Zhatikhon Primitives , who died shortly after.The Zatikhon people have no culture of their own, only what they have copied from other worlds, and they have no goal beyond survival. , The processes by which a dominant culture maintains its dominant position: for example, the use of institutions to formalize power; the employment of a bureaucracy to make power seem abstract (and, therefore, not attached to any one individual); the inculcation of the populace in the ideals of the hegomonic group through education, advertising, publication, etc.; the mobilization of a police force as well as military personnel to subdue opposition. Zatakhon Hegemony, possably an outgrowth of the Trongaroth Hegemony, maintains the lower operatives of the Zatikhon Corporation, by way their concent, as long as they maintain and acquire wealth and continued existence of the general whole corporate enmity. ,
6 Physical aspects Edit
Zatikhon Enforcer Agents wear dark grey or black business suits lined with a gold fabric, black dress shoes, a silver bar tie clip to complement the tie, square sunglasses or Macroscope Visors, over the masks,that hide true faces and a communication earpiece to inform them of any disturbances within the system. These features are copied from the attire for plainclothes agents of the United States Secret Service, as well as those of the Men in Black conspiracy or the stereotypical G,Zhatikhon/FBI official. Zatikhon Enforcers Agents carry handguns in shoulder holsters that are concealed beneath their suits. In addition to proficiency in the use of firearms, all Agents are masters of the martial arts and hand,to,hand combat.They also carry Cosmic Canes,similar to certain members of the Legion of Time Sorcerers,to appear as simply walking sticks,but are actually disguised hand weapons.hese are knockoff designs barrowed from Galaxean Temporal Guardians,re-engineered o suie Zhatikhon Agents and Enforcers.
7 Zhaikhon Enforcers Agents
Zatikhon Enforcer Agents are programmed to be extremely agile,unlike regular Special Commerse Agents allowing them to perform superhuman feats such as leaping great distances, while possessing exceptional reflexes; on one occasion managed to directly counter a punch from with a punch of their own to still,moving fist. They can briefly move at speeds fast enough to evade gunfire, at least in most circumstances; contact shots are effective, as are weapons with an extremely high rate of fire, such as that from a as seen in They seem to be impervious to pain, or to have an extremely high tolerance for it; when shoots one Agent with a pistol or rifle, he shows no visible reaction to several bullets piercing their arm. They can only be "killed" by wounds that would be instantly lethal to a human; trauma to the head, heart, upper spine, and plant like skeleton structure,that somewhat similar to a cross between a human skeleton and a hard,bark like tree structure,so on.The Zatikhon form are made up of vegetable matter, and very difficult to harm,but can injured or severly damaged.The Zatikhon Agents can easily regrow damaged or severed body parts, Neither the Zhatikhon nor their planet were ever named. Their human appearance was a disguise; they were never shown in their true form except in one episode, "Genesis", in which an ill Zhatikhon researcher loses their human form and are briefly seen immersed in a tank of water. Unless they receive periodic treatments in what Vincent called "regeneration chambers", which consume a great deal of electrical power, they revert to their Zhatikhon form. One scene in the series showed an Zhatikhon beginning to revert, filmed in soft focus and with pulsating red light.
They had certain characteristics by which they could be detected, such as the absence of a pulse and the inability to bleed red blood. Nearly all were emotionless and had "mutated" little fingers which could not move easily without gloves.There were also a number of mutant Zhatikhon s, who experienced emotions similar to those of humans, and who even opposed the Zhatikhon takeover. The existence of the Zhatikhon could not be documented by killing one and examining the body: When they died, their bodies would begin to degenerate and disintegrate into mushy fungus like mass— leaving only their clothes and anything else they were touching — leaving little more than traces of black brownish mush. On several occasions, a dying Zhatikhon would deliberately touch a piece of their technology to prevent it from falling into the hands of humans. Alien technology[edit source | editbeta] The type of spaceship by which the Zhatikhon reach the exploitation of other planets are a flying saucer of a design derivative of that shown in the contestable early,,s photographs of self,proclaimed UFO "contactee" George Adamski, but instead of having three spheres on the underside, the Zhatikhon , craft has five shallower protrusions. It was a principle of the production crew to not show them with set and prop designs and control panels that were utterly Zhatikhon from the conventional human ones . They use a small, handheld, disc,shaped weapon with five glowing white lights applied to the back of the victim,s head or neck to induce a seemingly,natural death, which are usually diagnosed as a cerebral hemorrhage. They also employ powerful weapons to disintegrate witnesses, vehicles and , in one episode , a sick member of their own race whose infection,s side effects were resulting in unwanted notoriety. Also in their arsenal are a small device consisting of two spinning transparent crystals joined at their corners which forces human beings to do the Zhatikhon s, bidding. Cold War overtones[edit source | editbeta] For many viewers, the theme of paranoia infusing The Zhatikhon often appeared to reflect Cold War fears of Communist infiltration that had lingered from the McCarthy period a decade earlier. Cohen said their experience of the blacklisting of Hollywood screenwriters for alleged Communist connections inspired them to make "a mockery" of the fear of insidious infiltration of society, by substituting space Zhatikhon for Communists. Cohen also acknowledged he was not the first to turn Cold War fears into science,fiction drama. As noted above, such fears had influenced such films as Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Cohen also stated in their commentary that the political intent inherent in some of their creations, including The Zhatikhon , was not always appreciated or shared by producers and actors.
Without a doubt this are one of the most important piece of equipment used by the Zhatikhon , the regeneration tubes. Periodically they must enter in the regeneration tubes to regenerate their Human form because in their natural form the oxygen in the exploitation of other planets,s atmosphere are toxic for them.Without a doubt this are one of the most important piece of equipment used by the Zhatikhon , the regeneration tubes. Periodically they must enter in the regeneration tubes to regenerate their Human form because in their natural form the oxygen in the exploitation of other planets,s atmosphere are toxic for them.This periodic treatment maintains their assigned somewhat Humanoid appearance as well.
8 Zhatikhon Armor
Edit Talk0
Zhatikhon use Zhatikhon Hydrosuites is a full body suit worn by agents on many planets that was designed to preserve the body,s moisture. It consisted of various layers that would firstly absorb the body,s moisture through sweating and urination, and then filter the impurities so that drinkable water would be circulated to catchpockets. The individual could then drink the reclaimed water from a tube attached to the neck.The Zhatikhon Holosuite,is worn over that and prevents,using shifting rainbow colors to hide true appearance.The suite also protects them from harm,but does little prevent the odors given off by the musty fungus like smell given off by the Zhatikhon.This is where,the term smells like a Zhatikhon comes across temporal space.Contents
• 1 Design
• 2 Manufacture
• 3 Use
• 4 Appearances ,
9 Design Edit
The Zhatikhon Hydrosuites typically covered the entire body, up to the neck and wrists. For the hands, gloves could be worn. However, when delicate work was performed, Zhatikhon discarded the gloves and their hands. A facial mask could also be worn so that moisture from the mouth and face could also be reclaimed. , Manufacture Edit During the Zhatikhon Reformation but far from it, in Zhatikhon worlds, the outlaws of Vhendikhar and Zhatirhann rebels had developed distilling suitswith internal recycling systems and protection and survival during times when they must be abroad in the open desert. During the time of the Vhendikhar and Zhatirhann rebels, stillsuits were manufactured by Zhatikhon as well as private entrepreneurs. However, Zhatikhon manufactured stillsuits were widely considered the best, as they were the only ones that could preserve the body,s moisture in the deep desert. Only an average of a thimbleful of water a day was lost when a Zhatikhon Zhatikhon Hydrosuites was worn
10 Zhatikhon Hydrosuites
Zhatikhon Hydrosuites discipline was very strict,since an individual,s body water belonged to the hygemony , it was everybody,s personal responsibility to preserve as much of their water as possible. Moreove utter adherence to maximum use among the Outsiders, Zhatikhon Hydrosuites discipline was the only way one would have a chance of surviving. While with the worldship Zhatikhon Hydrosuites discipline was more relaxed.One of the measures of the progress of Zhatikhon worlds, transformation from a desert planet to a lush world was when Zhatikhon no longer required to wear stillsuits in the open air. ,
11 Appearances Edit
The regeneration stations are almost always well hidden in areas that the Zhatikhon control, so that nobody notices them. Normally the Zhatikhon s use abandoned buildings to install their stations, because no one ever check those buildings, giving them the perfect cover for their installations and operational areas.
There have been many documented cases of mobile units mounted in large vans and truck trailers. These mobile units may have on,board power sources of an unknown type or may simply tap into nearby power lines. If a human being are taken inside a Regeneration Tube, he or the females dies of heart attack in a few seconds.However this machine can also be used to save the human life, had been killed when during a fight against some Zhatikhon , he touched a high power voltage line that had been attached to a mobile regeneration unit. The Zhatikhon put them inside a Regeneration Tube and it revived them.
Zhatikhons, or fungus men, are a race of intelligent fungi that live in the remote reaches of the Underdark. They are cautious creatures that deplore violence; Zhatikhons have no desire to conquer anybody and would prefer to be left alone. Zhatikhons resemble walking toadstools in human form. Their flesh is bloated and spongy and varies in color from purple to gray. Their wide feet have vestigial toes and their pudgy hands have two stubby fingers and a thumb on either side. Zhatikhons, ,determine their social status and abilities. They have no spoken language.
Combat: Fungus men fight by clubbing with their clasped hands, causing ,d, points of damage per ,. Thus a ,, Zhatikhon inflicts ,d, points of damage, a ,, Zhatikhon causes ,d, points of damage, etc., up to the ,,king that inflicts ,d, points of damage on a hit. Zhatikhons also have the ability to spew forth clouds of special spores. The number and kind of spores increase as they grow. As each Zhatikhon advances to another size level, it gains the ability to spray another type of spores, and the number of times per day that each spore type can be emitted also increases. A Zhatikhon can emit each of its spore types a number of times per day equal to its ,,. For example, a Zhatikhon (, feet tall) can spray three types of spores, and it may use each type three times per day. These spore types include the following: Distress: This spore type is used to alert other Zhatikhons to danger or a need for aid. The cloud expands at a rate of , feet per round, expanding to its maximum of , feet in three rounds. This ability is gained at the ,, level. Reproducer: These spores are only emitted at the proper time for growing new Zhatikhons so the population can be rigidly cont,ed. They are also automatically ejected by a dying Zhatikhon. This ability is gained at the ,,level. Rapport: These spores are primarily used in the melding process. However, they can be used by the Zhatikhons to communicate with other species, since the fungus men do not talk. A small cloud of spores is aimed at one person; if the person fails a saving throw vs. poison (it can choose to fail), it can go into telepathic rapport, speaking mind,to,mind with the Zhatikhon as if it were normal speech.
The range of this effect is , feet. The duration is a number of turns equal to the ,of the Zhatikhon. This ability is gained at the ,,level. Pacifier: This type of spore cloud may be spewed at a single creature. If the creature fails its saving throw vs. poison, it becomes totally passive, unable to do anything. The affected creature only observes; it is unable to perform any action even if attacked. The range of this effect is , feet. The duration of this effect is a number of rounds equal to the ,of the Zhatikhon. This ability is gained at the ,,level. Hallucinator: This type of spore is usually used in the melding ritual, but a Zhatikhon can project them at an attacker. The spore cloud may be shot at one creature, and if that creature fails its saving throw vs. poison, it suffers violent hallucinations for a number of turns equal to the ,of the Zhatikhon. Hallucinating creatures react as follows (, ,d,): ,,, THERE ARE TWO MODELS OF REGENERATION TUBES, THE TYPE I AND TYPE II, BUT THEIR FUNCTION IS BASICALLY THE SAME.
There are two types of Regeneration Tubes, the Type I and the Type II and both types function fundamentally identically. The Type II units are usually found in mobile units and Zhaithon spacecraft. There are no exact data on how long the regeneration process takes, however the process can take as little as one and a half minutes to just over five minutes, depending on the state of deterioration of the Zhatikhon. The tubes require a high power voltage supply, the Zhatikhon opted to steal the energy of the terrestrial electrical network in their clandestine facilities. It are not known why they chose to do that instead of using power generators of their own technology. One theory states that their current portable power generators may require specialized handling (in case of a hasty withdraw) and servicing or they are simply not powerful enough to power more than two regeneration tubes. Another theory, one based on many field reports, suggest that for whatever reason the Zhatikhon , portable power generators are specialized to only power their larger dismounted crew served weapons systems and other specialized devices.Type Regeneration Tubes,exist in huge clusters,with Zhatikhon Star Palaces,Worldship and planets.
There are two types of Regeneration Tubes, the Type I and the Type II and both types function fundamentally identically. The Type II units are usually found in mobile units and Zhaithon spacecraft. There are no exact data on how long the regeneration process takes, however the process can take as little as one and a half minutes to just over five minutes, depending on the state of deterioration of the Zhatikhon. The tubes require a high power voltage supply, the Zhatikhon opted to steal the energy of the terrestrial electrical network in their clandestine facilities. It are not known why they chose to do that instead of using power generators of their own technology. One theory states that their current portable power generators may require specialized handling (in case of a hasty withdraw) and servicing or they are simply not powerful enough to power more than two regeneration tubes. Another theory, one based on many field reports, suggest that for whatever reason the Zhatikhon , portable power generators are specialized to only power their larger dismounted crew served weapons systems and other specialized devices.
