Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Top 5 Worst Alternate Reality Stories In Comics

Top 5 Worst Alternate Reality Stories In Comics

Comics have their established and normal continuity, but that's not enough for many writers. So, "multiverses" for every superhero universe were created. This resulted in writers being able to create all kinds of cool stuff,where things don't happen exactly as they do in their standard,continuity. DC Comics,used to call them Imaginary Stories in the 1950's and 1960's.Later on in the 1990's,they were rebudded Elsewhere Stories and were pretty much the same thing,since unlike the more stupid comic fans think,all comics are imaginary,like Alan Moore once said.Still,you find an occational blog,where someone refers to the Standard fictionl realities of Marvel Comics,DC Comics,Star Trek and Star Wars are the real world or our world.One wonders,where these kind of fans live.In a constant state of confusion,as to what is real nd what is fiction.These were not cool.
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  • DC's Elseworlds
    DC's Elseworlds
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    Just The Facts

    1. I love alternate dimensional storytelling.
    2. Some good ones are: The Dark Knight Returns, All Star Superman, Kingdom Come, Exiles, and Age of Apocalypse

    #5-Marvel MangaVerse

    Even though, I'm more of an American comics kinda guy, there are some manga that I genuinely enjoy like Astro Boy, Pluto, and a few others. But one thing that annoys the hell outta me is when white people draw in the anime style and it's advertised as manga. It's not, it can't be unless it's Japanese. That's just common sense.
    Anyway, for some reason the trend of making "AmeriManga" was quite popular in the early 2000's, and Marvel decided to jump on the bandwagon with Marvel MangaVerse:
    Let's just put it this way: Spider-Man is a ninja, the X Men are wizards, the Fantastic 4 don't have powers, the Avengers are the power rangers, Hulk is Godzilla, Punisher is a dominatrix, half the characters die per issue, and Iron Man is a girl.
    Why?! Why make every character look like the artist has seen one picture of a manga character in his life?! Why have random characters fall in love randomly? WHY EVEN MAKE THIS!?!? Marvel MangaVerse made me drop the company altogether for YEARS. I still haven't completely forgiven them (though Iron Man 2 did help).

    #4-Heroes Reborn-fans return zero

    If there's one thing you should know about comics, it's that the 90's were the Dark Ages. Not only because most of the comics published in the decade sucked, but because 99% of them tried to be "dark" and "edgy," resulting in horrific images such as the following:
    stay puft?
    That's the work of the infamous Robert Liefeld, creator of Deadpool (only his look, nothing else), and Cable (again, only his look) among others. One day, Rob and some other people who considered human anatomy a myth decided do "rework" Marvel heroes, presumably to make them more "extreme.".Rob proves,its not talent or even so called professionalism,that gets you work in the comic business,nor notice by foolish editors like Bob Harris,just allot of asskissing.
    And lo, Heroes Reborn was, well, born:
    The point being, the stories, art, and sense of human beings in the comics industry during heroes reborn just plummeted down to neanderthal levels. I don't even wanna talk about this anymore, next topic.

    #3-The Dark Knight Strikes Again and should stayed retired

    Frank Miller created Sin City and 300, revolutionized DareDevil, and brought us the Spirit movie. Yay. What I'm trying to say here is that for whatever reason, Frank's mind has been falling into madness for some time now. But before that happened, Miller created The Dark Knight Returns:
    Hell Yeah
    This comic is not only the best Batman story of the 80's, but it's one of the best ever. It just rocks. In 2003, Frank Miller excited the world with a sequel: The Dark Knight Strikes Again.
    Bat Power!!
    What came out of this was a collection of a story that made NO sense, art that looked like Miller was drawing with his ass, and a feeling of pure nausea. It was definitely a sign of things to come:

    #2-All Star Batman and Robin

    The All Star universe was created so that writers could write stories with DC characters that changed some important part of their history. For example, in the brilliant All Star Superman, Superman finds himself with one year to live.
    But before All Star Superman, the All Star imprint released it's first title: All Star Batman and Robin.
    This series, while beautifully drawn by Jim Lee, was written by, who else, Frank Miller. And while the book has an incredible amount of stupid events, it's most famous for this:
    Yes, BATMAN just said that. Batman, who has gone out of his way to save a CAT in other work, and values the lives of others beyond all things. THAT Batman. All Star Batman and Robin also proved that Frank Miller can't write female characters who are NOT whores since Sin City.
    Photographic evidence
    Overall, this title is just a stain on the name of Batman, and of comics as a whole.

