Fighting Fetus ?
“Death at the hands of an unborn fetus!”
Of course, while was a total genius, Jack Kirby wasn’t always bang on the money with his creations.
I give you — Paranex, the Fighting Fetus!
CAPTAIN VICTORY and PARANEX In the early Eighties, Jack began doing work for Pacific Comics, a new company that allowed creators to keep the rights to their characters. Kirby was still turning out grand and fantastic concepts on an almost daily basis, but two of Jack's latter-day characters struck me (and many others) as extremely weird and even slightly embarrassing. First, there was the "Wonder Warriors," whose ranks included PARANEX -- The Fighting Fetus! Paranex, pictured below, was one of the most bizarre characters Kirby ever created. The Fighting Fetus?!? And there was supposed to be an actual "fetus" of some kind in that weird red containment suit. Oy vey. At the time, I never suspected that Paranex had political connotations! Apparently, the character was meant as a comic/political cartoon comment on the abortion controversy.Apparently,this creation should have aborted itself. |
After Kirby left the employ of both of the "big boys," he did a stint at upstart Pacific Comics,so awe to have so called King of Comics, who were all too happy to have the King creating new characters for them. Unfortunately, what he brought to the table in the pages of Captain Victory and the Galactic Rangers wasn't up to his normal standards. One such creation was Paranex, the Fighting Fetus - a member of the ravaging Wonder Warriors, this homicidal unborn infant menaced the Rangers for three whole issues. member of the Wonder Warriors, Paranex was so feared cos he was so all-powerful but… he hadn’t even been born yet!! Cripes!
This all happened in an epic tale spanning Captain Victory and His Galactic Rangers #7-10. In #10, Cap and his pals finally face off against Paranex, scared to death to “Think of all the laughs we’ll supply to future rangers!!”
Never a truer word was spoken, Jack…
Jack,were you out of your freakin mind?First,this thing cannot be classified as a fetus?Maybe,calling it the Fighting Big Baby-although shit like Trigon and is total,utter,utter crap.
HEEEEEERE'S JOHNNY! At this time, NBC's Tonight Show was hosted by Johnny Carson. If I have to tell you who Johnny Carson is, you are probably suffering from the same brain damage that prevented you from reading "Battle of the Baxter Building," the classic FF story mentioned previously. Around the time "Battle for A Three Dimensional World" came out, a local TV station in Los Angeles was running a 3D movie hosted by ELVIRA. As a promotion, they were selling 3D The show began, as usual, with Ed McMahon announcing, "HEEEEEEEEERE'S JOHNNY!" When Carson came out and put on the 3D glasses, the audience roared. The Ed told Johnny to read what was He did, and saw the credit on the right: COLLECTOR'S GLASSES DESIGNED BY JACK KIRBY "KING OF THE COMICS." Carson associated the term "comic" with "comedian." Johnny knew plenty about comedians, and he had never heard of any comedian named Jack KIrby. So Johnny said the following... |
I happened to be watching The Tonight Show on the night this happened. At first I was thrilled when Jack got mentioned, but then Johnny called him a con man. I loved Johnny and watched his show every night. I knew he was speaking out of ignorance, so I couldn't hate him. Besides, comics had been dumped on for decades by the whole world. All comic fans were used to that. What was one more swipe?
But according to Mark Evanier, Jack was watching that night, and Johnny's words upset him greatly. Kirby had his lawyer, Paul Levine, contact The Tonight Show, to demand a retraction, and threaten to sue them for libel. Evanier also spoke with Carson's producer, Freddie DeCordova, who suggested he write Johnny a letter. He said he'd get Johnny to read it on the air. Two weeks later, after Johnny returned from an extended vacation... |
I saw this show too. It was a wonderful moment for comic fans across America, with one exception: Kirby co-created Spider-Man? Sigh. They'll never get it right, I thought. Then Johnny went on to say that the situation had been explained to him in a letter from Mark Evanier, and noted that Jack Kirby had recently been honored at the recent American Booksellers Convention, held in nearby Anaheim, California. According to Evanier, Carson also sent Jack Kirby the most sincere form of apology imaginable -- a check for a considerable sum. But,sorry-Johnny Carson's first assumption-can be considered true-in that Kirby often made outragious claims,one might It was a happy ending, but Jack never really got over the incident. It wouldn't have happened to the boisterous, highly-visible STAN LEE! "If you don't fill in the word balloons," Kirby once said, "They don't give you credit for anything."but then Johnny called him a con man might infact have some truth to it. |
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