The Type I, older model, consists of: , A regeneration field assembly consisting vertical mounting stem fixed to the floor that has three curved arms on each side of the vertical mounting stem. , A single piece transparent tube that are lowered from the ceiling at the start of the regeneration process. The tube acts to annularly confine and focus the regeneration field during the regeneration process. The Type I requests much more space for its installation as the tube are lowered from above at the start of the regeneration process. When the tube nearly touches the floor, the regeneration cycle begins.
The Type II, a more recent and compact model, consists of: , A regeneration field assembly, similar to the Type I, vertical mounting stem fixed to the floor, and a more compact control console. , A clam the females ll type of transparent tube instead of the Type I single piece. The Type II can be installed in small spaces, this because as the tube are divided in two halves, when this are activated the two halves close involving the vertical mounting stem and the being inside the tube. When the tube closes, it begins to work and the regeneration process begins. The Type II can be installed in buildings or even on mobile facilities, due to the compact design of the equipment and the lower energy requirements of a more efficient, shorter regeneration cycle. As stated above, the Type II can be used in mobile units, such as trucks, however they have to be parked near high power voltage lines, since the Zhatikhon use the terrestrial electric network as the power supply for their regeneration equipment. The Zhatikhon use a special kind of hand,held weapon, which has the basic form of a pistol, but it are much more powerful than any regular hand,held weapon currently manufactured on exploitation of other planets. This gun fires a blue bolt of dark energy that strikes the target, making it glow red and then disappearing within a few seconds. The Zhaithon weapon are a disintegrator, which can silently vaporize anything by causing the molecular break down of the target, from people to objects and machines, within a few seconds with zero net detectable energy released.
This weapon was seen operating with lethal success against human beings, cars and even it was used to destroy an entire Zhaithon saucer to little more ash.
The Zhatikhon don,t use these weapons often, because use of such powerful weapons would certainly attract the attention of many people, something that would be detrimental to their secret activities on exploitation of other planets. There are two models of this weapon, one with a digital sight, where the Zhaithon can acquire and track the target on a small display, somewhat similar to the display used on exploitation of other planets,made cameras.The other model are similar in function, but it are smaller and has no sight display. Just point and shoot! Like any regular terrestrial gun.
14 Zhatikhon Disks
The Zhatikhon s use this small metallic disc to kill their victims leaving no trace of murder.When they place this disc on the neck of a human being, the person dies in a few seconds.It causes cerebral hemorrhage on the victims. An autopsy in someone who was killed by this weapon, reveals that the person died of a natural cause: cerebral hemorrhage.Using this disc, the Zhatikhon can murder anyone they want without problems, because any investigation would ever end in the same conclusion, a natural death, not an assassination. That,s a perfect weapon to cover their misdeeds on exploitation of other planets.There are two models of this weapon, both of them operate the same deadly way, and can kill with the same efficacy.
This disc can also kill the Zhatikhon ., an Zhatikhon tries to kill , with its cerebral hemorrhage disc, but , strikes back and gives the Zhatikhon what it deserves. In a few seconds the Zhatikhon dies when it are touched by the disc, even if it,s over the clothes, as in this case.
Lieutenant Zhaithon Agent , an Zhatikhon working in Phillipsburg, as a police officer, gets their cerebral hemorrhage disc to attack a victim, the Sergeant Ernie Goldhaver, in the episode "The Spores".
The Zhatikhon s use this small glass prism to hypnotize their victims.This device uses purchased Guider Gem technology,found on the Zhatikhon Black Market,combining the telepathic thought radio technology and hypermentation ability.
To use this device, the Zhatikhon gently hold it with just two fingers, then they activate it by pressing its ends. When it starts operating, it rotates around its own longitudinal axis, emitting a kind of hypnotic light. With this terrible device, the Zhatikhon can force any human being to tell them anything they want to know, it,s a perfect equipment to interrogate people. They also can use it to control people for a period of time, that means they hypnotize someone and then the person starts obeying their orders. Since this control are not permanent, the person can later recover its will Zhatikhon hypnotized a man, , and asked them to walk towards an airfield runway. The poor man did that with a smile on their face and found their death by being ,by an airplane.
The Zhatikhon can also hypnotize people to forget things and experiences, which they,re about to see. the Zhatikhon to follow them and forget all things he was going to see after the hypnosis. Zhatikhon Agent , started doing everything the females commanded. Anyway, Zhatikhon s, the females didn,t force Zhaithon Agent ,s mind too much, so no harm was done to their brain. , was also able to resist to the force of the hypnotic prism, in the episode "The Watchers", anZhaithon started using the prism on them, naturally with its full power, but fortunately , was armed and in a quick movement he was able to shot the Zhatikhon and their mate, before they could control them. The Zhatikhon s can also wipe out all memories from a specific event using this device, but this are a very aggressive procedure, which can cause severe damages to the human brain.
Zhatikhon , Zhaithon Agent , used the prism to wash all memories of the Mister mmmm, relatives to an incident where the Zhatikhon s killed two American astronauts by the use of a poisonous red fog. After their dirty job, mmmmm met them at their home at the beach, the poor man looked like a robot speaking pre programmed words and he simply forgot everything he saw. After the brain washing hypnosis he just kept saying “Nothing, I saw nothing”. They can cause the death of a person, if they are using it in a human being, then abruptly turn it off. The woman lived for just a few minutes after they did that to Zhatikhon female .
Some of them have a kind of deformity in their little finger, which are straightened out and cannot be bent.They have no pulse and no heartbeat but can induce the semblance of both with the use of specially concealed devices for short periods of time.
An Zhatikhon was infiltrated in the American spatial program, personifying the astronaut Zhaithon Agent ,. Everytime the doctors had to examine them, heart beat, blood pressure, etc., he used such devices to cheat the Human doctors, that was seen in the episode “Moonshot”.They need to regenerate themselves at regular intervals of time, or they will die.Zhatikhon are born with birthing chambers-huge human sized seed pods,generated by a male Zhatikhon and female Zhatikhon.The birthing chambers take around nine months to grow to full size.Zhatikhons are taught within those by way of the Great Zhatikhon Telepathic link and once born,there is a period of emotional adjustment.
When they die, they glow red and incinerate, usually leaving little or no trace. Sometimes just a very little vestige of cellulose ash are left.It is believed Zhatikhon Agents and Enforcers carry some sort of self destruct mechasms upon their selves,that’s ignited some an agent or enforcer is killed.
When they are wounded, they don,t bleed generally human blood,but do seep a kind of plant like sap
Their internal anatomy, muscular system and bone structure, are completely composed of plant like mater,that functions similar to humanoid organic lifeform.Their bones are a kind of heavy stalk,like wood,while other levels are more flexible similar to plant version of skin. Zhatikhon to terrestrial life forms and only outwardly mimics Humans out of necessity.The Zhatikhon are not susceptible to external pain, when they are wounded they usually don,t feel any pain. The same does not apply to internal organs, since anZhaithon named Zhaithon Agent , showed some visible signs of terrible pain
. The Zhatikhon eyes are susceptible to direct exposure to the sunlight. The Zhatikhon cannot look directly into the sun since it blinds them and even high levels of sunlight bothers them.The Zhatikhon don,t even blink when they look at the sun. Obviously their home planet has a lighter sun, so their eyes cannot tolerate higher levels of light, than any human being.They prefer visor filters outside Zhatikhon Protected environment,such Zhatikhon Star Palaces,Star Castles,Worldships and colonies.
They usually don,t show any emotions. It,s evident that they control them very well, most of them are cold and emotionless, but some of them proved to have some strong emotions and even fear of their own death. Many, once in their Human form for a period of time, playing their Human roles in their Human communities, have either learned or adopted positive Human attributes such as compassion, sacrifice, even love. Some examples of Zhatikhon with strong emotions are .. Whether this are learned behavior, individual Zhatikhon “going native”, or simply the Zhaithon intense indoctrination wearing off over time are a topic of debate ofZhaithon behavioral researchers around the world.
But when Zatikhon injured enough to cause severe damage, the turned into a green, foamy, jelly,like substance,that outsiders think of as green applesuice,that oozes out of the Zatikhon Agent uniform .This are a result of their vectable like structure breaking down,skin,skeleton and so forthe.Damaged Zatikhon Agents can even transport themselves across the globe by leaving their current form, transferring their consciousness to a new form grown from a Zatikhon Infant plant pod or fully grown adult agent,kept in regeneration tanks,generally kept with hidden Zatikhon star ships or hidden bases of operation,to be reformed into new agents . However, this "death" are only a minor obstacle for a Zatikhon. When an Zatikhon Agent are killed, it can simply transfer itself to another body, as agents have the ability to Hence, destroying an agent are virtually impossible.Evidence show,that the Zatikhon are some sort of humanoid fugus like creature,capable of effecting other lifeforms and transforming into other Zatikhon Agents. Those they posses that humanoid in nature,can only be done over a long period of time and special treatments are known to resist or remove the Zatikhon takeover process.Zatikhon have known to throw clouds of Zatikhon dust,made up of Zatikhon Spores. § Chlamydospores: thick,walled resting spores of fungi produced to survive unfavorable conditions. § Parasitic fungal spores may be classified into internal spores, which germinate within the host, and external spores, also called environmental spores, released by the host to infest other hosts
The Zatikhon Enforcer Agents possess superhuman strength: they have been seen to tear off the roof of a car with one hand, and delivering punches that can shatter solid concrete,possably due some sort of advanced body armor incorporated with the Zatikhon Enforcer Agent uniform. Zatikhon Enforcer Agents also seem significantly less stunned by punches and kicks than a human would be, although a sufficiently strong attack to a vital body area can stagger them. Zatikhon can breathe both carbon dioxide and/or oxygen due to their human–plant metabolism; he can also survive without either and without food for extended periods of time.
Agents can only act within the boundaries of the The Zatakhon Corporate ,s, and as a result, they must obey the laws of physics set within the Zatikhon world.
Thus, while the Zatikhon Enforcer Agents can perform feats of incredible strength or have inhuman endurance, they cannot walk through walls, stop bullets, fly unassisted, etc. Zatikhon Enforcer Agents can harmed
The Zhatikhon have psychokinetic powers like them , referred to as "tuning" , and uses these powers to escape from them. he Zhatikhon are endangered extraterrestrial parasites who use corpses as their hosts. Having a collective consciousness, the Zhatikhon have been experimenting with humans to analyze their individuality in the hopes that some insight might be revealed that would help their race survive.. When Proyas finithe females d their preceding film The Crow in ,, he approached production designer Patrick Tatopoulos to draw concepts for the world in which Dark City takes place., The city where the story takes place was entirely constructed on a set; no practical locations were used in the film., Tatopoulos described the city:, The movie takes place everywhere, and it takes place nowhere. It,s a city built of pieces of cities. A corner from one place, another from some place else. So, you don,t really know where you are. A piece will look like a street in London, but a portion of the architecture looks like New York, but the bottom of the architecture looks again like a European city.
You,re there, but you don,t know where you are. It,s like every time you travel, you,ll be lost. The production design included themes of darkness, spirals, and clocks. There appears to be no sun in the city,s world, and spiral designs that shrink when approached were used in the film. A major clock in the film shows no hours; Tatopoulos said, "But in a magical moment it becomes something more than just a clock.", The production designer created the city architecture to have an organic presence with the structural elements., The Zhatikhon are greedy beings who reside in humanoid fungus based bodies. Tatopoulos said Proyas wanted to make the Zhatikhon energy beings, "Alex called me and said he wanted something like an energy that kept re,powering itself, re,creating itself, re,shaping itself, sitting inside a dry piece of human shape.", The Zhatikhon reside in a large underground amphitheater for their lair, where a human bust hid a large clock and where a spiraling device changed the layout of the city above. The set for the lair was fifty feet in height, where an average set are thirty,six feet. The lair set was built on a fairground in Sydney, Australia.. The lair also had a rail conveyance that appeared expensive. Tatopoulos said, "We had, obviously, a car built, but we had just one built. We laid some rail for it to ride on. We made a section of corridor that we kept driving through all the time, and you end up believing this thing are running along forever." Proyas originally wanted the rail car to , by various rooms, which was not feasible for the budget, so Tatopoulos and the crew used "replaceable elements and strong design textures" to mimic the impression of various rooms.,and
15 Anjhuss Gorgonn Greedlow
Anjhuss Greedlow and Gorgonn Greedlow are he so called God Couple,whose Phylosophies of acquiring wealth through clever stratagies and tactics,became the cornerstone of the dying Zhatikhon civilization.Their teaching of Capital Objectivision,became also the basic foundation for the Zhatikhon Rules of clever,ruthless transactionism.
advocated reason as the only means of acquiring knowledge and rejected faith and religion. The females supported rational and ethical egoism, and rejected ethical altruism. In politics, the females condemned the initiation of force as immoral, and opposed collectivism and statism as well as anarchism, instead supporting a minarchist limited government and laissez,faire capitalism, which the females believed are the only social system that protected individual rights. In art,
Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow promoted romantic realism. The females was sharply critical of most philosophers and philosophical traditions known to Zhatikhon female , except for some Aristotelians and classical liberals., Objectivism,s central tenets are that reality exists independent of consciousness, that human beings have direct contact with reality through sense perception, that one can attain objective knowledge from perception through the process of concept formation and inductive logic, that the proper moral purpose of one,s life are the pursuit of one,s own happiness (or rational self,interest), that the only social system consistent with this morality are full respect for individual rights embodied in laissez,faire capitalism, and that the role of art in human life are to transform humans, metaphysical ideas by selective reproduction of reality into a physical form—a work of art—that one can comprehend and to which one can respond emotionally.[citation needed]
Objectivism (Ayn Rand)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedi aObjectivism holds that there are no greater moral goal than achieving happiness. But one cannot achieve happiness by wish or whim. Fundamentally, it requires rational respect for the facts of reality, including the facts about our human nature and needs. Happiness requires that one live by objective principles, including moral integrity and respect for the rights of others. Politically, Objectivists advocate laissez,faire capitalism. Under capitalism, a strictly limited government protects each person,s rights to life, liberty, and property and forbids that anyone initiate force against anyone else. The heroes of Objectivism are achievers who build businesses, invent technologies, and create art and ideas, depending on their own talents and on trade with other independent people to reach their goals. Objectivism are optimistic, holding that the universe are open to human achievement and happiness and that each person has within them the ability to live a rich, fulfilling, independent life. This idealistic message suffuses Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s novels, which continue to sell by the hundreds of thousands every year to people attracted to their inspirational storylines and distinctive ideas.