    Kamandi'At Earth's End.#1-Superman: at Earth's End

    or Kamandi at nitwits end and Superman at nitwits ends
    Once upon a time, Jack Kirby, co creator of Captain America, the Fantastic Four, the Hulk, and many others created:
    Kamandi was a tale similar to Planet of the Apes, where humans were hunted and enslaved by anthropomorphic animals in a post-apocalyptic world. But for Tom Veitch, that just wasn't enough.He desided as often,with Star Wars,to put his bad stamp on his own version,Kamandi at Earth's End.Kamandi: At Earth's End was a six-issue limited series published from June until November of 1993 under DC's Elseworlds imprint. Taking place in a far-flung future separate from that of the mainstream DC universe (as well as Kamandi's canonical reality), the title featured an aging Kamandi teaming up with the Man of Steel – Superman.Story involves along of terrible ideas thrown into the mix.a real stupid Jeff Speculi Kamandi,working round in a fully dressed outfit-maybe the only good thing about this version.Borgafied Ben Boxer,Steve and Renzi.Maybe,the book,should have titled Kamandi,at Witts End.


    The Elseworlds miniseries Kamandi: At Earth's End was issued in 1993, but had little relation to the Kirby comic except by name. This series was followed up by Superman: At Earth's End, both were written by Tom Veitch.This is one of those times when two references from movies come to mind.One the scence in Fast Times at Ridgemont High,when Jeff Speculli,shows up in class with a pizza.Kamandi was like this here,but only more stupid than the Shawn Penn character.Second,Jeff Goldblums character,in Jurassic Park misquotted here.''While they were saying could we,maybe they should have been asking should we.Then all the bad writting and drawing proceeds that
    Did Veitch even know anything about Kamandi? .I find it hilarious that Kamandi's outfit looks a lot like Longshot from the X-men.But the outfit,I can live with,since nobody outside of asshole Tarzan or Conan rip-offs,where go around half named,with shirts and coats available for protection.But gets me is bad comic artist,expecilly in the 1990's aping those totally stupid,makes no sense whatsoever,I have an obvious tiny penis giant weapons,complete with too many laser sights and vcr recorders. Kamandi on the cover looks like Longshot meets Cable on the cover.What made Kamndi cool is his homemade looking,Planet of the Apes rifles and pistols.Jack Kirby,althought overstated by fans and pros as the King of Comics,even their work far better,did know how to his stuff look unique and fun.Ok,sometimes,he over did gadgets and ships,putting toasters and antenna looking things,that made look stupid,but he with Kamandi create some funny looking,but workable hand weapons.And Veitch and company didn't improve things,with their garbage Rob Liefeld guns.

    I don't know about everyone else here, but I'm only seeing him as a lucky bastard with a spoiled life who's just acting melodramatic most of the time. And for some odd reason, various characters around him seem to be feeding into this kind of behavior.

     The story no one demanded continues!
    "You know what would be great? If we took the creation of a deceased and beloved artist and gave him a leather jacket and huge guns!"
    For some reason only explainable by the theory that they were on meth, the DC editorial department decided to let Tom Veitch do a sequel:
    Where do I start....?Superman,with the fucking,over compensating for a tiny dick gattling,Rob Liefeld clusterfuck fnboy gun.Even if Superman needed weapons,why the fuck would anyone carry this shitmess.Sometimes,I wish artist,would lose their thumbs,in a cutting accident and crazied nut on  clock tower,would go around targetting asshole comic editors.
    First of all, Superman is apparently now SuperSanta with a Superman shirt. Kal El,in his old age,desided to forget the clean look and go bum style.Sure,it's an omadge to old Superman comics,where he is trapped in the future,but here it is an omadge to Tom Veitch and Frank Gomez being an asshole.Second of all, Superman uses a gun. A gatling gun. Called the expunger. That he found in the BatCave.
    Third of all, he gets people to agree with him by doing this:
    Now do you agree that Empire Strikes Back is the best Star Wars movie?!
    Finally, the whole point of this comic is that Superman wants to prevent the creation of an army of evil Batman clones created by twin clones of Hitler. Sigh. How do mess up Superman fighting clones of Hitler in the future?? I don't know, and I don't care, because Superman: At Earth's End is the last place I wanna think about.

    Read more:http://www.cracked.com/funny-5082-top-5-worst-alternate-reality-stories-in-comics/#ixzz2XDqTjViG

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