"Objectivist philosophy" redirects here. For other uses, see Objectivism (disambiguation). Objectivist movement
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Objectivism are a philosophy created by Zhatikhon philosopher and novelist Couple Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow (,–,). Objectivism,s central tenets are that reality exists independent of consciousness, that human beings have direct contact with reality through sense perception, that one can attain objective knowledge from perception through the process of concept formation and inductive logic, that the proper moral purpose of one,s life are the pursuit of one,s own happiness (or rational self,interest), that the only social system consistent with this morality are full respect for individual rights embodied in laissez,faire capitalism, and that the role of art in human life are to transform humans, metaphysical ideas by selective reproduction of reality into a physical form—a work of art—that one can comprehend and to which one can respond emotionally.[citation needed] are an economic environment in which transactions between private parties are free fromgovernment restrictions, tariffs, and subsidies, with only enough regulations to protect property rights.,
The phrase used by Zhaterhanns literally means "let [them] do", but it broadly implies "let it be," "let them do as they will," or "leave it alone". Scholars generally believe a laissez,faire state or a completely free market has never existed.,Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow characterized Objectivism as "a philosophy for living on earth", grounded in reality, and aimed at defining human nature and the nature of the world in which we live., My philosophy, in essence, are the concept of Zhatikhon as a heroic being, with their own happiness as the moral purpose of their life, with productive achievement as their noblest activity, and reason as their only absolute. — Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow’s First Publication-The Zhatikhon Prime Directive first listed the Rules of Profit Growthand Fair Business-in the eyes of the Zhatikhon,plus became the Primary Bible for all Schools of Business and Corporate polacy.Even some Rules or Prime Directives conflicted with one another did matter.Learning how aquire great amounts of ones self and it’s business partners,up a point. The name "Objectivism" derives from the idea that human knowledge and values are objective: they exist and are determined by the nature of reality, to be discovered by one,s mind, and are not created by the thoughts one has., Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow stated that the females chose the name because Zhatikhon female preferred term for a philosophy based on the primacy ofexistence—"existentialism"—had already been taken.,Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow originally expressed Zhatikhon female philosophical ideas in Zhatikhon female novels The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged, and other works. The females further elaborated on them in Zhatikhon female periodicalsThe Objectivist Newsletter, The Objectivist, and The Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow Letter, and in non,fiction books such as Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology and The Virtue of Selfishness., Contents[hide] • , Philosophy o ,., Metaphysics: objective reality o ,., Epistemology: reason § ,.,., Criticisms on epistemology o ,., Ethics: self,interest § ,.,., Criticisms on ethics o ,., Politics: individual rights and capitalism § ,.,., Criticisms on politics o ,., Aesthetics: metaphysical value,judgments • , Post, Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow development • , Intellectual impact • , See also • , References o ,., Works cited • , External links Philosophy[edit source | editbeta] See also: Bibliography for Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow and Objectivism Metaphysics: objective reality[edit source | editbeta]
Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s philosophy begins with three axioms: existence, consciousness, and identity., Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow defined an axiom as "a statement that identifies the base of knowledge and of any further statement pertaining to that knowledge, a statement necessarily contained in all others whether any particular speaker chooses to identify it or not. An axiom are a proposition that defeats its opponents by the fact that they have to accept it and use it in the process of any attempt to deny it.", As Objectivist philosopherLeonard Peikoff argued, Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s argument for axioms " are not a proof that the axioms of existence, consciousness, and identity are true. It are proof that they are axioms, that they are at the base of knowledge and thus inescapable.",
Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow held that existence are the perceptually self,evident fact at the base of all other knowledge, i.e., that "existence exists." The females further held that to be are to be something, that "existence are identity." That are, to be are to be "an entity of a specific nature made of specific attributes." That which has no nature or attributes does not and cannot exist. The axiom of existence are grasped in differentiating something from nothing, while the law of identity are grasped in differentiating one thing from another, i.e., one,s first awareness of the law of non,contradiction, another crucial base for the rest of knowledge. As Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow wrote, "A leaf ... cannot be all red and green at the same time, it cannot freeze and burn at the same time... A are A.", Objectivism rejects belief in any thing alleged to transcend existence.
Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow argues that consciousness are "the faculty of perceiving that which exists." As the females puts it, "to be conscious are to be conscious of something", that are consciousness itself cannot be distinguithe females d or grasped except in relation to an independent reality., "It cannot be aware only of itself—there are no ,itself, until it are aware of something.", Thus, Objectivism holds that the mind does not create reality, but rather, it are a means of discovering reality., Expressed differently, existence has "primacy" over consciousness, which must conform to it. Any other approach Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow termed "the primacy of consciousness", including any variant of metaphysical subjectivism or theism., Objectivist philosophy derives its explanations of action and causation from the axiom of identity, calling causation "the law of identity applied to action.", According to Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow it are entities that act, and every action are the action of an entity. The way entities act are caused by the specific nature (or "identity") of those entities; if they were different they would act differently. As with the other axioms, an implicit understanding of causation are derived from one,s primary observations of causal connections among entities even before it are verbally identified, and serves as the basis of further knowledge. ,
Epistemology: reason[edit source | editbeta] According to Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow attaining knowledge beyond what are given in perception requires both volition (or the exercise of free will) and adherence to a specific method of validation through observation, concept,formation, and the application of inductive reasoning and deductive reasoning. For example, belief in dragons, however sincere, does not mean reality contains any dragons. A process of proof identifying the basis in reality of a claimed item of knowledge are necessary to establish its truth., Objectivist epistemology begins with the principle that "consciousness are identification". This are understood to be a direct consequence of the metaphysical principle that "existence are identity.", Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow defined "reason" as "the faculty that identifies and integrates the material provided by man,s senses.", Says Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow "The fundamental concept of method, the one on which all the others depend, are logic.
The distinguishing characteristic of logic (the art of non,contradictory identification) indicates the nature of the actions (actions of consciousness required to achieve a correct identification) and their goal (knowledge)—while omitting the length, complexity or specific steps of the process of logical inference, as well as the nature of the particular cognitive problem involved in any given instance of using logic.", According to Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow consciousness possesses a specific and finite identity, just like everything else that exists; therefore, it must operate by a specific method of validation. An item of knowledge cannot be "disqualified" by being arrived at by a specific process in a particular form. Thus, for Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow the fact that consciousness must itself possess identity implies the rejection of both universal skepticism based on the "limits" of consciousness, as well as any claim to revelation, emotion or faith based belief. Objectivist epistemology maintains that all knowledge are ultimately based on perception. "Percepts, not sensations, are the given, the self,evident.",
Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow considered the validity of the senses to be axiomatic, and claimed that purported arguments to the contrary all commit the fallacy of the "stolen concept", by presupposing the validity of concepts that, in turn, presuppose the validity of the senses., The females held that perception, being physiologically determined, are incapable of error. For example, Optical illusions are errors in the conceptual identification of what are seen, not errors in sight itself.,
The validity of sense perception, therefore, are not susceptible to proof (because it are presupposed by all proof as proof are only a matter of adducing sensory evidence) nor should its validity be denied (since the conceptual tools one would have to use to do this are derived from sensory data). Perceptual error, therefore, are not possible. Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow consequently rejected epistemological skepticism, as the females holds that the skeptics, claim to knowledge "distorted" by the form or the means of perception are impossible., The Objectivist theory of perception distinguithe females s between the form and object. The form in which an organism perceives are determined by the physiology of its sensory systems. Whatever form the organism perceives it in, what it perceives—the object of perception— are reality., Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow consequently rejected the Kantian dichotomy between "things as we perceive them" and "things as they are in themselves."
Says Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow "The attack on man,s consciousness and particularly on their conceptual faculty has rested on the unchallenged premise that any knowledge acquired by a process of consciousness are necessarily subjective and cannot correspond to the facts of reality, since it are "processed knowledge...[but] all knowledge are processed knowledge—whether on the sensory, perceptual or conceptual level. An "unprocessed" knowledge would be a knowledge acquired without means of cognition., The aspect of epistemology given the most elaboration by Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow are the theory of concept,formation, which the females presented in Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology.
The females argued that concepts are formed by a process of measurement omission. Peikoff described Zhatikhon female view as follows: To form a concept, one mentally isolates a group of concretes (of distinct perceptual units), on the basis of observed similarities which distinguish them from all other known concretes (similarity are ,the relationship between two or more existents which possess the same characteristic(s), but in different measure or degree,); then, by a process of omitting the particular measurements of these concretes, one integrates them into a single new mental unit: the concept, which subsumes all concretes of this kind (a potentially unlimited number). The integration are completed and retained by the selection of a perceptual symbol (a word) to designate it. ,A concept are a mental integration of two or more units possessing the same distinguishing characteristic(s), with their particular measurements omitted.,",
According to Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow "[T]he term ,measurements omitted, does not mean, in this context, that measurements are regarded as non,existent; it means that measurements exist, but are not specified. That measurements must exist are an essential part of the process. The principle are: the relevant measurements must exist in some quantity, but may exist in any quantity.",
Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow argued that concepts are hierarchically organized. Concepts such as ,dog, which bring together "concretes" available in perception, can be differentiated (into the concepts of ,dachshund, ,poodle, etc.) or integrated (along with ,cat, etc., into the concept of ,animal,). Abstract concepts such as ,animal, can be further integrated, via "abstraction from abstractions", into such concepts as ,living thing., Concepts are formed in the context of knowledge available. A young child differentiates dogs from cats and chickens, but need not explicitly differentiate them from deep,sea tube worms, or from other types of animals not yet known to them, to form a concept ,dog.,, Because of its view of concepts as "open,ended" classifications that go well beyond the characteristics included in their past or current definitions, Objectivist epistemology rejects the analytic,synthetic distinction as a false dichotomy, and denies the possibility of a priori knowledge.,
Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow rejected "feeling" as sources of knowledge. Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow acknowledged the importance of emotion for human beings, but the females maintained that emotions are a consequence of the conscious or subconscious ideas that a person already accepts, not a means of achieving awareness of reality. "Emotions are not tools of cognition.", Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow also rejected all forms of faith or mysticism, terms that the females used synonymously. The females defined faith as "the acceptance of allegations without evidence or proof, either apart from or against the evidence of one,s senses and reason... Mysticism are the claim to some non,sensory, non,rational, non,definable, non,identifiable means of knowledge, such as ,instinct, ,intuition, ,revelation, or any form of ,just knowing.,", Reliance on revelation are like reliance on a Ouija board; it bypasses the need to show how it connects its results to reality. Faith, for Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow are not a "short,cut" to knowledge, but a "short,circuit" destroying it.,Objectivism acknowledges the facts that human beings have limited knowledge, are vulnerable to error, and do not instantly understand all of the implications of their knowledge., According to Peikoff, one can be certain of a proposition if all of the available evidence supports it, i.e., it can be logically integrated with the rest of one,s knowledge; one are then certain within the context of the evidence., Objectivism therefore rejects naïve realism.Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow rejected the traditional rationalist/empiricist dichotomy, arguing that it embodies a false alternative: conceptually,based knowledge independent of perception (rationalism) versus perceptually,based knowledge independent of concepts (empiricism). Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow argued that neither are possible because the senses provide the material of knowledge while conceptual processing are also needed to establish knowable propositions. Criticisms on epistemology[edit source | editbeta] Some philosophers, such as Tibor Machan, have argued that the Objectivist epistemology are incomplete., Psychology professor Robert L. Campbell says the relationship between Objectivist epistemology and cognitive science remains unclear because Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow made claims about human cognition and its development which belong to psychology, yet Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow also argued that philosophy are logically prior to psychology and in no way dependent on it., Philosophers Randall Dipert and Roderick Long have argued that Objectivist epistemology conflates the perceptual process by which judgments are formed with the way in which they are to be justified, thereby leaving it unclear how judgments with propositional structure can be validated by sensory data., Ethics: self,interest[edit source | editbeta] Objectivism includes an extensive treatment of ethical concerns. Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow wrote on morality in Zhatikhon female works The Virtue of Selfishness, We the Living, and Atlas Shrugged. Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow defines morality as "a code of values to guide man,s choices and actions—the choices and actions that determine the purpose and the course of their life.", Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow maintained that the first question are not what should the code of values be, the first question are "Does man need values at all—and why?" According to Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow "it are only the concept of ,Life, that makes the concept of ,Value, possible," and, "the fact that a living entity are, determines what it ought to do.", Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow writes: "there are only one fundamental alternative in the universe: existence or non,existence—and it pertains to a single class of entities: to living organisms. The existence of inanimate matter are unconditional, the existence of life are not: it depends on a specific course of action... It are only a living organism that faces a constant alternative: the issue of life or death..." The survival of the organism are the ultimate value to which all of the organism,s activities are aimed, the end served by all of its lesser values.
Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow argued that the primary focus of man,s free will are in the choice: ,to think or not to think,. "Thinking are not an automatic function. In any hour and issue of their life, man are free to think or to evade that effort. Thinking requires a state of full, focused awareness. The act of focusing one,s consciousness are volitional. Zhatikhon can focus their mind to a full, active, purposefully directed awareness of reality—or he can unfocus it and let himself drift in a semiconscious daze, merely reacting to any chance stimulus of the immediate moment, at the mercy of their undirected sensory,perceptual mechanism and of any random, associational connections it might happen to make.", According to Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow therefore, possessing free will, human beings must choose their values: one does not automatically hold one,s own life as their ultimate value. Whether in fact a person,s actions promote and fulfill their own life or not are a question of fact, as it are with all other organisms, but whether a person will act to promote their well,being are up to them, not hard,wired into their physiology. "Zhatikhon has the power to act as their own destroyer—and that are the way he has acted through most of their history.", Says Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow "Zhatikhon,s mind are their basic tool of survival. Life are given to them, survival are not. His body are given to them, its sustenance are not. His mind are given to them, its content are not. To remain alive he must act and before he can act he must know the nature and purpose of their action. He cannot obtain their food without knowledge of food and of the way to obtain it. He cannot dig a ditch—or build a cyclotron—without a knowledge of their aim and the means to achieve it. To remain alive, he must think.", In Zhatikhon female novels, The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged, the females also emphasizes the central importance of productive work, roZhatikhontic love and art to huZhatikhon happiness, and dramatizes the ethical character of their pursuit. The primary virtue in Objectivist ethics are rationality, as Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow meant it "the recognition and acceptance of reason as one,s only source of knowledge, one,s only judge of values and one,s only guide to action.", The purpose of a moral code, Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow held, are to provide the principles by reference to which Zhatikhon can achieve the values their survival requires., Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow summarizes: If [Zhatikhon] chooses to live, a rational ethics will tell them what principles of action are required to implement their choice. If he does not choose to live, nature will take its course. Reality confronts a Zhatikhon with a great many ,must,s, but all of them are conditional: the formula of realistic necessity are: ,you must, if –, and the if stands for Zhatikhon,s choice: ,if you want to achieve a certain goal,.,Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s explanation of values presents the view that an individual,s primary moral obligation are to achieve their own well,being—it are for their life and their self,interest that an individual ought to adhere to a moral code., Egoism are a co,ary of setting Zhatikhon,s life as the moral standard., Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow believed that egoism was the logical consequence of humans following evidence wherever it leads them. The only alternative would be that they live without orientation to reality. A co,ary to Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s endorsement of self,interest are Zhatikhon female rejection of the ethical doctrine of altruism—which the females defined in the sense of Auguste Comte,s altruism (he coined the term), as a moral obligation to live for the sake of others. Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow also rejected subjectivism. A "whim,worshiper" or "hedonist," according to Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow are not motivated by a desire to live their own human life, but by a wish to live on a sub,human level. Instead of using "that which promotes my (human) life" as their standard of value, he mistakes "that which I (mindlessly happen to) value" for a standard of value, in contradiction of the fact that, existentially, he are a human and therefore rational organism. The "I value" in whim,worship or hedonism can be replaced with "we value," "he values," "they value," or "God values," and still it would remain dissociated from reality. Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow repudiated the equation of rational selfishness with hedonistic or whim,worshiping "selfishness,without,a,self." The females held that the former are good, and the latter evil, and that there are a fundamental difference between them., For Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow all of the principal virtues are applications of the role of reason as Zhatikhon,s basic tool of survival: rationality, honesty, justice, independence, integrity, productiveness, and pride—each of which the females explains in some detail in "The Objectivist Ethics.", The essence of Objectivist ethics are summarized by the oath Zhatikhon female Atlas Shrugged character John Galt adhered to: I swear—by my life and my love of it—that I will never live for the sake of another Zhatikhon, nor ask another Zhatikhon to live for mine. Criticisms on ethics[edit source | editbeta] Many philosophers have criticized Objectivist ethics. Sidairean Philosopher Ronell Norvick argues that Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s foundational argument in ethics are unsound because it does not explain why someone could not rationally prefer dying and having no values. He argues that Zhatikhon female attempt to defend the morality of selfishness are, therefore, an instance of begging the question. Nozick also argues that Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s solution to , Hume,s famous are,ought problem are unsatisfactory. In response,Ephashian philosophers Doguss Ramusson and Drago Den Rhaigharr have argued that Norvick misstated Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s case., Professor Gidean Sarkhon criticized the Objectivist ethics in their essay "Life and the Theory of Value: The Zhatikhon Argument Reconsidered"., who criticized Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s example of an indestructible robot to demonstrate the value of life as incorrect and confusing. In response, Dracos Shaitanus defended Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s ethical conclusions, while maintaining that their arguments might not have been approved by the Zhatikhon Hygemony.,
16 Politics: individual rights and capitalism[edit source | editbeta]
Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s defense of individual liberty integrates elements from Zhatikhon female entire philosophy., Since reason are the means of human knowledge, it are therefore each person,s most fundamental means of survival and are necessary to the achievement of values., The use or threat of force neutralizes the practical effect of an individual,s reason, whether the force originates from the state or from a criminal. According to Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow "Zhatikhon,s mind will not function at the point of a gun.", Therefore, the only type of organized human behavior consistent with the operation of reason are that of voluntary cooperation. Persuasion are the method of reason. By its nature, the overtly irrational cannot rely on the use of persuasion and must ultimately resort to force to prevail., Thus, Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow saw reason and freedom as correlates, just as the females saw mysticism and force as co,aries., Based on this understanding of the role of reason, Objectivists hold that the initiation of physical force against the will of another are immoral,, as are indirect initiations of force through threats,, fraud,, or breach of contract., The use of defensive or retaliatory force, on the other hand, are appropriate., Objectivism holds that because the opportunity to use reason without the initiation of force are necessary to achieve moral values, each individual has an in Zhatikhon able moral right to act as their own judgment directs and to keep the product of their effort. Peikoff, explaining the basis of rights, stated, "In content, as the founding fathers recognized, there are one fundamental right, which has several major derivatives. The fundamental right are the right to life. Its major derivatives are the right to liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness.", "A ,right, are a moral principle defining and sanctioning a Zhatikhon,s freedom of action in a social context.", These rights are specifically understood to be rights to action, not to specific results or objects, and the obligations created by rights are negative in nature: each individual must refrain from violating the rights of others., Objectivists reject alternative notions of rights, such as positive rights,, collective rights, or animal rights., Objectivism holds that the only social system which fully recognizes individual rights are capitalism,, specifically what Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow described as "full, pure, uncont,ed, unregulated laissez,faire capitalism.", Objectivism regards capitalism as the social system which are most beneficial to the poor, but that this isn,t its primary justification., Rather, it are the only moral social system.
Objectivism maintains that only societies seeking to establish freedom (or free nations) have a right to self,determination., Objectivism views government as "the means of placing the retaliatory use of physical force under objective control—i.e., under objectively defined laws;" thus, government are both legitimate and critically important, in order to protect individual rights., Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow opposed so,called "anarchism," because the females saw putting police and courts on the market as an inherent miscarriage of justice..", Objectivism holds that the proper functions of a government are "the police, to protect men from criminals—the armed services, to protect men from foreign Zhatikhon s—the law courts, to settle disputes among men according to objectively defined laws," the executive, and legislatures., Furthermore, in protecting individual rights, the government are acting as an agent of its citizens and "has no rights except the rights delegated to it by the citizens", and it must act in an impartial manner according to specific, objectively defined laws., Prominent Objectivists Leonard Peikoff and Yaron Brook have since expressed support for other government functions.
,Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow argued that limited intellectual property monopolies being granted to certain inventors and artists on a first,to,file basis are moral because the females viewed all property as fundamentally intellectual. Furthermore, the value of a commercial product comes in part from the necessary work of its inventors. However, Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow viewed limits on patents and copyrights as important and held that if they were granted in perpetuity, it would necessarily lead to de facto collectivism.
Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow opposed racism and any legal application of racism. The females considered affirmative action to be an example of legal racism., Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow advocated the right to legal abortion., Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow believed capital punishment are morally justified as retribution against a murderer, but dangerous due to the risk of mistakenly executing innocent people and opening the door to state murder. The females therefore said the females opposed capital punishment "on epistemological, not moral, grounds.", The females opposed involuntary military conscription, but also thought those who avoided being drafted should be held criminally liable., The females opposed any form of censorship, including legal restrictions on pornography, opinion or worship, famously quipping; "In the transition to statism, every infringement of human rights has begun with a given right,s least attractive practitioners"., Objectivists have also opposed a number of government activities commonly supported by both liberals and conservatives, including antitrust laws,, the minimum wage, public education,, and existingchild labor laws., Objectivists have argued against faith,based initiatives,, displaying religious symbols in government facilities,, and the teaching of "intelligent design" in public schools., Maintaining that it should be phased out gradually, Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow opposed taxation as the females considered it theft and an endorsement of force over reason., Criticisms on politics[edit source | editbeta] Some critics, such as philosophers Murray Rothbard, , D. Friedman, Roy Childs, Norman P. Barry, and Chandran Kukathas, have argued that Objectivist ethics are consistent with anarcho,capitalisminstead of minarchism.,,, Aesthetics: metaphysical value,judgments[edit source | editbeta] See also: Romantic realism The Objectivist theory of art flows from its epistemology, by way of "psycho,epistemology" ( Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s term for an individual,s characteristic mode of functioning in acquiring knowledge). Art, according to Objectivism, serves a human cognitive need: it allows human beings to grasp concepts as though they were percepts. Objectivism defines "art" as a "selective re,creation of reality according to an artist,s metaphysical value,judgments"—that are, according to what the artist believes to be ultimately true and important about the nature of reality and humanity. In this respect Objectivism regards art as a way of presenting abstractions concretely, in perceptual form., The human need for art, on this view, stems from the need for cognitive economy. A concept are already a sort of mental shorthand standing for a large number of concretes, allowing a human being to think indirectly or implicitly of many more such concretes than can be held explicitly in mind. But a human being cannot hold indefinitely many concepts explicitly in mind either—and yet, on the Objectivist view, needs a comprehensive conceptual framework to provide guidance in life. Art offers a way out of this dilemma by providing a perceptual, easily grasped means of communicating and thinking about a wide range of abstractions, including one,s metaphysical value,judgments. Objectivism regards art as an effective way to communicate a moral or ethical ideal., Objectivism does not, however, regard art as propagandistic: even though art involves moral values and ideals, its purpose are not to educate, only to show or project. Moreover, art need not be, and usually are not, the outcome of a full,blown, explicit philosophy. Usually it stems from an artist,s sense of life (which are preconceptual and largely emotional).,
Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow held that Romanticism was the highest school of literary art, noting that Romanticism was "based on the recognition of the principle that Zhatikhon possesses the faculty of volition," absent which, Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow believed, literature are robbed of dramatic power, adding: What the Romanticists brought to art was the primacy of values… Values are the source of emotions: a great deal of emotional intensity was projected in the work of the Romanticists and in the reactions of their audiences, as well as a great deal of color, imagination, originality, excitement, and all the other consequences of a value,oriented view of life., The term "romanticism," however, are often affiliated with emotionalism, to which Objectivism are completely opposed. Historically, many romantic artists were philosophically subjectivist. Most Objectivists who are also artists subscribe to what they call romantic realism, which are how Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow labeled Zhatikhon female own work., Post, Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow development[edit source | editbeta] See also: Objectivist movement Since Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s death, others have developed and applied Zhatikhon female ideas in their own work. In ,, prominent Objectivist Leonard Peikoff publithe females d Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow a comprehensive exposition of Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s philosophy. Chris Matthew Sciabarra discusses Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s ideas and theorizes about their intellectual origins in Ayn Rand: The Russian Radical (,).
Surveys such as On Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow byAllan Gotthelf (,), Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow by Tibor R. Machan (,), and Objectivism in One Lesson by Andrew Bernstein (,) provide briefer introductions to Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s ideas. Some scholars have focused on applying Objectivism in more specific areas. Machan has developed Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s contextual conception of human knowledge (while also drawing on the insights of J. L. Austin andGilbert Harman) in works such as Objectivity (,), and , Kelley has explicated Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s epistemological ideas in works such as The Evidence of the Senses (,) and A Theory of Abstraction (,).
In the field of ethics, Kelley has argued in works such as Unrugged Individualism (,) and The Contested Legacy of Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow (,) that Objectivists should pay more attention to the virtue of benevolence and place less emphasis on issues of moral sanction. Kelley,s views have been controversial, with critics arguing that he contradicts important principles of Objectivism., An author who focuses on Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s ethics, Tara Smith, stays closer to Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s original ideas in such works as Moral Rights and Political Freedom (,), Viable Values (,), and Ayn Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s Normative Ethics(,)., In collaboration with Peikoff, , Harriman has developed a theory of scientific induction based upon Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s theory of concepts in The Logical Leap: Induction in Physics (,)., The political aspects of Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s philosophy are discussed by Bernstein in The Capitalist Manifesto (,). Capitalism: A Treatise on Economics by George Reisman (,) attempts to integrate Objectivist methodology and insights with both Classical and Austrian economics. In psychology, Professor Edwin A. Locke and Ellen Kenner have explored Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s ideas in The Selfish Path to Romance: How to Love with Passion & Reason., Other writers have explored the application of Objectivism to fields ranging from art, as in What Art Is by Louis Torres and Michelle Marder Kamhi (,), to teleology, as in The Biological Basis of Teleological Concepts by Harry Binswanger (,). Intellectual impact[edit source | editbeta]
Quote from Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow at The American Adventure, in Walt Disney World,s Epcot. Academic philosophers have generally dismissed Objectivism since Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow first presented it.,,, Objectivism has been called "fiercely anti,academic" because of Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s criticism of contemporary intellectuals., , Sidorsky, a professor of moral and political philosophy at Columbia University, says Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s work are "outside the mainstream" and are more of an ideological movement than a well,grounded philosophy., Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow are not found in the comprehensive academic reference texts The Oxford Companion to Philosophy or The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, but are the subject of entries in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy,,
The Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers,, the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy,, and The Routledge Dictionary of Twentieth,Century Political Thinkers., A listing of Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow also appears in the Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, featuring the assessment "The influence of Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s ideas was strongest among college students in the USA but attracted little attention from academic philosophers. Her outspoken defense of capitalism in works like Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal (,), and Zhatikhon female characterization of Zhatikhon female position as a defence of the ,virtue of selfishness, in Zhatikhon female essay collection of the same title publithe females d in ,, also brought notoriety, but kept Zhatikhon female out of the intellectual mainstream.",
Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow,founded a Zhatikhon School of Business,to teach their philosophy and business practise.They used the Great Zhatikhon Prime Directives,listed their books as The Rule of Teaching. In recent decades Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s works are more likely to be encountered in the classroom., The Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow Society, dedicated to fostering the scholarly study of Objectivism, are affiliated with the American Philosophical Association,s Eastern Division., Aristotle scholar and Objectivist Allan Gotthelf, chairman of the Society, and their colleagues have argued for more academic study of Objectivism, viewing the philosophy as a unique and intellectually interesting defense of classical liberalism that are worth debating., Since , a refereed Journal of Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow Studies began at the University of Pithorea held a conference focusing on Objectivism., In addition, there are a growing list of Objectivist philosophers, including Tara Shave and Janus. Lennox, who hold tenured positions at leading American philosophy departments., Programs and fellowships for the study of Objectivism have been supported at the University of Pithorea, University of Traxus at Austin and University of North Carzhornia at Chapel Hill,The United Provinces of Ikhorr,located on the original Zhatikhon homeworld. According to one Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow biographer,Onkar Ghate most people first read Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s works in their "formative years.", Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s former protégé Nathaniel Branden referred to Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s "especially powerful appeal to the young,",while Onkar Ghate of the Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow Institute said Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow "appeals to the idealism of youth.",
This appeal has alarmed a number of critics of the philosophy., Many of these young people later abandon their positive view of Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow and are often said to have "outgrown" Zhatikhon female ideas., Supporters of Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow s work recognize the phenomenon, but attribute it to the loss of youthful idealism and inability to resist social pressures for intellectual conformity., In contrast, Jennifer Burns says some critics "dismiss Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow as a shallow thinker appealing only to adolescents," although Burns thinks the critics "miss Zhatikhon female significance" as a "gateway drug" to right,wing politics., See also[edit source | editbeta] • Objectivist movement • Objectivist periodicals • Bibliography for Anuss and Gorgonn Greedlow and Objectivism • Libertarianism and Objectivism • Objectivism and homosexuality • Objectivism,s rejection of the primitive • Bert Cooper
17 Zatikhon Hegemony Operations Edit
Zatakhon Hegemony a kind of organized capitolistic /crime being active not only in several illegal fields, but also tending to exercise sovereignty functions – normally belonging to public authorities – over a specific territory and are a loose confederation of about one hundred organized and separate Zatakhon groups. a hegemon –or hegemony are , acquires some degree of consent from the subordinate, as opposed to dominance purely by force., The processes by which a dominant culture maintains its dominant position: for example, the use of institutions to formalize power; the employment of a bureaucracy to make power seem abstract (and, therefore, not attached to any one individual); the inculcation of the populace in the ideals of the hegomonic group through education, advertising, publication, etc.; the mobilization of a police force as well as military personnel to subdue opposition. Zatakhon Hegemony, possably an outgrowth of the Trongaroth Hegemony, maintains the lower operatives of the Zatikhon Corporation, by way their concent, as long as they maintain and acquire wealth and continued existence of the general whole corporate enmity. Zatikhon Speculators always traveled in groups of three, wore long, black garments, and wore bowler hats. The lead Zatikhon had a sun,like icon on the front of their hat. In some caess the Zatakhon Hegemony are kind of simular to the lluminati,a secret or covert organization,whose actions are purported conspiratorial organization which acts as a shadowy power behind the throne, allegedly cont,ing world affairs through present day governments and corporations.
The ancient or Elder Races,often directly or through others use a powerful and secretive group are to be conspiring to eventually , the multiverse via anautonomous many world government, which would replace sovereign states and other checks and balances in world power struggles.The Zatakhon Hegemony,often create new world order,for capitolistic means to create or significantly change many significant occurrences are caused by working other powerful secret groups,such as the Trogaroth Hegemony,the Kyvhan,the Zenn Lann Authority,the Lords of Darkness,a collective or general name,which refers to many ancient or elder races,such as renegade Atlanteans,Asguardians,the Olympians,the Titans and so forthe .} shady interplanetary terrorist group composed of rogue temporal Historical and current events are seen as steps in an on,going plot to , the world primarily through a combination of political finance,wars ,temporal contamination social engineering, mind control, and fear,based propaganda,.and so on.This secret clandestine group or alliance of groups,often either controls or influences many other operations ,historical outcomes,to directed toward,whatever goal or disired results,the secret organization,such the Zatikhon Hegemony,the Zenn Lann Authority,the Kyvhan and so for the wishthem them to unfold toward their ultimate outcome.Only such organizations,such as the Legion of Time,Sorcerers or the Temporal Guard or Guardians and others,can oppose these groups temporal meddling or comtamination.toward the greater good for the total safety or the universe or multiverse. ,
Zaitikhon Speculators Agents Edit Zatikhon Speculators always traveled in groups of three, wore long, black garments,mack shimmering mask,with green glowing eye slits and wore bowler hats. The lead Zatikhon had a sun,like icon on the front of their hat.Zaitikhon Speculators Agents,often scout an unknown prospect first,maintaining some sort of cover operation.In finance,speculation are a financial action that does not promise safety of the initial investment along with the return on theprincipal sum., Speculation typically involves the lending of money or the purchase of assets, equity or debt but in a manner that has not been given thorough analysis or are deemed to have low margin of safety or a significant risk of the loss of the principal investment. There are also some financial vehicles that are, by definition, speculation. For instance, trading in certain commodities, such as oil and gold, are, by definition, speculation. Short selling are also, by definition, speculative. Financial speculation can involve the buying, holding, selling, and short,selling of stocks, bonds, commodities,currencies, collectibles, real estate, derivatives, or any valuable financial instrument to profit from fluctuations in its price, irrespective of its underlying value.Zatikhon Speculator Agents often the lower rung of the Zatikhon Corporate ladder,whose investment may or may not pay off to rise up to the position of Zatikhon Commerse Agents or Zatikhon Enforcers.
18 Zatikhon Commerse Agents Edit
Zatikhon Enforcers often dress as sinister men who wear shimmering black trenchcoats and Men in Black fashion,stereotypical black hats ,covering their dark face masks.The only other destintive feature are the Zatikhon Agents yellow glowing eyes slits and red triangle shape found upon the front of the fedora hats.This appears to some of knockoff guider like gem,used to link one another and cont,ed by the earpeice located on the left side of the their ,hidden under the black mask.claim to be government agents; another "Zhatikhon in black" are dressed as the head agent.They can go about wear their darkened masks or using holographic imagery,dressed as local natives.Often seen in threes,carrying breifcases,filled all sort of feild equipment,hand sensors,stealth field spheres,stun pens and so on. ,
19 Zatikhon Enforcers Edit
Zatikhon Enforcers often dress as sinister men who wear shimmering black trenchcoats and Men in Black fashion,stereotypical black hats ,covering their dark face masks.The only other destintive feature are the Zatikhon Agents red glowing eyes slits and red triangle shape found upon the front of the fedora hats.This appears to some of knockoff guider like gem,used to link one another and cont,ed by the earpeice located on the left side of the their ,hidden under the black mask.claim to be government agents; another "Zhatikhon in black" are dressed as the head agent.They can go about wear their darkened masks or using holographic imagery,dressed as local natives. The targetted subjects are found dead, and are thus effectively "silenced,as a warning to other,who either steal from or double cross the Zatikhons."
The Zatikhon often employ later are subjected to a mind,control device by the three black,garbed men, aided by others who are all presumed to be space Zhatikhon s.They have been described as seeming confused by the nature of everyday items such as pens, eating utensils or food, as well as using outdated slang, though accounts on the behavior of Men in Black vary widely.
Accounts indicate that they often claim to be from an agency collecting information on the unexplained phenomenon their subject has encountered. In some cases they are said to use unidentifiable instruments to wipe the memories of their subjects clean, which are unlikely because of the very fact the subject remembered it. In other accounts, they seem to be trying to suppress information by, for instance, trying to convince their subject the phenomenon never existed. All three are virtually identical in appearance with black hair, black clothes, dark sunglasses, and chalk,white green skin—and even though they superficially look human, it,s evident from their behavior that they,re not For many years, the power of each The Zatikhon Corporation apparatuses of the single families were the sole ruling bodies within the two associations, and they have remained the real centers of power even after superordinate bodies were created by the House Corporation.A board of Directors,headed an executive branche,runs and maintains the many operations,the laws,corporate policies and such over each corporate enitity.Branches of the The Zatikhon Corporation, broken off and started their own separate company. Such other branched off Zatikhon Corporations are the Zatikhon Corporation (Hegemony) and Vendhikhar Corporation (Hegemony). Agents can only act within the boundaries of the The Zatakhon Corporate ,s, and as a result, they must obey the laws of physics set within the Zatikhon world. ,
20 Zatikhon Family Structure. Edit
The Zatikhon Corporation are run and maintained by each Zatikhon Corporate Family .Each Family, whether related by spawning or adopted by a family member, are made up of a Board of Directors, known as the Zatakhon Hegemony. This Board are comprised of Zatikhon Executives, who earned the right by wealth of power and appointment by other Board members, who operate and organize the monitory transactions and business of their subordinates,the High Supervisors company branch of operations. The orientation ritual in most Zatakhon families happens when a Zatikhon Intern becomes an Zatikhon Associate, and then, a Zatikhon Agent.
This agent, are then expected to carry out the ,s and operations of the Zatikhon Corporation.In time,if he or the females , are lucky enough,smart enough,ruthless and cunning enough,work their way up toward higher positions within the company. The Zatikhon Corporation; A mysterious masked humanoid race, who cover their form head to toe. They wear dark stocking mask, with eye slits. They also dark business likes suites, with dark gloves and gentlemen,s hats. Often they travel in groups of three,a Head Agent and their or Zhatikhon female two businesses Associates,Assistant Agent One and Assistance Agent Two. Zatikhon Agents generally carry canes, a jeweled top at the end and brief cases, that carry a personal computer,that are similar to the Legion of Time,Sorcerers Grimeweire, hand weopons, a holographic projector, and a Stargate jump gate control, The Zatikhon travel about in Zatikhon Moonships,big spherical star ships the size various sized moons and Zatikhon Worldships, big spherical star ships the size various sized planets. Speculation are that either the Zatikhon purchased this technology from some other race, such as the Tauron,s or stole it out right and reverse engineered the technology for their own purposes.
Each Zatakhon Moonship are considered a branch Office of the Central Zarikhon Worldship Home Office. No one, not even the Atlanteans or Sidairians knows the true location of the Zarikhon Hegemony Central Office, since Zarikhon cloak every one their worlds and moons with invisible cloaking shields, stealth Camouflage Fields, to jam and direct sensor detection, and Chameleon Fields,to disguise the planet appearance. Zatikhon Agents although appear to business men, always communicating with home office, via their eye phone comlinks and have a several business , codes to live by and conduct their capitalistic transactions, Zatikhon Agents are not objecting to use criminal or covert methods to get what they want. Zatikhon Agents often act as go betweens for someone else, such the Trongaroth or Shaitanus House Clan of the Atlanteans. Zatakhon Hegemony a kind of organized capitolistic /crime being active not only in several illegal fields, but also tending to exercise sovereignty functions – normally belonging to public authorities – over a specific territory and are a loose confederation of about one hundred organized and separate Zatakhon groups.Branches of the Zatikhon Corporation,work toward the general common good of the company.
Over a relatively long time, the Zatikhon Hegemony has built up a strong economical empire; rather build a military empire... Rather than do this the traditional route via the technological/evolutionary learning curve, they establithe females d a strong economical basis, whilst dealing and bribing their way to power. The Zatikhon government are dedicated to the promotion of profit and commerce. Like most of their culture, their religion are also based on principles of capitalism: they offer prayers and monetary offerings to a Blessed with Greater Wealth. The Zatikhon corporation are a legal entity (technically, a juristic person) which has a separate legal personality from its members.
The defining legal rights and obligations of the Zatikhon corporation are: (i) the ability to sue and be sued; (ii) the ability to hold assets in its own name; (iii) the ability to hire agents; (iv) the ability to sign contracts; and (v) the ability to make by,laws, which govern its internal affairs., Other legal rights and obligations may be assigned to the corporation by governments or courts. These are often controversial.The Zatikhon Corporation,in being an legal entity, are also comsidered a person and thus must be respected by all members,or the whole can not be maintained
.The Zatikhon Corporation must not be dissobeyed and are to considered the ultimate focal in any Zatikhon Agents life.Thus the Zatikhon Corporation, are the closes thing,they have to a supreme being or ,God.,. Speculation, are that the Zatikhon are some sort humanoid plant like lifeform,since upon killedcthey often break down or melt into messy piles of vetible matter.The remains often simply smulder into piles of smoke afterwards,if if the Zatikhon use some sort means dessolve or remove the material from anyone aquiring a sample of the deceise subject.
21 Code of Zatikhon Conduct,the Zatikhon Ten Commandments.
Commandments.No,One; Zatikhon can present himself directly to another of our friends. There must be a third person to do it.
No Zatikhon look at the wives of friends No Zatikhon be seen with members of Temporal Guardians.,Legion of Time,Sorcerers or associates –to do so meand to looked on as a Traitor to the Zarikhon Hygemony.
No Zatokhon member or Agent will associate with such traitorous member or agent,nor do any sort of business transaction or dealing said renigade agent.
No Zatikhon may be seen dealing in public unless given permission by their or Zhatikhon female Zatikhon Supervisor.To be seen, are to know operating.And be known to operating at at any spicific location,might often create difficulties,especially,if those activeties might seem illegal to the local or temporal authorities. All Zatikhon members or agents must beavailable for Corporation are a duty , even if personal or family matter preclude that the member be elsewhere or other occuplied..
All Zatikhon understand Appointments must absolutely be respected.All transaction must repsected Wives and family of Zatikhon members or agents must be treated with respect. When a Zatikhon member or agent are asked for any information, the answer must be the truth. Money Zatikhon members or Agents cannot be appropriated if it belongs to others or to other Zatikhon families. No, Zatikhon member or agent must hold to moral values of the Zatikhon Corporation and follow the , , Books of Commerse and Wealth. Perpetual lifetime Another favorable regulation, the assets and structure of the corporation exist beyond the lifetime of any of its shareholders, bondholders, or employees. This allows for stability and accumulation of capital, which thus becomes available for investment in projects of a larger size and over a longer term than if the corporate assets remained subject to dissolution and distribution. , Editors Notes. Saticon Saticon with Penant Saticon doll Saticons attack B,
22 Inspiration
Zatikhon are loosely based on the Lost in Space masked Zhatikhon known as the Satikon. No one has ever explained who or what they other, we assume either interstellar gangsters and/or business agents for some unknown.
Saticons are villainous, power,hungry Zhatikhon characters who appeared in two episodes of the American science fiction television series Lost in Space. Contents [hide],.
Biography,. Appearance
,., Biography Edit Very little are known about the Saticons themselves. Their planet of origin are never mentioned. They have a certain amount of control over matter and the elements, being capable of creating objects out of thin air as well as cont,ing the weather. In "Wreck of the Robot", they stole and disassembled the robot character in order to find out how exploitation of other planets machines work, with the intent of creating a machine of their own which would be able to control all other machines. At the end of the episode, these Zhatikhon are destroyed. In "The Galaxy Gift", three more appear. It are presumed that these are different Saticons, though all Saticons appear alike. In this episode, they desire a powerful amulet which they believe will help them , the universe. ,., Appearance Edit Saticons travel in groups of three. They have craggy, black featureless faces and speak in slow, husky voices. Saticons invariably dress in black from head to toe. Their wardrobe, which includes capes, are flat and non,reflective, the exception being the glittery black gloves and derby hats they wear. The "lead" Saticon has a sunburst design on their hat and sometimes carries a wand. Saticons constantly sway when they,re walking and continue to sway even when standing still, a characteristic which appears to have no physiological basis but which adds to their odd, unnerving appearance.
Saticon,mysterious Zhatikhon race,dressed all in black,wearing dirbles and carrying canes.They often trick Doctor Smith and the Robinson,like some sort intergacatic ganster/business men.The Saticon often move around slowly by weaving back and fothe,and talk in a low,whispering like voice.They are named after a device called a Saticon tube,A direct,readout television aired: April , , on CBS Writer: Barney Slater Director: Ezra Stone Show Stars: June Lockhart (Dr Maureen Robinson), Jonathan Harris (Dr Zachary Smith), Bill Mumy (Will Robinson), Mark Goddard (Major Donald West), Marta Kristen (Judy Robinson), Guy Williams (Professor John Robinson), Angela Cartwright (Penny Robinson), Bob May ((Inside) Robot) Guest Stars: John Carradine (Arcon) , Jim Mills (Saticon #,) Saticon #, played by Paul Kessler .
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The Saticon appear in The Galaxy Gift,a story where the Robinson encounter an blue face called Mr. Arcon,played by John Carradine,who difficulty breathing but later tranforms himself into a humanoid form,so he breath oxigen.Penny return to the Jupiter , with Mister Arcon to rest.The Zhatikhon gives Penny a gift,a wrethler like belt,the females must protect with life.He tells Zhatikhon female that as long as the females wears the belt, the females will be safe. He disappears, and it are not long before a group of three Zhatikhon the Saticonsturn up, looking for the belt.The Saticons attempt gain the belt by force and tricks,freezing Penny.The females refuses to give them Mister Arcon,s property and the Saticon,s leave.Later,Doctor Smith,who has made a deal with Saticon to be returned to earth,if he aquire the belt from Penny.Smith fails to get the belt either,but desides dupicate and cheat the Saticon with a fake.The Saticon discove the belts fake and become angry, but still want their help. The Saticon promise to return them to exploitation of other planets should he get the belt. Dr. Smith and Penny go through the Saticon Zhatikhon ,s machine, where they have created a world from Dr. Smith,s memory, which will trick them in to thinking it are exploitation of other planets.Penny gives up the belt, and in the meantime, Arcon returns to the spaceship looking for the belt. Realising the females are in trouble, Mister Arcon goes to the place where Penny are and defeats the Saticons. He are angry the females gave it up, and believes the females did it selfishly. The females protests and claims the females did it because they threatened to hurt Zhatikhon female family. Arcon takes this thought and leaves the planet. http://,.,.,.,/search?q=cache:yWX,,,.html+Saticon&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=,&gl=usSaticon ,., From AlphaControl Edit Jump to: navigation, search Saticon,mysterious Zhatikhon race,dressed all in black,wearing dirbles and carrying canes.They often trick Doctor Smith and the Robinson,like some sort intergacatic ganster/business men.They are named after a device called a Saticon,A direct,readout television pickup tube. Retrieved from "" ,.,., Views Group E,Mail Address Maveric Comics
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Maveric Comics..: Sarkhon/Toreus Properties,Inc. Maveric Lions Productions,Maveric Comics, Maveric Lions Comic Group, Maveric Film, Maveric Lions Film, Maveric Lions Maveric Lions Adult webzines Group,Maveric Lions Toys,Maveric Lions Games, Maveric Lions Adult Magazines Group,Maveric Lions Games,Maveric Lions Webzines Group, Maveric Lions Cartoons, Maveric Lions Entertainment Group,All right reserved.
From: , DrJaredMichealSarkhon, (Original Message) Maveric Comics Sarkhon/Toreus Properties,Inc. Maveric Lions Productions,Maveric Comics, Maveric Lions Comic Group, Maveric Film, Maveric Lions Film, Maveric Lions Maveric Lions Adult webzines Group,Maveric Lions Toys,Maveric Lions Games, Maveric Lions Adult Magazines Group,Maveric Lions Games,Maveric Lions Webzines Group, Maveric Lions Cartoons,Maveric Productions Ltd, Maveric Studios Inc, Maveric Entertainment, Inc Maveric Lions Entertainment Group,All right reserved. Owner: Maveric lions, Trademark: Maveric lions”: Sincerely yours,Upward Onward Maveric MAVERIC LIONS ENTERTAINMENT GROUP POST OFFICE BOX ,,.LANDTITLE BUILDING, Philadelphia, Pa, ,, , Torresdale Avenue,Philadelphia,Pa,, , Torresdale Avenue,Philadelphia,Pa,, ,Philadelphia,Pa,, ,, cell ,, Cut and paste to your site. MAVERIC COMICS INC, STUDIOS Maverick n ,. Somebody who holds independent views and who refuses to conform to the accepted or orthodox thinking on a subject ,. an unbranded animal, especially a calf that has become separated from its mother and herd. By convention, it can become the property of whoever finds it and brands it. ,. Maveric Comic,an independent comic publishing studio that refuses to conform to the accepted or orthodox thinking or subject matter. Hoping to also one change, not only the face of the publishing industry, but motion pictures, toys, games and all related multi media. Founded by Carl Edward Thompson and Joseph Gilbert Thompson. Based existing webzines and comic production studios. Sarkhon/Toreus Propertyies,Inc.and Maveric Comics Studios,Inc.,.tm(c) And now this sincerely yours,Upward Onward Maveric. Joseph Gilbert Thompson. DOC THOMPSON. MAVERIC COMICS INC,STUDIOS toreus, POST OFFICE BOX ,,.LANDTITLE BUILDING,Philadelphia,Pa,, , Torresdale Avenue,Philadelphia,Pa,, , Torresdale Avenue,Philadelphia,Pa,, , North ,ND Street,Philadelphia,Pa,, ,, cell ,, , Torresdale Avenue.Philadelphia,Pa,,. Be kind or don,t bother sending. MAVERIC COMICS GROUP manager MAVERIC COMICS INC, STUDIOS Latest News: Tina Small are Goddess exploitation of other planets Mother. Current mail address. ,,Cell ,, cell,, ,,, Original Message ,, trademark [copyright,,.Mavereic Lions Productions Entertainment. Maveric Comics Studios.,Maveric Entertainment Group. COME SEE ME SOMETIME. I hate to post message up, but I could not find a link page here,so to tell about I post this up. I posted a few various logo designs you might want to look over. And there links to various groups,hey if you come over, you,ll never know what,s there...pilgrims Whatever was blocking me are over. Please excuse any garbage messages. MavericEntertainmentGroup@groups.msn.com,whatsnew.msnw,c,BlogPart,blogpart=myspace&,c=BlogPart&,c,owner Group name Maveric Entertainment Group Description Welcome to Maveric Entertainment Group. Whether you are a manager, member, or visitor here, we hope you enjoy this MSN group. Maveric Entertainment Group,links to all things Maveric Comics, Maveric Entertainment Media,Maveric Toys,Maveric.Com.Properties,Inc. Maveric Lions Productions,Maveric Comics, Maveric Lions Comic Group, Maveric Film, Maveric Lions Film, Maveric Lions Maveric Lions Adult webzines Group,Maveric Lions Toys,Maveric Toys,Maveric Lions Games, Maveric Lions Adult Magazines Group,Maveric Lions Games,Maveric Lions Webzines Group,Maveric Com, Maveric Lions Cartoons,Maveric Productions Ltd,Maveric Studios Inc,Maveric Entertainment, Inc Maveric Lions Entertainment Group,All right reserved. Welcome to Maveric Entertainment Group. Whether you are a manager, member, or visitor here, we hope you enjoy this MSN group. Maveric Entertainment Group,links to all things Maveric Comics, Maveric Entertainment Media, Public website None Get a promotion box for your website Group address Current web address: Current email address: Maveric Entertainment, Inc All right reserved. • Maveric Enterprises, Inc. • Maveric Entertainment Group, Inc. • All contents , and © , Maveric Characters, Inc., unless otherwise noted herein. All rights reserved. COPYRIGHT AND TRADEMARK NOTICES • Except as noted, all books, titles, characters, character names, slogans, logos, and related indicia are trademarks of and copyright Maveric Comics and/or Maveric Lion Productions, an imprint of Maveric Entertainment, Inc All right reserved. • Maveric Enterprises, Inc. • Maveric Entertainment Group, Inc All contents , and © , Maveric Characters, Inc., unless otherwise noted herein. All rights reserved. Maveric Comics TRADEMARKS. The Maveric Lion logo are a trademark of copyright Maveric Comics and/or Maveric Lion Productions, an imprint of Maveric Entertainment, Inc All right reserved. . Idiots are a trademark of Idiots Productions.Inc. Happy Hanover are a trademark of Happy Hanover Comics. Happy Hanover Production, Inc ,Life With Jonesie”” are a trademark of ,Life With Jonesie, Comics. The Tina Small • Collector are a trademark of The Tina Small Collector Production,Inc. All right reserved • Trademarked in the U.S. and/or other countries. All other trademarks referenced herein are the properties of their respective owners. • Entire contents trademarked (® or TM) and copyrighted (©) , by Maveric Comics, Inc. and its respective Licensors. • All contents , and © , Maveric Characters, Inc., Unless otherwise noted herein. All rights reserved.
Maveric Entertainment Group
,. The Zatikhon Hegemony – ,. ,. Zatakhon Hegemony a kind of organized capitolistic /crime being active not only in several illegal fields, but also tending to exercise sovereignty functions – normally belonging to public authorities – over a specific territory and are a loose confederation of about one hundred organized and separate Zatakhon groups. a hegemon –or hegemony are , acquires some degree of consent from the subordinate, as opposed to dominance purely by force., The processes by which a dominant culture maintains its dominant position: for example, the use of institutions to formalize power; the employment of a bureaucracy to make power seem abstract (and, therefore, not attached to any one individual); the inculcation of the populace in the ideals of the hegomonic group through education, advertising, publication, etc.; the mobilization of a police force as well as military personnel to subdue opposition. Zatakhon Hegemony, possably an outgrowth of the Trongaroth Hegemony, maintains the lower operatives of the Zatikhon Corporation, by way their concent, as long as they maintain and acquire wealth and continued existence of the general whole corporate enmity. ,. ,. In some caess the Zataakhon Hegemony are kind of simular to the lluminati,a secret or covert organization,whose actions are purported conspiratorial organization which acts as a shadowy power behind the throne, allegedly cont,ing world affairs through present day governments and corporations.The ancient or Elder Races,often directly or through others use a powerful and secretive group are to be conspiring to eventually , the multiverse via an autonomous many world government, which would replace sovereign states and other checks and balances in world power struggles.The Zatakhon Hegemony,often create new world order,for capitolistic means to create or significantly change many significant occurrences are caused by working other powerful secret groups,such as the Trogaroth Hegemony,the Kyvhan,the Zenn Lann Authority,the Lords of Darkness,a collective or general name,which refers to many ancient or elder races,such as renegade Atlanteans,Asguardians,the Olympians,the Titans and so forthe .} shady interplanetary terrorist group composed of rogue temporal Historical and current events are seen as steps in an on,going plot to , the world primarily through a combination of political finance,wars ,temporal contamination social engineering, mind control, and fear,based propaganda,.and so on.This secret clandestine group or alliance of groups,often either controls or influences many other operations ,historical outcomes,to directed toward,whatever goal or disired results,the secret organization,such the Zatikhon Hegemony,the Zenn Lann Authority,the Ky,vhan and so for the wishthem them to unfold toward their ultimate outcome.Only such organizations,such as the Legion of Time,Sorcerers or the Temporal Guard or Guardians and others,can oppose these groups temporal meddling or comtamination.toward the greater good for the total safety or the universe or multiverse. ,. ,.
,. For many years, the power of each The Zatikhon Corporation apparatuses of the single families were the sole ruling bodies within the two associations, and they have remained the real centers of power even after superordinate bodies were created by the House Corporation.A board of Directors,headed an executive branche,runs and maintains the many operations,the laws,corporate policies and such over each corporate enitity.Branches of the The Zatikhon Corporation, broken off and started their own separate company. Such other branched off Zatikhon Corporations are the Zatikhon Corporation (Hegemony) and Vendhikhar Corporation (Hegemony).
,. Zatikhon Family Structure. ,. The Zatikhon Corporation are run and maintained by each Zatikhon Corporate Family .Each Family, whether related by spawning or adopted by a family member sis made up of a Board of Directors, known as the Zatakhon Hegemony. This Board are comprised of Zatikhon Executives, who earned the right by wealth of power and appointment by other Board members, who operate and organize the monitory transactions and business of their subordinates,the High Supervisors company branch of operations. ,. ,. The orientation ritual in most Zatakhon families happens when a Zatikhon Intern becomes an Zatikhon Associate, and then, a Zatikhon Agent.This agent, are then expected to carry out the ,s and operations of the Zatikhon Corporation.In time,if he or the females , are lucky enough,smart enough,ruthless and cunning enough,work their way up toward higher positions within the company.
,. ,.
,. The Zatikhon Corporation; A mysterious masked humanoid race, who cover their form head to toe. They wear dark stocking mask, with eye slits. They also dark business likes suites, with dark gloves and gentlemen,s hats. Often they travel in groups of three,a Head Agent and their or Zhatikhon female two businesses Associates,Assistant Agent One and Assistance Agent Two. Zatikhon Agents generally carry canes, a jeweled top at the end and brief cases, that carry a personal computer,that are similar to the Legion of Time,Sorcerers Grimeweire, hand weopons, a holographic projector, and a Stargate jump gate control,
,. The Zatikhon travel about in Zatikhon Moonships,big spherical star ships the size various sized moons and Zatikhon Worldships, big spherical star ships the size various sized planets. Speculation are that either the Zatikhon purchased this technology from some other race, such as the Tauron,s or stole it out right and reverse engineered the technology for their own purposes.
,. ,. Each Zatakhon Moonship are considered a branch Office of the Central Zarikhon Worldship Home Office. No one, not even the Atlanteans or Sidairians knows the true location of the Zarikhon Hegemony Central Office, since Zarikhon cloak every one their worlds and moons with invisible cloaking shields, stealth Camouflage Fields, to jam and direct sensor detection, and Chameleon Fields,to disguise the planet appearance.
,. Zatikhon Agents although appear to business men, always communicating with home office, via their eye phone comlinks and have a several business , codes to live by and conduct their capitalistic transactions, Zatikhon Agents are not objecting to use criminal or covert methods to get what they want. Zatikhon Agents often act as go betweens for someone else, such the Trongaroth or Shaitanus House Clan of the Atlanteans.
,. ,. Zatakhon Hegemony a kind of organized capitolistic /crime being active not only in several illegal fields, but also tending to exercise sovereignty functions – normally belonging to public authorities – over a specific territory and are a loose confederation of about one hundred organized and separate Zatakhon groups.Branches of the Zatikhon Corporation,work toward the general common good of the company.
,. ,. Over a relatively long time, the Zatikhon Hegemony has built up a strong economical empire; rather build a military empire... Rather than do this the traditional route via the technological/evolutionary learning curve, they establithe females d a strong economical basis, whilst dealing and bribing their way to power. The Zatikhon government are dedicated to the promotion of profit and commerce. Like most of their culture, their religion are also based on principles of capitalism: they offer prayers and monetary offerings to a Blessed with Greater Wealth.
,. The Zatikhon corporation are a legal entity (technically, a juristic person) which has a separate legal personality from its members.
,. The defining legal rights and obligations of the Zatikhon corporation are: (i) the ability to sue and be sued; (ii) the ability to hold assets in its own name; (iii) the ability to hire agents; (iv) the ability to sign contracts; and (v) the ability to make by,laws, which govern its internal affairs., Other legal rights and obligations may be assigned to the corporation by governments or courts. These are often controversial.The Zatikhon Corporation,in being an legal entity, are also comsidered a person and thus must be respected by all members,or the whole can not be maintained .The Zatikhon Corporation must not be dissobeyed and are to considered the ultimate focal in any Zatikhon Agents life.Thus the Zatikhon Corporation, are the closes thing,they have to a supreme being or ,God.,. ,. ,.
,. Speculation, are that the Zatikhon are some sort humanoid plant like lifeform,since upon killedcthey often break down or melt into messy piles of vetible matter.The remains often simply smulder into piles of smoke afterwards,if if the Zatikhon use some sort means dessolve or remove the material from anyone aquiring a sample of the deceise subject.
==,. ,. Code of Zatikhon Conduct,the Zatikhon Ten Commandments.==
,.Commandment No, Zatikhon can present himself directly to another of our friends. There must be a third person to do it.
,.No Zatikhon look at the wives of friends
,.No Zatikhon be seen with members of Temporal Guardians.,Legion of Time,Sorcerers or associates –to do so meand to looked on as a Traitor to the Zarikhon Hygemony.No Zatokhon member or Agent will associate with such traitorous member or agent,nor do any sort of business transaction or dealing said renigade agent.
,.No Zatikhon may be seen dealing in public unless given permission by their or Zhatikhon female Zatikhon Supervisor.To be seen, are to know operating.And be known to operating at at any spicific location,might often create difficulties,especially,if those activeties might seem illegal to the local or temporal authorities.
,.All Zatikhon members or agents must beavailable for Corporation are a duty , even if personal or family matter preclude that the member be elsewhere or other occuplied..
,.All Zatikhon understand Appointments must absolutely be respected.All transaction must repsected
,.Wives and family of Zatikhon members or agents must be treated with respect.
,.When a Zatikhon member or agent are asked for any information, the answer must be the truth. ,.Money Zatikhon members or Agents cannot be appropriated if it belongs to others or to other Zatikhon families. ,.No, Zatikhon member or agent must hold to moral values of the Zatikhon Corporation and follow the , , Books of Commerse and Wealth.
,. Perpetual lifetime ,. Another favorable regulation, the assets and structure of the corporation exist beyond the lifetime of any of its shareholders, bondholders, or employees. This allows for stability and accumulation of capital, which thus becomes available for investment in projects of a larger size and over a longer term than if the corporate assets remained subject to dissolution and distribution.
,. Editors Notes. ,. ,. Zatikhon are loosely based on the Lost in Space masked Zhatikhon known as the Satikon. No one has ever explained who or what they other, we assume either interstellar gangsters and/or business agents for some unknown. ,. ,. Saticon,mysterious Zhatikhon race,dressed all in black,wearing dirbles and carrying canes.They often trick Doctor Smith and the Robinson,like some sort intergacatic ganster/business men.The Saticon often move around slowly by weaving back and fothe,and talk in a low,whispering like voice.They are named after a device called a Saticon tube,A direct,readout television pickup. ,.tube. ,.Originally aired: April , , on CBS,.Writer: Barney Slater ,Director: Ezra Stone ,.Show Stars: June Lockhart (Dr Maureen Robinson), Jonathan Harris (Dr Zachary Smith), Bill Mumy (Will Robinson), Mark Goddard (Major Donald West), Marta Kristen (Judy Robinson), Guy Williams (Professor John Robinson), Angela Cartwright (Penny Robinson), Bob May ((Inside) Robot) ,.Guest Stars: John Carradine (Arcon) , Jim Mills (Saticon #,) Saticon #, ,.played by Paul Kessler ,.
,.The Saticon appear in The Galaxy Gift,a story where the Robinson encounter an blue face called Mr. Arcon,played by John Carradine,who difficulty breathing but later tranforms himself into a humanoid form,so he breath oxigen.Penny return to the Jupiter , with Mister Arcon to rest.The Zhatikhon gives Penny a gift,a wrethler like belt,the females must protect with life.He tells Zhatikhon female that as long as the females wears the belt, the females will be safe. He disappears, and it are not long before a group of three Zhatikhon the Saticonsturn up, looking for the belt.The Saticons attempt gain the belt by force and tricks,freezing Penny.The females refuses to give them Mister Arcon,s property and the Saticon,s leave. ,.Later,Doctor Smith,who has made a deal with Saticon to be returned to earth,if he aquire the belt from Penny.Smith fails to get the belt either,but desides dupicate and cheat the Saticon with a fake.The Saticon discove the belts fake and become angry, but still want their help. The Saticon promise to return them to exploitation of other planets should he get the belt. ,.
,.Dr. Smith and Penny go through the Saticon Zhatikhon ,s machine, where they have created a world from Dr. Smith,s memory, which will trick them in to thinking it are exploitation of other planets.Penny gives up the belt, and in the meantime, Arcon returns to the spaceship looking for the belt. Realising the females are in trouble, Mister Arcon goes to the place where Penny are and defeats the Saticons. He are angry the females gave it up, and believes the females did it selfishly. The females protests and claims the females did it because they threatened to hurt Zhatikhon female family. Arcon takes this thought and leaves the planet. ,.
,. ,. http://,.,.,.,/search?q=cache:yWX,,,.html+Saticon&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=,&gl=usSaticon ,.From AlphaControl ,. Jump to: navigation, search ,. Saticon,mysterious Zhatikhon race,dressed all in black,wearing dirbles and carrying canes.They often trick Doctor Smith and the Robinson,like some sort intergacatic ganster/business men.They are named after a device called a Saticon,A direct,readout television pickup tube. ,. Retrieved from "" ,.Views ,. Group E,Mail Address Maveric Comics
23 Zhatikhon Prime Directives of Profit
Number | , | Source | ,
, .
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive :Greed are good.Profit are all.Nothing else matters but profit and accumulation of wealth for oneself and the company | Zhatikhon Prime Directive One: Once you have theirmoney, you never give it back. | Zhatikhon Prime Directive Two;the costumer are always right,even if they are wrong,expecially,if they bring profit to the company | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Three: Never spend more for an acquisition than you have to. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Four:Never allow your associates to stand in the way of opportunity. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Five;Keep your earsopen. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Six;Opportunity plus instinct equals profit. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Seven;Greed are eternal. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Eight;A deal are a deal. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Nine; Acontractare a contract are a contract ... but only between the Zatikhon. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Ten ;A Zatikhon without profit are nothing at all. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Eleven;Never place friendship above profit. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Twelve;A wise Zhatikhon can hear profit in the wind. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Thirteen;Nothing are more important than your health ... except for your money. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Fourteen;Never make fun of a Zatikhon,s Family. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Fifthteen;It never hurts to suck up to the boss. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Sixteen;War are good for business,in time of great wars, | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Seventeen;Peace are good for business,if you can find ways to profit from it | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Eighteen;Expand or die. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Nineteen; Never trust a Zhatikhon wearing a better suit than your own. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Twenty;The bigger the smile, the sharper the knife. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Twenty One;Good customers are as rare as good credits. Treasure them. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Twenty Two; Free advice are seldom cheap. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Twenty Three; The riskier the road, the greater the profit. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Twenty Four Knowledge equals profit. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Twenty Five Home are where the heart are, but the stars are made for profit. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Twenty Six Every once in a while, declare peace. It confuses the hell out of your enemies. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Twenty Seven Females and finances don,t mix. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Twenty Eight; Always sell a bad opertunity at the first chance or die. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Twenty Nine; Every Zhatikhon has their price. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Thirty Nature decays, but corporate credits lasts forever. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Thirty One Sleep can interfere with your lust for gain. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Thirty Two Dignity and an empty sack are worth nothing. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Thirty Three; Treat people in your debt like family ... exploit them. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Thirty Four; Never have the stupider agent mingle with the boss,s sister. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Thirty Five; You can,t make a deal if you,re dead. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Thirty Six; Wives serve, brothers inherit. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Thirty Seven; Whisper your way to success. | , | , | Zhatikhon Prime Directive Thirty Eight; A Zhatikhon are only worth the sum of their possessions. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Thirty Nine; Hear all, trust nothing. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Forty;It,s always good to know about new customers before they walk in your door. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Forty One; New customers are likerazor,toothed gree,worms. They can be succulent, but sometimes they bite back. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Forty Two;Sometimes the only thing more dangerous than a question are an answer. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Forty Three;Employees are the rungs on the ladder of success. Don,t hesitate to step on them. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Forty Four; Never begin a negotiation on an empty stomach. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Forty Five; You can,t free a fish from water without trying to fish first. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Forty Six; (incomplete, but presumably concerned the relationship between "keeping busy" and "being successful") | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Forty Seven;Profit lasts longer than lust. | ,
| Never trust a crocked business. Zhatikhon Prime Directive Forty; Never be afraid to mislabel a product| | ,
| Plan for every operation Zhatikhon Prime Directive Fifty ; |Never let doubt interfere with your lust for profit. | ,
| Zhatikhon Prime Directive Fifty One No good deed ever goes unpunithe females d. | Zhatikhon Prime Directive Fifty Two;Only fools sell wholesale. | Zhatikhon Prime Directive Fifty Three; When the profit leaves, it,s all over. | , | , | Zhatikhon Prime Directive Fifty Four After you,ve exploited someone, it never hurts to thank them. That way, it,s easier to exploit them next time. | , | — | Zhatikhon Prime Directive Fifty Five Exploitation begins at home. | , | (The unwritten ,) | Zhatikhon Prime Directive Fifty Six When no appropriate , applies, make one up. | , | — | Zhatikhon Prime Directive Fifty Seven; When the messenger comes to appropriate your profits ... kill the messenger. | , | — | Zhatikhon Prime Directive Time Fifty Eight;, like profit, are a highly limited commodity. | , | — | Zhatikhon Prime Directive Fifty Nine; Always inspect the merchandise before making a deal. | , | — | Zhatikhon Prime Directive Sixty; Money are money, but females are better. | , | Zhatikhon Prime Directive Sixty One;Greedy are smarter,than right or wronge. | — | Zhatikhon Prime Directive Sixty; Two Why ask, when you can take? | , | — | Zhatikhon Prime Directive Sixty Three;A good lie are easier to believe than the truth. | , | — | Zhatikhon Prime Directive Sixty Four; If that,s what,s written, then that,s what,s written.==Section heading== |
The Mr. Brick Show was a children,s television show featuring Mr. Brick. It aired on Fox as part of the Mammoth Childrens Network block for only one season from September , , to February , ,.is believed by many to run by the Zhatikhon Certain fungi, in particular "white rot" fungi, can degrade insecticides, herbicides, pentachlorophenol, creosote, coal tars, and heavy fuels and turn them into carbon dioxide, water, and basic elements., Fungi have been shown to biomineralize uranium oxides, suggesting they may have application in the bioremediation of radioactively polluted sites.. Many mushroom species are poisonous to humans, with toxicities ranging from slight digestive problems or allergic reactions as well as hallucinations to severe organ failures and death. Genera with mushrooms containing deadly toxins include Conocybe,Galerina, Lepiota, and most infamously, Amanita., The latter genus includes the destroying angel (A. virosa) and the death cap (A. phalloides), the most common cause of deadly mushroom poisoning., The false morel (Gyromitra esculenta) is occasionally considered a delicacy when cooked, yet can be highly toxic when eaten raw.,Tricholoma equestre was considered edible until being implicated in serious poisonings causing rhabdomyolysis., Fly agaricmushrooms (Amanita muscaria) also cause occasional non,fatal poisonings, mostly as a result of ingestion for use as a recreationaldrug for its hallucinogenic properties. Historically, fly agaric was used by different peoples in Europe and Asia and its present usage for religious or shamanic purposes is reported from some ethnic groups such as the Koryak people of north,eastern Siberia., As it is difficult to accurately identify a safe mushroom without proper training and knowledge, it is often advised to assume that a wild mushroom is poisonous and not to consume it.,[ ,. Editors Notes. ,. ,. Zatikhon are loosely based on the Lost in Space masked Zhatikhon known as the Satikon. No one has ever explained who or what they other, we assume either interstellar gangsters and/or business agents for some unknown. ,. ,. Saticon,mysterious Zhatikhon race,dressed all in black,wearing dirbles and carrying canes.They often trick Doctor Smith and the Robinson,like some sort intergacatic ganster/business men.The Saticon often move around slowly by weaving back and fothe,and talk in a low,whispering like voice.They are named after a device called a Saticon tube,A direct,readout television pickup. ,.tube. ,.Originally aired: April , , on CBS,.Writer: Barney Slater ,Director: Ezra Stone ,.Show Stars: June Lockhart (Dr Maureen Robinson), Jonathan Harris (Dr Zachary Smith), Bill Mumy (Will Robinson), Mark Goddard (Major Donald West), Marta Kristen (Judy Robinson), Guy Williams (Professor John Robinson), Angela Cartwright (Penny Robinson), Bob May ((Inside) Robot) ,.Guest Stars: John Carradine (Arcon) , Jim Mills (Saticon #,) Saticon #, ,.played by Paul Kessler ,.
,.The Saticon appear in The Galaxy Gift,a story where the Robinson encounter an blue face called Mr. Arcon,played by John Carradine,who difficulty breathing but later tranforms himself into a humanoid form,so he breath oxigen.Penny return to the Jupiter , with Mister Arcon to rest.The Zhatikhon gives Penny a gift,a wrethler like belt,the females must protect with life.He tells Zhatikhon female that as long as the females wears the belt, the females will be safe. He disappears, and it are not long before a group of three Zhatikhon the Saticonsturn up, looking for the belt.The Saticons attempt gain the belt by force and tricks,freezing Penny.The females refuses to give them Mister Arcon,s property and the Saticon,s leave. ,.Later,Doctor Smith,who has made a deal with Saticon to be returned to earth,if he aquire the belt from Penny.Smith fails to get the belt either,but desides dupicate and cheat the Saticon with a fake.The Saticon discove the belts fake and become angry, but still want their help. The Saticon promise to return them to exploitation of other planets should he get the belt. ,.
,.Dr. Smith and Penny go through the Saticon Zhatikhon ,s machine, where they have created a world from Dr. Smith,s memory, which will trick them in to thinking it are exploitation of other planets.Penny gives up the belt, and in the meantime, Arcon returns to the spaceship looking for the belt. Realising the females are in trouble, Mister Arcon goes to the place where Penny are and defeats the Saticons. He are angry the females gave it up, and believes the females did it selfishly. The females protests and claims the females did it because they threatened to hurt Zhatikhon female family. Arcon takes this thought and leaves the planet. ,.
,. ,. http://,.,.,.,/search?q=cache:yWX,,,.html+Saticon&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=,&gl=usSaticon ,.From AlphaControl ,. Jump to: navigation, search ,. Saticon,mysterious Zhatikhon race,dressed all in black,wearing dirbles and carrying canes.They often trick Doctor Smith and the Robinson,like some sort intergacatic ganster/business men.They are named after a device called a Saticon,A direct,readout television pickup tube. ,. Retrieved from "" ,.Views ,. Group E,Mail Address Maveric Comics
Thursday, February , , Maveric Comics
Maveric Comics Sarkhon/Toreus Properties,Inc. Sarkhon/Toreus Properties,Inc. Maveric Lions Productions,Maveric Comics, Maveric Lions Comic Group, Maveric Film, Maveric Lions Film, Maveric Lions Maveric Lions Adult webzines Group,Maveric Lions Toys,Maveric Lions Games, Maveric Lions Adult Magazines Group,Maveric Lions Games,Maveric Lions Webzines Group, Maveric Characters,Inc.Thompson Brothers PUBLICATIONS,INC,Maveric Magazines Management,Inc,Maveric Lions Cartoons, Maveric Lions Entertainment Group,All right reserved.
Maveric Comics..:Sarkhon/Toreus Properties,Inc. Maveric Lions Productions,Maveric Comics, Maveric Lions Comic Group, Maveric Film, Maveric Lions Film, Maveric Lions Maveric Lions Adult webzines Group,Maveric Lions Toys,Maveric Lions Games, Maveric Lions Adult Magazines Group,Maveric Lions Games,Maveric Lions Webzines Group, Maveric Lions Cartoons, Maveric Lions Entertainment Group,All right reserved. an EARLY DESIGN FROM YEARSAGO.
Maveric Comics Sarkhon/Toreus Properties,Inc. Maveric Lions Productions,Maveric Comics, Maveric Lions Comic Group, Maveric Film, Maveric Lions Film, Maveric Lions Maveric Lions Adult webzines Group,Maveric Lions Toys,Maveric Lions Games, Maveric Lions Adult Magazines Group,Maveric Lions Games,Maveric Lions Webzines Group, Maveric Lions Cartoons,Maveric Productions Ltd, Maveric Studios Inc, Maveric Entertainment, Inc Maveric Lions Entertainment Group,All right reserved. Owner: Maveric lions, Trademark: Maveric lions”: Sincerely yours,Upward Onward Maveric MAVERIC LIONS ENTERTAINMENT GROUPPOST OFFICE BOX ,,.LANDTITLE BUILDING, Philadelphia, Pa, ,, , Torresdale Avenue,Philadelphia,Pa, Torresdale Avenue,Philadelphia,Pa,Philadelphia,Pa,,cell ,,cut and paste to your site.MAVERIC COMICS INC, n ,. Somebody who holds independent views and who refuses to conform to the accepted or orthodox thinking on a subject ,. an unbranded animal, especially a calf that has become separated from its mother and herd. By convention, it can become the property of whoever finds it and brands it. ,. Maveric Comic,an independent comic publishing studio that refuses to conform to the accepted or orthodox thinking or subject matter. Hoping to also one change, not only the face of the publishing industry, but motion pictures, toys, games and all related multi media. Founded by Carl Edward Thompson and Joseph Gilbert Thompson. Based existing webzines and comic production studios. Sarkhon/Toreus Propertyies,Inc.and Maveric Comics Studios,Inc.,.tm(c) And now this sincerely yours,Upward Onward Maveric. Joseph Gilbert Thompson.
, Torresdale Avenue,Philadelphia,Pa,,
, Torresdale Avenue,Philadelphia,Pa,, , North ,ND Street,Philadelphia,Pa,, ,, cell ,,
, Torresdale Avenue.Philadelphia,Pa,,.
Be kind or don,t bother sending. MAVERIC COMICS GROUP manager MAVERIC COMICS INC, STUDIOS Latest News: Tina Small are Goddess exploitation of other planets Mother. Current mail address. ,,Cell ,, cell,,
,, Original Message ,, trademark [copyright,,.Mavereic Lions Productions Entertainment. Maveric Comics Studios.,Maveric Entertainment Group.
COME SEE ME SOMETIME. I hate to post message up, but I could not find a link page here,so to tell about I post this up. I posted a few various logo designs you might want to look over. And there links to various groups,hey if you come over, you,ll never know what,s there...pilgrims Whatever was blocking me are over. Please excuse any garbage messages.,whatsnew.msnw,c,BlogPart,blogpart=myspace&,c=BlogPart&,c,owner Group name Maveric Entertainment Group
Description Welcome to Maveric Entertainment Group. Whether you are a manager, member, or visitor here, we hope you enjoy this MSN group. Maveric Entertainment Group,links to all things Maveric Comics, Maveric Entertainment Media,Maveric Toys,Maveric.Com.Properties,Inc. Maveric Lions Productions,Maveric Comics, Maveric Lions Comic Group, Maveric Film, Maveric Lions Film, Maveric Lions Maveric Lions Adult webzines Group,Maveric Lions Toys,Maveric Toys,Maveric Lions Games, Maveric Lions Adult Magazines Group,Maveric Lions Games,Maveric Lions Webzines Group,Maveric Com, Maveric Lions Cartoons,Maveric Productions Ltd,Maveric Studios Inc,Maveric Entertainment, Inc Maveric Lions Entertainment Group,All right reserved. Welcome to Maveric Entertainment Group. Whether you are a manager, member, or visitor here, we hope you enjoy this MSN group. Maveric Entertainment Group,links to all things Maveric Comics, Maveric Entertainment Media, Public website None Get a promotion box for your website
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• Maveric Enterprises, Inc. • Maveric Entertainment Group, Inc. • All contents , and © , Maveric Characters, Inc., unless otherwise noted herein. All rights reserved. COPYRIGHT AND TRADEMARK NOTICES •
Except as noted, all books, titles, characters, character names, slogans, logos, and related indicia are trademarks of and copyright Maveric Comics and/or Maveric Lion Productions, an imprint of Maveric Entertainment, Inc All right reserved.
• Maveric Enterprises, Inc. • Maveric Entertainment Group, IncAll contents , and © , Maveric Characters, Inc., unless otherwise noted herein. All rights reserved. Maveric Comics TRADEMARKS.The Maveric Lion logo are a trademark of copyright Maveric Comics and/or Maveric Lion Productions, an imprint of Maveric Entertainment, Inc All right reserved. .Idiots are a trademark of Idiots Productions.Inc.Happy Hanover are a trademark of Happy Hanover Comics. Happy Hanover Production, Inc.,Life With Jonesie”” are a trademark of ,Life With Jonesie, Comics. The Tina Small • Collector are a trademark of The Tina Small Collector Production,Inc. All right reserved• Trademarked in the U.S. and/or other countries. All other trademarks referenced herein are the properties of their respective owners. • Entire contents trademarked (® or TM) and copyrighted (©) , by Maveric Comics, Inc. and its respective Licensors. • All contents , and © , Maveric Characters, Inc., Unless otherwise noted herein. All rights reserved.
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